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Beaufort County

Sale Scheduled for April 29, 2025:



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Beaufort County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF BEAUFORT vs. RALPH WALLACE HODGES, JR. A/K/A WALLACE HODGES, ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF PATSY CUTHRELL HODGES, RALPH WALLACE HODGES, JR A/K.A WALLACE HODGES and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF RALPH WALLACE HODGES, JR. A/K/A WALLACE HODGES spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 13CVD000048-060, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Beaufort County, North Carolina, Washington, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Belhaven, Beaufort County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows:  BEGINNING at an iron pipe located on the western sideline of Riverview Street at the southeastern corner of that property now or formerly owned by Silas L. and Virginia Bradley as the same is described in Deed Book 664, Page 343, and from said beginning point, so located; thence South 23 degrees 25' 22" West 50.05 feet to an iron pipe, a corner, being the northeastern corner of that tract of land now or formerly owned by Harry Leigh Wahab as the same is shown in Deed Book 367, Page 453, of the Beaufort County Registry; thence North 66 degrees 08' 39" West 155.40 feet to an iron pipe, located in the line of that property now or formerly owned by Mildred O. Brannon as the same is shown in Deed Book 851, Page 182, of the Beaufort County Registry, a corner; thence north along the Brannon line North 23 degrees 55' 09" East 50.04 feet to an iron pipe, a corner; thence South 66 degrees 08' 44" East 154.97 feet to the point and place of beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   This conveyance is made subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.
   Parcel Identification Number: 10-027092
   REID Number: 28931    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Beaufort County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.
   This sale is subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.



Sale Scheduled for March 18, 2025:



Highest Bid: $53,987.91; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/28/2025 @ 5:00PM


    On the Respess Road, Beginning at Richard Miles SW corner in the Sawyer line; then runs N 1.25 chains to the George Credle line; thence Southwardly with the George Credle line to the back line; thence West to the formerly Miller now Sawyer line; thence Northwardly to the beginning, containing FOUR ACRES more or less.
   Less and except so much as conveyed to Henderson Hooten in Deed Book 695, Page 225, Beaufort County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements and rights-of-way of record.
   REID Number: 23756    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Beaufort County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Sale Scheduled for March 3, 2025:





Highest Bid: $1,792.38; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Beaufort County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF BEAUFORT vs. R. GUY MAYO A/K/A REUBIN GUY MAYO and spouse, JEANETTE B. MAYO and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF R. GUY MAYO A/K/A REUBIN GUY MAYO and spouse, JEANETTE B. MAYO or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20CVD000739-060, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 3rd day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Beaufort County, North Carolina, Washington, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Chocowinity Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 7 as shown on the Plat of Survey for Long Farm Subdivision recorded in Plat Cabinet E, Slide 69-5, Beaufort County Registry.
   Less and except all that property conveyed to R. Guy Mayo as described in the deed recorded in Deed Book 1184, page 875, and all that property conveyed to Susan P. Asby as described in the deed recorded in Deed Book 1312, page 418, Beaufort County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 15-011687
   REID Number: 13392    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Beaufort County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $5,916.03; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Beaufort County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF BEAUFORT vs. CARLTON D. ROME and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF CARLTON D. ROME and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, CARLIS J. ROME A/K/A CARLOS ROME and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF CARLIS J. ROME A/K/A CARLOS ROME and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21CVD000641-060, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 3rd day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Beaufort County, North Carolina, Washington, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Pantego Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING on Pantego Swamp Road at Nathan Riddick's corner, thence, running with said Pantego Swamp Road a Southwardly course to George Gaylord's back ditch 504 feet; thence down said Gaylord's back ditch an Eastwardly course to Nathan Riddick's line 240 feet to the beginning; containing one acre more or less.
   Less and except all that lies within the right-of-way of Water Road.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 29982    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Beaufort County Register of Deeds.  

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.






Cabarrus County


Sales Scheduled for November 14, 2024:



Highest Bid: $18,232.58; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CABARRUS vs. JAMISON STEVEN SIMPSON A/K/A JAMIE SIMPSON and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of JAMISON STEVEN SIMPSON A/K/A JAMIE SIMPSON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 1420, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 14th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Concord, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Number Four Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Number Four Township, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
Being Lots Nos. 53, 54, and 55 in Block 6 as shown on the Map of Dixie Park, as shown on Plat Book 8, Page 29, Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 04083 0041.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $209,868.75; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CABARRUS vs. DORETHA MCCOY CHAMBERS and DORETHA MCCOY CHAMBERS’ spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of DORETHA MCCOY CHAMBERS and DORETHA MCCOY CHAMBERS' spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 547, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 14th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Concord, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Number Two (2) Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Concord, Number Two (2) Township, Cabarrus County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   Being all of Lot Number Forty Five (45) of Wakefield Meadow Subdivision, as surveyed and platted, a copy of which plat is filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cabarrus County in Map Book 32, Page 73, to which map book and page reference is hereby made for a complete description thereof by metes and bounds.
   This conveyance is made and accepted subject to Protective Covenants dates July 9, 1998 and recorded in Book 2231, Page 331, Cabarrus Registry; and also, subject to building setback lines as shown on the recorded plat.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 02028I0045.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $86,787.15; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CABARRUS vs. KANNAPOLIS JAYCEES, INC. and all possible assigns and successors of KANNAPOLIS JAYCEES, INC., or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 3068, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 14th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Concord, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Number 4 Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    First Tract: Lying in No. 4 Township and being a part of the lands conveyed by J.W. Cline to W.H. Whitley, adjoining the lands of John L. Sloop and Curtis Brown, and described as follows:
   BEGINNING at a stake in the line of John L. Sloop, (said stake being N. 13-00 W. 406.5 ft. from a railroad iron, a corner of John L. Sloop, C.A. Murph, and W.H. Whitley) and runs thence N. 13-00 W. 412.5 ft. with the line of John L. Sloop to a stone, corner of Sloop and Curtis Brown; thence N. 11-25 E. 232.5 ft. with the line of Curtis Brown to a stake a new corner; thence three new lines with W.H. Whitley as follows: (1) S. 40-30 E. 341.0 ft. to a stake; (2) S. 30-43 E. 265.0 ft. to a stake; and (3) S. 65-10 W. 333.4 ft. to the BEGINNING, containing 2.92 acres, more or less, together with a right-of-way as follows:
   Being a 40 ft. right-of-way, 20 ft. on each side of the center line which begins at a stake in the line of John L. Sloop (said beginning point being N. 13-00 W. 70.7 ft. from a railroad iron, corner of John L. Sloop, C.A. Murph, and W.H. Whitley) and runs thence N. 17-10 E. 322.2 ft.; thence N. 45-23 E. 228 ft.; thence N. 30-43 E. 200ft.

    Second Tract: Lying and being in No. 4 Township, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, and lying east of Kannapolis, North Carolina, off the Earnhardt Road adjoining the property of the Kannapolis Junior Chamber of Commerce and being a part of the 69.49 acre tract as shown on map of Ralph Freeman property as surveyed by S. Glenn Hawfield, Jr. dated May 29, 1959.
   BEGINNING at a stake in the line of John L. Sloop (said stake being N. 11-54 W. 404.7 ft. from a railroad iron, a corner of John L. Sloop and C.A. Murph), and runs thence N. 66-29 E. 336.8 ft. to an iron stake, an old corner; and thence a new line S. 43-33 W. 214.4 ft. to an iron stake, a new corner; thence a new line S. 19-45 W. 293.2 ft. to an iron stake in the line of John L. Sloop, a new corner; thence N. 11-54 W. 303 ft. to an iron stake in the line of John L. Sloop with the old corner of Kannapolis Junior Chamber of Commerce, the point of BEGINNING.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 04086 0023.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Highest Bid: $132,000.00; Pending Confirmation 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CABARRUS vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of WALTER WEAKS A/K/A WALTER WEEKS and spouse, if any, which may include THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of CORA WEAKS A/K/A CORA WEEKS and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of JACOB ROOSEVELT WEAKS A/K/A JACOB ROOSEVELT WEEKS and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, and DEVISEES of ANNIE BLACK and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, and DEVISEES of THEADORE BLACK and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 3070, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 14th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Concord, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in No. 4 Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    The following described real estate, situate, lying and being in the county of Cabarrus and State of North Carolina, bounded as follows:
   Being four Lots in that division of land in No. 4, Township Cabarrus County, known as "Cartersville", said lots being Nos. 11 [sic 1], 2, 22, and 23 in Block, "B", map of Cartersville, by Q.E. Smith filed in the office of Register of Deeds of Cabarrus County.
   Beginning at an iron stake, a corner of South East intersection of Lincoln Ave., and Douglas Streets and runs thence with South edge of Lincoln Ave. S. 89 ½ E. 50 feet to an iron stake, a corner of lot No. 3, thence with line of lots No. 3, and No. 24, S. 3/4 W. 350 feet to an iron stake, a corner of lot No. 24, in north edge of Washington Avenue; thence with north edge of said Ave. N. 8 1/4 [sic 89 1/4] W. 50 feet to an iron stake in the North east intersection of Washington Avenue and Douglas streets; thence with the East edge of Douglas Street N. 3/4 E. 350 feet to the beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record
   Parcel Identification Number: 04075 0132.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $10,750.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CABARRUS vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, AND DEVISEES OF EMILY M. MCCOY and spouse, if any, which may include JAMES BENJAMIN MCCOY, III and spouse, if any, and ANNE EVANS NUTTALL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 481, the undersigned Commissioner will on the  14th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Concord, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in No. 11 Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Lying and being in No. 11 Township, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, and being LOT NO. 31 in the Subdivision of ENGLISH WOODS, a map of which is recorded in Map Book 17, page 79, Cabarrus County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 11026B0031.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $25,908.75; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CABARRUS vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF EMILY M. MCCOY and spouse, if any, which may include JAMES BENJAMIN MCCOY, III and spouse, if any, and ANNE EVANS NUTTALL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 481, the undersigned Commissioner will on the  14th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Concord, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in No. 11 Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Lying and being in No. 11 Township, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, and being LOT NO. 29 in the Subdivision of ENGLISH WOODS, a map of which is recorded in Map Book 17, page 79, Cabarrus County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 11026B0029.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $20,250.44; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CABARRUS vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF EMILY M. MCCOY and spouse, if any, which may include JAMES BENJAMIN MCCOY, III and spouse, if any, and ANNE EVANS NUTTALL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 481, the undersigned Commissioner will on the  14th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Concord, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in No. 11 Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Lying and being in No. 11 Township, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, and being LOT NO. 41 in the Subdivision of ENGLISH WOODS, a map of which is recorded in Map Book 17, page 79, Cabarrus County Registry.        
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 11026B0041.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for July 18, 2024:



Highest Bid: $10,360.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CABARRUS vs. CURTIS RAY EUDY, II and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of CURTIS RAY EUDY, II and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 3870, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 18th day of July, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Concord, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Number Twelve (12) Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at a iron pipe corner of Perez and Wade and running with Wade, Corl, Fisher and Lipe South 38-50-45 East 252.34 feet to an iron in the line of Maners; thence with Maners and Eudy South 60-44-10 West 155.04 feet to a point corner of Hagee; thence with Hagee South 60-47-22 West 100.08 feet to a point corner of Porter; thence with Porter South 60-25-42 West 30.27 feet to a point; thence North 55-55-08 West 170.42 feet to an iron corner of Fortner; thence North 55-42-42 West 71.27 feet to an iron corner of Sherwood and Melton; thence with Melton North 58-28-37 East 32.40 feet to a point; thence North 29-27-35 West 26.00 feet to a point corner of Eudy; thence with Eudy, Bailey and Perez North 59-43-49 East 319.57 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 1.82 acres, more or less as surveyed by Piedmont Real Estate Services Inc., Blacksburg, South Carolina.
   Subject to a 50' AT&T Right of Way.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 12049 0038.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for April 4, 2024:



Highest Bid: $150,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CABARRUS vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, and DEVISEES of BOBBIE S. JOHNSON and spouse, if any, which may include MIMI BOYD and spouse, if any, STEPHANIE BATES and spouse, if any, TUMAR NICHOLS and spouse, if any, KENNETH JOHNSON and spouse, if any, TANYA WHITE and spouse, if any, DELAINE FOURNIER and spouse, if any, TIFFANY GRANT and spouse, if any, REGINA JOHNSON and spouse, if any, PAMELA JOHNSON and spouse, if any, CLAUDIE JOHNSON and spouse, if any, OMAR JOHNSON and spouse, if any, and SUNNY APRIL JOHNSON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 14 CvD 785, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Concord, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in No. 4 Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Kannapolis, No. 4 Township, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, lying on the south side of Knowles Street and being a part of the property known as "CORA ALLISON PROPERTY", and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron stake in the south edge of Knowles Street (said beginning corner being South 66-08 West 750 ft. from the southwest corner of the intersection of Knowles Street with Earnhardt Road); and runs thence three new lines as follows: 1st. South 23-52 East 148 feet to an iron stake; thence 2nd. South 69 West 100.0 feet to an iron stake; thence 3rd. North 23-52 West 142.8 feet to an iron stake in the south edge of Knowles Street; thence with the South edge of Knowles Street, North 66-08 East 100 feet to the beginning.    Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 04086 0038.30    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

       This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $50,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CABARRUS vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, and  DEVISEES of RALPH HARVEY REID and spouse, if any, which may include KENNETH L. REID and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, and DEVISEES of EARNESTINE REID KEMP and spouse, if any, which may include JEANNETTE L. WHITEHEAD A/K/A JEANNETTE K. PAYNE and spouse, if any, KIMBERLY E. KEMP and spouse, if any, ALLISON M. KEMP and spouse, if any, AVA L. COLE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, CHARLES CROSBY SPRINGS and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assigns of CHARLES CROSBY SPRINGS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 286, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Concord, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in No. 4 Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Concord, Four (4) Township, Cabarrus County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
   Lying and being in Ward 4 of the City of Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, in the Southwest intersection of South Georgia Street Avenue and Booker Street, and being Lot 63 of the subdivision of the A.F. Hartsell Estate as shown on plat filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cabarrus County, North Carolina, in Map Book 6, Page 68 specific reference being hereby made to said recorded plat for full and complete description thereof by metes and bounds.    
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 12037 0152.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.






Catawba County:

Sales Scheduled for January 8, 2025:



Highest Bid: $312,081.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 4/03/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Catawba County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CATAWBA vs. PINNACLE FURNITURE CO., INC. A/K/A PINNACLE FURNITURE COMPANY, INC. and any ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of PINNACLE FURNITURE CO., INC. A/K/A PINNACLE FURNITURE COMPANY, INC. or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 1429, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Catawba County, North Carolina, Newton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Newton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a concrete monument at the Southeast corner of the intersection of the 100.00 feet right of way for East 20th Street with the right of way of North Main Avenue and running with the Southern margin of the right of way of East 20th Street South 74  30' East 492.03 feet to an iron pin in the Southern Railroad main line; thence South 17  15' West 5.2 feet to an iron pin in Southern Railroad's main line; thence South 88  58' West crossing a sidetrack 20.3 feet to an iron pin; thence South 16 15' West 297.00 feet to an iron pin; thence South 25  06' 07" West 64.47 feet to an iron pin in the Northern margin of the right of way for East 19th Street; thence with the Northern margin of the right of way of East 19th Street North 75  18' 24" West 359.5 feet to an iron pin at the Northeast corner of the intersection of the right of way for East 19th Street with the right of way for North Main Avenue; thence with the Eastern margin of the right of way for North Main Avenue, North 6  44' 07" East 34.43 feet to an iron pin; thence North 4  15' 42" East 30.23 feet to an iron pin; thence 1  33' 02" East 35.70 feet to an iron pin; thence North 1 15' 46" West 56.3 feet to an iron pin; thence North 3 13' East 87.8 feet to an iron pin; thence North 1 59' West 145.27 feet to the beginning.
   Less and except all that lies within the right of way of North Main Street 87, East 19th Street, and the Southern Railroad.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   PARCEL ID# 27012     

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Catawba County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.​



Highest Bid: $50,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Catawba County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CATAWBA vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of CHRISTINE HUNTER and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of MILES WILLIAM CALDWELL and spouse, if any, which may include REGINA C. FOX and spouse, if any, LISA URENDA and spouse, if any, DENNESSE MITCHELL A/K/A DENESSEE MITCHELL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 1673, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of January, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Catawba County, North Carolina, Newton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Catawba County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
       BEING all of that 20,067 sq. ft. tract as shown on a plat entitled "Minor Subdivision Property of: M & B Land Development Company, Inc., Caldwell Township, Catawba County, North Carolina" prepared by Michael J. Marada, Registered Land Surveyor, dated August 12, 1999 and being recorded in Plat Book 48 at Page 160, Catawba County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   REID Number: 200826    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Catawba County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Highest Bid: $7,500.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Catawba County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CATAWBA vs. JULIE ANNE ROSE and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of JULIE ANNE ROSE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 647, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Catawba County, North Carolina, Newton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Bandys Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 4 of the Shirley B. Smith Estate, as shown on a plat of the same recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 190, Catawba County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   PARCEL ID# 69879    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Catawba County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Highest Bid: $85,517.40; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Catawba County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CATAWBA vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of THOMAS RUSSELL SIMS and spouse, if any, which may include MELEA GLENN LAIL and spouse, if any, MARINA LAIL KELLY and spouse, if any, MARISA LAIL SETZER and spouse, if any, MERRIE ANN LAIL BOLTIN and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of CORDIA SIMS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 2012, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Catawba County, North Carolina, Newton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Newton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at a cap and nail in the hardsurfaced road, known as the Old Island Ford Road, same being a corner of Howard Moose, thence running with the line of Howard Moose, North 32 deg. 15 min. East 192 feet to an iron on the East side of the road, same being the corner of Howard Moose, thence running a new line of Mervin McGee, North 4 deg. 38 min. East 320 feet to a nail and cap nearly in the center of said highway, same being a new corner; thence running a new line, South 75 deg. 53 min. West 548.5 feet to an iron stake in the old line, same being in the line of Dwight Sigmon; thence running with said Dwight Sigmon's line, South 6 deg. 30 min. West 239 feet to an iron in old road bed, in the line of Howard Moose; thence North 58 deg. 30 min. East 200 feet with Howard Moose's line to an iron at the edge of the old road bed; Howard Moose's corner; thence running with Howard Moose's line, South 50 deg. 30 min. East 338 feet to the point of beginning, containing 3.5 acres, more or less.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   PARCEL ID# 34827    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Catawba County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $26,775.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Catawba County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CATAWBA vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of SHEILA TUTHEROW and spouse, if any, and which may include DEBRA P. TUTHEROW and spouse, if any, LISA DARLENE WINEBARGER LAIL and spouse, if any, GARRETT AUSTIN TUTHEROW and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of GARRETT AUSTIN TUTHEROW and spouse, if any, MARY S. BLANTON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of MARY S. BLANTON or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 2457, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Catawba County, North Carolina, Newton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Clines Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron, located on the right of way line for SR 1484, County Home Road, a common corner with Robert D. Tutherow, Jr.; thence along said roadway right of way, N. 50Ëš 10' 00" W. 59.00 feet to an iron; N. 54Ëš 15' 00" W. 22.0 feet to an iron; N. 52Ëš 34' 44" W. 31.28 feet to an iron; and N. 56Ëš 29' 47" W. 41.0 feet to an iron; thence N. 56Ëš 54' 28" E. 107.41 feet to an iron; thence N. 27Ëš 36' 24" E. 31.80 feet to an iron; thence S. 82Ëš 53' 01" E. 60.27 feet to an iron on an old lot line; thence S. 48Ëš 13' 12" E. 73.95 feet to an iron, a common point with the Tutherow property; thence with the Tutherow line, S. 38Ëš 32' 27" W. 156.46 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.461 acres, more or less.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   PARCEL ID# 64938    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Catawba County Register of Deeds.  
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $23,044.62; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Catawba County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CATAWBA vs. ANNIE HAYES and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of ANNIE HAYES and spouse, if any, WANDA HARMON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of WANDA HARMON and spouse, if any, JOHNNY W. ROMINGER and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of JOHNNY W. ROMINGER and spouse, if any, DONNA K. VILLERS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of DONNA K. VILLERS and spouse, if any, PAUL K. STOUT and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of PAUL K. STOUT and spouse, if any, LINDA S. MILLER and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of LINDA S. MILLER and spouse, if any, HEATH ROMINGER and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of HEATH ROMINGER and spouse, if any, HEATHER ROMINGER SMITH and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of HEATHER ROMINGER SMITH and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of FRANKIE LYNN ROMINGER A/K/A FRANK ROMINGER and spouse, if any, which may include IONA ROMINGER and spouse, if any, EDWARD ROMINGER and spouse, if any, MISHA FOX and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 326, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Catawba County, North Carolina, Newton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Hickory Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    In the Town of Brookford- BEING Lot No. 92 of the subdivision of the property of A.D. Juilliard & Co., Inc. (Brookford Mills Division) owner, according to the survey and plat of the same made by Jones & Miller Engineering Company, Registered Surveyors, July-August-September, 1953, which plat is recorded in Book of Plats 7, Page 84 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba County, Newton, North Carolina, reference to which is made for a more definite description thereof. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   PARCEL ID# 65757    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Catawba County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for October 8, 2024:



Highest Bid: $73,867.50: Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Catawba County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CATAWBA vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of RUBY S. WOOD and spouse, if any, which may include, CAROLYN SETZER and spouse, if any, ANNETTE BYRD A/K/A ANGIE BRYD and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 33, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of October, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Catawba County, North Carolina, Newton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in  Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    A certain tract, lot, or parcel of land in Catawba County, State of North Carolina, bounded as follows, viz:
   BEGINNING at an iron stake in the western margin of 2nd Street, SE (formerly 9th Street) in the City of Hickory, N C, George L Loggins' southeast corner, said beginning corner being located North 4 deg 48' East 106.00 feet from an iron stake, the northwest point of intersection of 5th Avenue, SE (formerly 4th Avenue) and 2nd Street, SE, (formerly 9th Street), and runs thence with George L Loggins' southern line and continuing with R A Sigmon's new line North 87 deg 34' West 126.28 feet to an iron stake, R A Sigmon's new corner; thence with R A Sigmon's new line South 3 deg 54' East 53.0 feet to an iron stake, R A Sigmon's new corner; thence again with R A Sigmon's new line South 87 deg 26' East 118.25 feet to an iron stake, R A Sigmon's new corner in the western margin of 2nd Street, SE (formerly 9th Street); thence with the western margin of 2nd Street, SE (formerly 9th Street) North 4 deg 48' East 53.00 feet to the point of Beginning.
   And also being the Southeast portion of Lot #1, Block A, said Lot #1 and Block A being shown on a plat of the R A Sigmon property as recorded in Book of Plats #6, at Page 11, Catawba County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   REID Number: 25179    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Catawba County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $82,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Catawba County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CATAWBA vs. HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of JEFFREY JERRY A/K/A JEFFERY JERRY spouse, if any, which may include ROMAYO JERRY and spouse, if any, RONALD JERRY and spouse, if any, ELEANOR JERRY-WARE and spouse, if any, CASSANDRA JERRY REED A/K/A CASSANDRA D. JERRY and spouse, if any, and the HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of JULIETTE JERRY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 2011, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of October, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Catawba County, North Carolina, Newton, North Carolina at 12:00  o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Hickory Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Tract 1: Being Lot No. 26 according to the plat of the Dr P M Smith property made by E M Yoder, Surveyor, September 17th, 1946, recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 99, Catawba County Registry.
   Tract 2: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the Northern margin of 1st Avenue Place, Southeast in Brooks Giles Southeast corner and runs thence with Brooks Giles line, North 4 deg. 00' East to an iron stake located 105 feet from 1st Avenue, Southeast; thence a new line South 86 deg. 30' East, 12.5 feet to an iron stake, a new corner; thence a new line, South 4 deg. 00' West, 95 feet to an iron stake in the northern margin of 1st Avenue Place, Southeast; thence with the northern margin of 1st Avenue Place, Southeast, North 86 deg. 30' West, 12.5 feet to the point of Beginning. Being a portion of Lot No. 25 of recorded plat in Book 6 at Page 99 of the Catawba County Register of Deeds.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   REID Number: 23839    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Catawba County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.





Sales Scheduled for May 14, 2024:




To Be Resold on a Later Date

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Catawba County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CATAWBA vs. KENNETH W. UNDERWOOD and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of KENNETH W. UNDERWOOD and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, ARVIN WAYNE HAMRICK A/K/A A. WAYNE HAMRICK A/K/A WAYNE HAMRICK and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of ARVIN WAYNE HAMRICK A/K/A A. WAYNE HAMRICK A/K/A WAYNE HAMRICK and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, DONNA AUSTELL A/K/A DONNA GRAHAM and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of DONNA AUSTELL A/K/A DONNA GRAHAM and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 3081, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 14th day of May, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Catawba County, North Carolina, Newton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Newton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING Lots Nos. 34, 35, 36, and 37, inclusive, Block B, of Laurel Hill Acres, as shown on plat of same by G. Sam Rowe, C.E., dated January 28, 1957, and recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 27, in the Catawba County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   REID Number: 32101    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Catawba County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



To Be Resold on a Later Date

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Catawba County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CATAWBA vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of FANNIE KIRK DUGGAR and spouse, if any, which may include JEANIE TAPLEY A/K/A JEAN TAPLEY A/K/A LESLIE TAPLEY and spouse, if any, SUSIE FISHER A/K/A OPHELIA S. FISHER and spouse, if any, JULIE MORRIS and spouse, if any, JOE TEAGUE A/K/A JOSEF THEODORE TEAGUE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 1153, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 14th day of May, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Catawba County, North Carolina, Newton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Catawba County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   REID Number: 13181    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Catawba County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $25,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Catawba County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CATAWBA vs. JEANIE S. LORIA and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of JEANIE S. LORIA and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, JAMIE S. BURNS and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of JAMIE S. BURNS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, RANDY SMITH and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of RANDY SMITH and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, SHERRY S. WARLICK and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of SHERRY S. WARLICK and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of JACKIE S. VINAY and spouse, if any, which may include MICHAEL VINAY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 2604, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 14th day of May, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Catawba County, North Carolina, Newton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Clines Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot No. 6 Block “D”, Springhaven Subdivision Section 4, according to a plat of the same recorded in Plat Book 17 at Page 22 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba County, North Carolina. 
   Subject to a ten foot drainage easement which runs across certain of the lots in said subdivision as shown on Plat hereinabove referred to. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   REID Number: 52882    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Catawba County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.





Chatham County:


Sales Scheduled for February 26, 2025:



Highest Bid: $23,138.39; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Chatham County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CHATHAM vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF WILLIE SYLVESTER FOX A/K/A WILLIE SYLVESTER FOXX and spouse, if any, which may include THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF VEATRICE M. FOX A/K/A VEATRICE M. FOXX and spouse, if any, CARL L. FOXX A/K/A CARL L. FOX  and spouse, if any, GWENDOLYN F. HANNER and spouse, if any, DOROTHY CLEMONS A/K/A DOROTHY SHAMBURGER and spouse, if any, HATTIE LUCILLE HANNER and spouse, if any, MARY ANN WILLIAMS and spouse, if any, PAULINE HALL and spouse, if any, TONYA DAVIS and spouse, if any, THURMAN DAVIS, JR. and spouse, if any, WYTINA C. FOXX and spouse, if any, ARDEECE R. FOXX and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF MATTIE MILLER and spouse, if any, which may include BARBARA MARSH and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF BETTIE LUCILLE FOUST MCQUEEN A/K/A LUCILLE FOUST MCQUEEN and spouse, if any, which may include TONIA CHEEK and spouse, if any, TAMAKIA HARRIS and spouse, if any, AMBER GOINS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, AND DEVISEES OF RALPH FOXX A/K/A RALPH FOX and spouse, if any, which may include CYNTHIA STALEY and spouse, if any, MILLICENT FOXX A/K/A MILLICENT FOX and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, JOE FOX, JR. A/K/A JOE FOXX, JR. and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of JOE FOX, JR. A/K/A JOE FOXX, JR. and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, DOUGLAS FOX A/K/A DOUGLAS FOXX A/K/A TONY DOUGLAS FOX A/K/A TONY DOUGLAS FOXX and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of DOUGLAS FOX A/K/A DOUGLAS FOXX A/K/A TONY DOUGLAS FOX A/K/A TONY DOUGLAS FOXX and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, MICHAEL FOX A/K/A MICHAEL FOXX and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of MICHAEL FOX A/K/A MICHAEL FOXX, and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 08 CvD 554, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 26th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Chatham County, North Carolina, Pittsboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Bear Creek Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain tract or parcel of land in Bear Creek Township, Chatham County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   Beginning at an iron stake in the Northern margin of the hard surfaced Public Road leading from Bonlee West to Bennett, James F. Gilbert new corner; and running thence South 88 degrees West 10 poles to a stake in the Northern margin of said road; thence North 13 degrees East 37 1/2 poles to a stake; thence South 2 degrees East 36 poles to the point of beginning, and containing 1 acre, more or less.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 0004297    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Chatham County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $21,500.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/20/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Chatham County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CHATHAM vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF MARY EFFIE BRAFFORD SMITH A/K/A EFFIE B. SMITH and spouse, if any, which may include LYNDA MOORE and spouse, if any, ROSE HART and spouse, if any, JAMES WESLEY SMITH and spouse, if any, BOBBY LYNN SMITH and spouse, if any, CHRISTY ATKINSON, as ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIE WAYNE SMITH and CHRISTY ATKINSON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 783, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 26th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Chatham County, North Carolina, Pittsboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Gulf Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain tract or parcel of land in the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina, in Gulf Township, adjoining the lands of John James Brafford and others, and bounded as follows:
   Beginning at an iron stake in Dewey Hilliard's line and being John James Brafford's new Northwest corner and running thence with Dewey Hilliard's line North 81 degrees 30 minutes West 174.10 feet to an iron stake in Dewey Hilliard's line and being John James Brafford's new corner; thence with John James Brafford's new line South 23 degrees 30 minutes West 126 feet to an iron stake; continuing with Brafford's new line South 57 degrees East 56 feet to an iron stake; thence continuing with Brafford's new line South 23 degrees West 169.7 feet to an iron stake located about 50 feet from the Northeast corner of John James Brafford's house; thence with John James Brafford's new line North 83 degrees 30 minutes East 273.10 feet to an iron stake in Brafford's new line; thence with Brafford's new line, North 7 degrees 15 minutes West 247.5 feet to an iron stake and the point of beginning; containing .80 acres, more or less.
   Subject to a right-of-way to North Carolina State Highway Commission.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 0009301    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
   This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Chatham County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.






Chowan County:


Sales Scheduled for March 5, 2025:



Highest Bid: $8,500.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 03/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Chowan County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CHOWAN vs. BEVERLY ANN MILLER and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of BEVERLY ANN MILLER and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, GRAHAM W. RENFROW, JR. and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of GRAHAM W. RENFROW, JR. and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, EVA ELIZABETH RENFROW LUTTON and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of EVA ELIZABETH RENFROW LUTTON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19CVD000123-200, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Chowan County, North Carolina, Edenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Fourth Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain parcel of land situated in Fourth Township, Chowan County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   Lot Number 34, Block 316, Cape Colony, "Surfside Section 3" according to the plat of Charles H. Wood, Jr., dated January 16, 1967, and recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 18, Chowan County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Subject to a 365 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26              U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.
   Parcel Identification Number: 781315542898    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for the 1% Land Transfer Tax, recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Chowan County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to a 365 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Highest Bid: $1,979.15; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Chowan County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CHOWAN vs. CHALET PROPERTIES III, LLC, and any ASSIGNS OR SUCCESSORS OF CHALET PROPERTIES III, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24CV001169-200, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Chowan County, North Carolina, Edenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of Lot 77 in Block 311 of Cape Colony Surfside Section 3 according to plat of Charles H. Wood, Jr., dated August 30, 1965, and recorded in Plat Book 5, page 18, of the Chowan County Public Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 781311651364    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for the 1% Land Transfer Tax, recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Chowan County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $1,811.39; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Chowan County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CHOWAN vs. CHALET PROPERTIES III, LLC, and any ASSIGNS OR SUCCESSORS OF CHALET PROPERTIES III, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24CV001169-200, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Chowan County, North Carolina, Edenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of Lot 73 in Block 311 of Cape Colony Surfside Section 3 according to plat of Charles H. Wood, Jr., dated August 30, 1965, and recorded in Plat Book 5, page 18, of the Chowan County Public Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 781311650406    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for the 1% Land Transfer Tax, recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Chowan County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $1,869.28; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Chowan County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CHOWAN vs. CHALET PROPERTIES III, LLC, and any ASSIGNS OR SUCCESSORS OF CHALET PROPERTIES III, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24CV001169-200, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Chowan County, North Carolina, Edenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of Lot 72 in Block 311 of Cape Colony Surfside Section 3 according to plat of Charles H. Wood, Jr., dated August 30, 1965, and recorded in Plat book 5, page 18, of the Chowan County Public Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 781311559469    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for the 1% Land Transfer Tax, recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Chowan County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.​​




Columbia, Town of:


Sorry, there are no sales scheduled at this time.



Craven County:


Sale Scheduled for December 18, 2024:




Highest Bid: $15,004.71; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Craven County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CRAVEN vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of SYLVESTER G. MIDGETT which may include LILLIE M. WEST and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of HELEN M. FONVILLE and spouse, if any, which may include KENDRA FONVILLE A/K/A KENDRA EVANS and spouse, if any, ELEANOR M. MACK and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of WINIFRED G. MIDGETTE and spouse, if any, which may include CARLTON MIDGETTE and spouse, if any, CLAUDIA A. CONWAY and spouse, if any, KEVIN LEE MIDGETTE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 06 CvD 1557, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 18th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Craven County, North Carolina, New Bern, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being situate in the City of New Bern, County and State aforesaid known and designated as Lot No. 5 and Lot No. 6 on a plat of Jackson Terrace Subdivision made by Albert R. Bell, Engineer, July 1947,  and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Craven County, Plat Book 3 and Page 7.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record
   Parcel Identification Number: 8 020 082    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Craven County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Sale Scheduled for October 23, 2024:



Highest Bid: $11,490.43; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Craven County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF CRAVEN vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of HENRIETTA SMALL BURNEY and spouse, if any, which may include GREGORY L. BURNEY and spouse, if any, CONSTANCE D. BURNEY and spouse, if any, MONICA A. BURNEY and spouse, if any, ANTHONY HYMAN and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, and DEVISEES of ALBERT C. BURNEY and spouse, if any, ALIM M. SPRUILL and spouse, if any, RENETTE E. SPRUILL and spouse, if any, TYRONE E. SPRUILL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 06 CvD 1634, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 23rd day of October, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Craven County, North Carolina, New Bern, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situate in the City of New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina, and on the East side of Chapman Street, and being Lot Numbered 265, plot of which is registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, fronting 52 feet on Chapman Street and extending back in an Easterly direction 153 feet, and being one of the lots conveyed by Derry Eborn and others, to Nellie Jones by deed dated the 3rd day of April, 1925, and registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, in Book 270, Page 8.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 8 007 018

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Craven County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.





Dare County:


Sorry, there are no sales scheduled at this time.





Dobbins Heights, Town of:​



Sales Scheduled for February 21, 2025:




Highest Bid: $5,008.81; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND & TOWN OF DOBBINS HEIGHTS vs. DELOURES J. OWENS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF DELOURES J. OWENS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 12, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Marks Creek Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    SECOND TRACT: Being lots 65 and 66 of the Longwood Park Subdivision according to a Map in Plat Book 1, Page 87, Richmond County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7491-05-2841-67    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $2,801.69; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled TOWN OF DOBBINS HEIGHTS vs. TERESA JENKINS BENNETT A/K/A THERESA JENKINS BENNETT and TERESA JENKINS BENNETT A/K/A THERESA JENKINS BENNETT'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF TERESA JENKINS BENNETT A/K/A THERESA JENKINS BENNETT and TERESA JENKINS BENNETT A/K/A THERESA JENKINS BENNETT'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24 CvD 165, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property Marks Creek Township, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Lot No. 20 in Block D of Sunset Park according to survey and plat of the same as made by A. L. McNeill, County Surveyor, in March 1945, of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond County in Plat Book 4 at page 111, reference to which is had for a detailed description of the same. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 749218326435    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.    

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Farmville, Town of:

Sorry, there are no sales scheduled at this time.





Forsyth County In-Rems:

Please note that upset bids will not be accepted by the Forsyth County Clerk's office after 4:30 p.m. due to the length of time needed to process the paperwork.


Sales Scheduled for August 14, 2024:


Highest Bid: $10,000.00; Pending Confirmation

By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Clerk of Superior Court of Forsyth County in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH, Plaintiff, vs. The HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of PEARL CLINKSCALES LEE et, al., Defendants, I will, on August 14, 2024, at 12:00 PM, at the Forsyth County courthouse door, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, sell the real property described below to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the execution on that real property.
The execution was issued pursuant to a judgment entered on December 29, 2023 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Forsyth County.
All that certain lot or parcel of land in Forsyth County, North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows:
All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Forsyth County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:
Being known and designated as Lot No. 28 on the Map of Fairview Heights, Andrews Addition, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County in Book 97, Page 592.
Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.

Parcel Number: 6836-74-4516.000
The sale will be made subject to all outstanding taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above-described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.
The highest bidder at public sale shall be required to pay IN FULL the amount of the successful bid at the conclusion of the execution sale (subject to the confirmation of the sale as by law provided). The successful bid amount shall be paid in cash or certified funds (payable to the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Department). The Sheriff’s office may, in its discretion, determine and allow a reasonable time within which to deliver the successful bid amount to that office. The successful bidder shall also be responsible for the payment of any excise/transfer taxes due to the Register of Deeds office, and all recording fees at the appropriate time.
In accordance with G.S. 105-375(i), this Notice of Sale has been sent to the taxpayer and any lienholder(s) of record by first-class and certified mail, return receipt requested, and has been posted on the property. The Notice of Sale will be published as required by G.S. 1-339.52.



Sales Scheduled for July 31, 2024:


Highest Bid: $9,000.00; Pending Confirmation

By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Clerk of Superior Court of Forsyth County in the action entitled  COUNTY OF FORSYTH, Plaintiff, vs. The HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of FLAY B. WILKES et, al., Defendants, I will, on July 31, 2024, at 12:00 PM, at the Forsyth County courthouse door, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, sell the real property described below to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the execution on that real property.
The execution was issued pursuant to a judgment entered on July 28, 2023 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Forsyth County.
All that certain lot or parcel of land in Forsyth County, North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows:
All that certain tract or parcel of land in the County of Forsyth and State of North Carolina, in Middle Fork Township, and bounded as follows:
Being all of Lot No. 49, as shown on the Plat of the W. H. Cox property designated as the Dower Tract and which is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Forsyth County in Plat Book No. 10 at page 79.
Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.

Parcel Number: 6838-60-3995.000
The sale will be made subject to all outstanding taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above-described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.
The highest bidder at public sale shall be required to pay IN FULL the amount of the successful bid at the conclusion of the execution sale (subject to the confirmation of the sale as by law provided). The successful bid amount shall be paid in cash or certified funds (payable to the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Department). The Sheriff’s office may, in its discretion, determine and allow a reasonable time within which to deliver the successful bid amount to that office. The successful bidder shall also be responsible for the payment of any excise/transfer taxes due to the Register of Deeds office, and all recording fees at the appropriate time.
In accordance with G.S. 105-375(i), this Notice of Sale has been sent to the taxpayer and any lienholder(s) of record by first-class and certified mail, return receipt requested, and has been posted on the property. The Notice of Sale will be published as required by G.S. 1-339.52.




Forsyth County:

Please note that upset bids will not be accepted by the Forsyth County Clerk's office after 4:30 p.m. due to the length of time needed to process the paperwork.


Sales Scheduled for April 4, 2025:




Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. M & G CAPITAL, LLC F/K/A M & G INVESTMENTS and all possible ASSIGNS OR SUCCESSORS OF M & G CAPITAL, LLC F/K/A M & G INVESTMENTS, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 1434, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being known and designated as Lots No. 49 and 50 as shown on the map of Dellabrook Development recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 108, Forsyth County Registry, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description.
   SAVE AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a point (A) the northeasterly corner of Lot 48, Block 1119, said point being in the southerly right-of-way line of 14th Street; thence along said right-of-way line South 89 deg. 10 min. 45 sec. East 50.22 feet to a point (B), the northwesterly corner of Lot 51, Block 1119; thence along the westerly line of said lot, South 03 deg. 09 min. 29 sec. West 15.68 feet to a point (C), a new corner; thence crossing the Grantor the following two new lines which from the new southerly right-of-way line of 14th Street: (1) 20.46 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, subtended by a chord of North 87 deg. 47 min. 52 sec. West 20.46 feet, and having a radius of 460.00 feet, to a point (D) a new corner; (2) North 89 deg. 04 min. 21 sec. West 29.57 feet to a point (E), a new corner in the easterly line of aforesaid Lot 48; thence along said line, North 03 deg. 09 min. 29 sec. East 15.13 feet to the beginning. Containing 764.37 square feet. Being a portion of Lots 49 and 50 of tax block 1119.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6836-92-9123.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. SHERMAN MCLENDON and spouse, HATTIE B. MCLENDON, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF SHERMAN MCLENDON and spouse, HATTIE B. MCLENDON, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 1772, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being known and designated as Lot Nos. 355, 356, and 357, as shown on the map of Longview Development No. 2 as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 39A in the office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, to which map reference is hereby made for a more definite and particular description (being a tract 75 feet by 125 feet, more or less, located at the northwest corner of Belleauwood Street and Argonne Boulevard).
   Together with and subject to the easement recorded in Deed Book 2833, Page 1651, Forsyth County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6844-18-8080.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. ANNE JACOBS MCLEMORE A/K/A ANNIE J. MCLEMORE and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF ANNE JACOBS MCLEMORE A/K/A ANNIE J. MCLEMORE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 3510, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Bethania Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6819-25-5586.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. DEER PATH RECREATIONAL CLUB, INC. A/K/A DEER PATH RECREATION CLUB, INC., and all possible ASSIGNS OR SUCCESSORS OF DEER PATH RECREATIONAL CLUB, INC. A/K/A DEER PATH RECREATION CLUB, INC., or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 151, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Belews Creek Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at a point in the Southwest line of Lot 27 of Deer Path, Section 2, as set forth in Plat Book 33 at Page 16, Forsyth County Registry, said point of beginning being distant South 29 degrees 48 minutes 04 seconds East 50 feet from the Southern most corner of Lot 28 of Deer Path, Section 2 and also being the corner of Lot 27 of said Deer Path, Section 2; said point of beginning further being the Northeast corner of the property of Hydraulics Ltd., as described in Deed Book 1648 at Page 4083, Forsyth County Registry; thence from said point of beginning, North 82 degrees 45 minutes 35 seconds West 200 feet to an iron stake; thence South 07 degrees 14 minutes 25 seconds West 200 feet to a point in the North line of the property of John Henry Murray as described in Deed Book 1294 at Page 856, Forsyth County Registry; thence North 82 degrees 45 minutes 35 seconds West 790.61 feet to an iron stake; thence still with the property of John H. Murray North 07 degrees 15 minutes East 811.00 feet to an iron stake in the line of Margie P. Hester; thence with the line of the Margie P. Hester property South 86 degrees 07 minutes East 345.50 feet to an iron stake; thence North 81 degrees 12 minutes East 328.25 feet to a point at the Northwest corner of Lot 33 of Deer Path, Section 2; thence with the West lines of Lots 33 and 31 of Deer Path, Section 2, South 05 degrees 00 minutes West 300 feet to an iron stake at the Northwest corner of Lot 30 of Deer Path, Section 2; thence with the West lines of Lot 30, Lot 29, Lot 28, and a part of Lot 27, South 29 degrees 48 minutes 04 seconds East 529.17 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING containing approximately 15.25 acres more or less.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6889-33-7779.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. DEER PATH RECREATIONAL CLUB, INC. A/K/A DEER PATH RECREATION CLUB, INC., and all possible ASSIGNS OR SUCCESSORS OF DEER PATH RECREATIONAL CLUB, INC. A/K/A DEER PATH RECREATION CLUB, INC., or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 151, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Belews Creek Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at an iron stake located at the Southwest corner of Lot 26 of Deer Path, Section 2 as set forth in Plat Book 33 at Page 16, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, thence with the South line of said Lot 26 South 84 degrees 10 minutes 15 seconds East 191.39 feet to a point; thence with the East line of said Lot 26, 4 courses and distances as follows: North 46 degrees 29 minutes 24 seconds East 44.09 feet to an iron stake; thence North 34 degrees 36 minutes 24 seconds East 48.70 feet to an iron stake; thence North 31 degrees 55 minutes 19 seconds East 73.20 feet to an iron stake; thence North 39 degrees 09 minutes 59 seconds East 173.09 feet to a point at the Northeast corner of said Lot 26 in the South margin of Deer Path Lane; thence with the South margin of the right-of-way of Deer Path Lane South 57 degrees 23 minutes 16 seconds East 30.20 feet to an iron stake at the Northwest corner of Lot 25 of Deer Path, Section 2, thence with the West line of said Lot 25, 4 courses and distances as follows: South 39 degrees 09 minutes 59 seconds West 174.63 feet to an iron stake; thence South 31 degrees 55 minutes 19 seconds West 72 feet to an iron stake; thence South 34 degrees 36 minutes 24 seconds West 52.52 feet to an iron stake; thence South 46 degrees 29 minutes 24 seconds West 73.89 feet to an iron stake in the North line of the property of William Murray as described in Deed Book 1144 at Page 1173, Forsyth County Registry; thence with the North line of William Murray property falling in the line of John H. Murray property, North 82 degrees 45 minutes 35 seconds West 197.68 feet to an iron stake at the Southeast corner of Carolina Hydraulics Limited property as described in Deed Book 1648 at Page 4083; thence with the East line of the property of Carolina Hydraulics, North 07 degrees 14 minutes 25 seconds East 34.93 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING containing .41 acres more or less
   The above is subject to the rights and interest of Hydraulics Ltd., to a permanent nonexclusive easement of the above described property as more particularly set forth in Deed Book 1648 at Page 4083, Forsyth County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6889-43-6425.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Taxpayer Redeemed

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. ALBERT E. BROWN and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF ALBERT E. BROWN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 6107, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Middlefork No. 2 Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at an iron in the eastern right-of-way line of La Casa Boulevard, said iron being located North 2 degrees 52' East 100 feet from the southwestern corner of Lot 18 as shown on a map of Spanish Pines recorded in Plat Book 26 at Page 74 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina; thence from said beginning point along the eastern right-of-way line of La Casa Boulevard, North 2 degrees 52' East 200 feet to an iron; thence South 87 degrees 22' 30" East 201 feet to an iron; thence South 2 degrees 52' West 200 feet to an iron; thence North 87 degrees 22' 30" West 201 feet to an iron, the point and place of BEGINNING, and being the southern portion of Lot 21 and the northern portion of Lot 18 as shown on a map of Spanish Pines recorded in Plat Book 26 at Page 74 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, all according to a survey of Daniel W. Donathan dated November 10, 1980.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6846-88-4291.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. HERMAN L. STEPHENS and HERMAN L. STEPHENS' spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF HERMAN L. STEPHENS and HERMAN L. STEPHENS'  spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24 CvD 1412, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being known and designated as Condominium Unit # 701, as described in the plans of Aspen Park Condominium Phase II, Section III, which are recorded in Condominium Book 1, pages 104 through 106, inclusive, and re-recorded in Condominium Book 1, pages 124 through 125, inclusive, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina; and 
   Together with all rights and easements appurtenant to said unit as specifically enumerated in the DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM issued by the Grantors herein and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, in Book 1349, at pages 753 through 794, et. seq., on November 18, 1981, and pursuant thereto membership in Aspen Park Recreational Corporation, a North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation; and 
   Together with all rights of Seller in and to the limited common areas and facilities appurtenant to said unit; and 
   Subject to the said Declaration of Condominium and the By-Laws annexed thereto which with all attachments thereto are incorporated herein as if set forth in their entirety, and by way of illustration and not by way of limitation, provide for: (1) Twelve and one-half (12 1/2) as the per-centage of undivided fee simple interest appertaining to the above unit in the common areas and facilities, which percentage may be reduced as provided therein, the reduction of said percentage of ownership the Grantee herein specifically agrees to and acknowledges their acceptance by the accepting of their deed; (2) Use and restriction of use of unit for residential and lodging accommodation purposes, and other uses reasonably incidental thereto; (3) Property rights of Purchaser as a unit owner and any guests or invitees of Purchasers, in and to the Common Area; (4) Obligations and responsibility of the Purchaser for regular monthly assessments and special assessments and the effect of non-payment thereof as set forth in said Declaration and the By-Laws annexed thereto; (5) Limitations upon use of Common Areas; (6) Obligations of Purchaser and the Association, mentioned in said By-Laws, for maintenance; and (7) Restrictions upon use of the unit ownership in real property conveyed hereby. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6827-61-2457.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.
   This sale is subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United Staes of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. MARY LINDA MCCATHARN and MARY LINDA MCCATHARN'S spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF MARYLINDA MCCATHARN and MARY LINDA MCCATHARN'S spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 6290, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being known and designated as Unit 210 of South Wind Villas, Phase II, Section Five recorded in Condominium Plat Book 3, Pages 138 and 139 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description. 
   Together with all rights and easements appurtenant to said Unit as specifically enumerated in the Declaration of Condominium recorded in Book 1343, Page 952, Forsyth County Registry (and any amendments thereto) and pursuant thereto membership in South Wind Villas Homeowners Association, a North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation, recorded in Book 1343, Page 989, Forsyth County Registry. 
   Together with all rights of Seller in and to the limited and common areas and facilities appurtenant to said Unit; and 
   Subject to the said Declaration of Condominium and the By-Laws annexed thereto (and any amendments thereto), which with all attachments thereto are incorporated herein as if set forth in their entirety, and by way of illustration and not by way of limitation, provide for: (1) Percentage of undivided fee simple interest appertaining to the above unit in the common areas and facilities; which percentage may be reduced as provided therein; (2) Use and restriction of use of Unit for residential and lodging accommodation purposes, and other uses reasonably incidental thereto; (3) Property rights of Purchaser as a Unit Owner, and any guests or invitees of Purchaser, in and to the Common Area; (4) Obligations and responsibility of the Purchaser for regular monthly assessments and special assessments and the effect of non-payment thereof as set forth in said Declaration and the By-Laws annexed thereto; (5) Limitations upon use of Common Areas; (6) Obligations of Purchaser and the Association, mentioned in said By-Laws, for maintenance; and (7) Restrictions upon use of the Unit ownership in real property conveyed hereby. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6843-35-9723.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. SHAUNA IRVIN  and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of SHAUNA IRVIN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 5245, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the  following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED as Lot 25 as shown on the Map of the Property of Alan Royal, Rickey Lee Lowery, and R. Don Cain, recorded in Plat Book 30 at Page 166, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6869-15-5876.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Taxpayer Redeemed

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. CARROLL BURGESS, JR. and CARROLL BURGESS, JR.'S spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF CARROLL BURGESS, JR. and CARROLL BURGESS, JR.'S spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 1775, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being known and designated as Lot No. 9, Block A, as shown on the map of Greenway Place as recorded in Plat Book 4, page 73 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, to which map reference is hereby made for a more particular description. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 6836-34-1608.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. TARYTON THACKER and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF TARYTON THACKER and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 5876, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston-Salem Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being known and designated on the Map of Roosevelt Annex as Lot No. 33, and for a more particular description reference is hereby made to said Plat which is recorded in the Register of Deeds Office of Forsyth County, North Carolina, in Plat Book 1, Page 70.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6826-91-1068.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. REAL DREAM PROPERTIES, LLC and all possible ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS OF REAL DREAM PROPERTIES, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 4567, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston-Salem Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at a stake on the south side of 15th Street, formerly Graham Street, said stake being 455 feet east of the southeast intersection of 15th  Street and Patterson Avenue running east 77 feet to a stake; thence southwardly 140 feet to a stake in an alley; thence westwardly 77 feet to a stake, the southeast corner of Lot 12; thence northwardly 140 feet to a stake in the south line of 15th Street, the place of Beginning. Being known and designated as Lot No. 13 and the western portion of Lot No. 14 in Block 7, as shown on the plat of Bramette Place, recorded in Book 86, at page 2 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 6836-32-7400.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds. 

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. ALADWAN GRP, INC.,  and any ASSIGNS OR SUCCESORS OF ALADWAN GRP, INC., or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 6291, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston Township, more particularly described as follows:
   Being Lot No. 3, Block #1 on the plat of Wachovia Development Company, as shown at Plat Book 8, Page 81(2), Forsyth County Registry; and being located at the intersection of Waughtown Street and Old Lexington Road, and being further described in the survey dated 15 January 2007 by McNally Land Surveying, P.C.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6834-76-5560.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. WILLIAM F. DEICHLER and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF WILLIAM F. DEICHLER and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 2419, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Oldstown Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point in the southern edge of Wabash, said point being 54 feet East from the Northeast corner of Lot 44, as shown on a plat recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County in Plat Book 17, Page 84, thence, in a Southern direction a new line to a point in the Southern line of Lot 45, said point being 46.66 feet East from the Southeast corner of Lot 44 (also Southwest corner of Lot 45) thence East with Southern line of Lot 45 and 46, 100 feet to a point said point being 59.7 feet West from the Southeast corner of Lot 46, thence along a new line North to a point in the Southern edge of Wabash Blvd., said point being 46 feet West from the Northeast corner of Lot 46, said point also being 54 feet East from the Northeast corner of Lot 45, thence West along the Southern edge of Wabash Blvd., 100 feet to the place of Beginning.
   Together with and subject to the mineral rights reserved by N.R.L.L. East, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company described in Deed Book 2770, Page 3654 and recorded in the Forsyth County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6807-88-8938.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. KEITH TUTTLE and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OF DEVISEES OF KEITH TUTTLE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, FAITH TUTTLE and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF FAITH TUTTLE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 2243, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being known and designated as Lot Nos. 537 and 538 as shown on the plat of Longview Development Subdivision, #2, recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 39A, Forsyth County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6844-18-6873.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. KELLY HAYES GREER A/K/A KEELY H. GREER and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF KELLY HAYES GREER A/K/A KEELY H. GREER and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 245, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Middle Fork Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at an iron stake in the middle of a dirt road leading from Highway No. 311 to Walkertown Road, about two miles South of Walkertown, North Carolina, said beginning point being approximately 400 feet East of the East side of Highway No. 311, also being the Southeast corner of Clarence Sell's property, and running thence with the East line of Clarence Sell's property, North 206 feet to a point in a new South line, of J. M. Sell; thence along the South line of J. M. Sell's property, East 100 feet to a point in the East line of Walter Sell; thence along the West line of Walter Sell's property 206 feet to a point in the middle of said sand clay road; thence along the middle of said road West 100 feet to the Beginning. 
   Together with a parcel described as BEGINNING at a point in the center of Sell Road, a rural unpaved road, and being in the common line of the parties hereto and running thence North 40 degrees 11 minutes East (a new line) 200.34 feet to an iron stake placed in the line of C. L. Sell; thence South 57 degrees 38 minutes 27 seconds East 27.86 feet to an iron stake in Cell's line; thence South 47 degrees 53 minutes West 206 feet to the place of BEGINNING and containing 2,764.88 square feet.
   Less and except the right-of-way to the Department of Transportation recorded in Deed Book 1710, Page 2688, Forsyth County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6857-14-4525.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. KENNETH ESSICK, AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF GLADYS L. KELLY, NATHAN P. VOGLER and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF NATHAN P. VOGLER and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, BRYANT A. PRESTON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF BRYANT A. PRESTON, and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, MICHAEL P. PRESTON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF MICHAEL P. PRESTON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 2373, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Salem Chapel Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Tract 1: Beginning at a point 205.79 feet from the S. corner of Mountain Brook Trail, and Baux Mountain Road, running thence with line of lot no. 2, S 87 deg. 00 min. E. 237.77 ft. to a control corner stake, thence S 03 deg. 30 min. W. 100 feet to a stake, thence N. 87 deg. 00 min. W. 262.70 feet to a stake, thence with Baux Mountain Road 100 feet to place of beginning. Being lot no. 3 of the Laurel Springs Development, Section 1 and 2.    
TRACT 2: Beginning at an iron stake in the easternmost right of way line of Baux Mtn Road, said iron stake being the southwestern most corner of lot no. 27 as shown on the map of Laurel Springs, Section No. 1, recorded in Plat Book 23 page 33, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina proceeding thence with the southernmost line of said lot no. 27, South 86 deg. 58 min. E. 263.34 feet to an iron stake the southeasternmost corner of said lot no. 27 in the line of J. Ben Vanhoy; thence with said line of said Vanhoy and the easternmost line of lot no. 28 as shown on said plat S. 03 deg. 00 min. W. 10.0 ft. to an iron stake; thence on a new line N. 86 deg. 58 min. W. 265.79 ft. to an iron stake in the westernmost line of said lot no. 28 and the easternmost right of way line of Baux Mtn Rd; thence with the easternmost right of way line of Baux Mtn Rd. N. 16 deg. 47 min. E. 10.3 ft. to an iron stake the point and place of beginning; and being the northernmost portion of lot no. 28 as shown on the aforesaid plat.
Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
Parcel Identification Number: 6849-12-1750.000    
   The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. WARITH F. MUHAMMAD and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF WARITH F. MUHAMMAD and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 15 CvD 5368, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING known and designated as Lot Number 9 as shown on the Map of Spanish Pines, as recorded in Plat Book 26 at Page 74, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description.
   Together with and subject to Wall and Landscape Easement recorded in Deed Book 2591, Page 776.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6846-88-1208.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. TURNER INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, LLC and all possible ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS OF TURNER INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 1668, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron, said iron being located North 14 deg. 50' 04" East 85.49 feet from an iron located in the Northeast intersection of Cassell Street and Rosie Street and also being the Southwest corner of that property described in Deed Book 2534, Page 2477, Forsyth County Registry; thence from said point of Beginning along the Eastern right of way line of Rosie Street North 14 deg. 50' 04" East 84.49 feet to an iron; thence South 74 deg. 41' 28" East 116.40 feet to an iron; thence South 15 deg. 18' 32" West 84.49 feet to an iron; thence North 74 deg. 41' 28" West 115.70 feet to an iron, the point and place of Beginning, containing 9,805 square feet and being designated as Tract 2 as shown on a survey prepared by Owen Lee Osborne, PLS, dated June 27, 2006. The above described property being a portion of Tax Lot 305, Block 1818, Forsyth County Tax Maps.
   Together with and subject to the Notice of Residual Petroleum recorded in Deed Book 2791, Page 1061, Forsyth County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6834-90-1669.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Opening Bid: TBA at Sale 

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. QUETHER S. WILKINS, JR. and spouse, MICHELLE H. WILKINS, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF QUETHER S. WILKINS, JR. and spouse, MICHELLE H. WILKINS, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 14 CvD 4047, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being known and designated as Lot No. 35, as shown on the Map of Forest Hill, Section 1, as recorded in Plat Book 4, at Page 126, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, to which map reference is hereby made for a more particular description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6837-12-3597.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Sales Scheduled for February 7, 2025:



Highest Bid: $12,300.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/27/2025 @ 4:30PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. OLIVER J. HOSKINS and spouse, ROSA J. HOSKINS if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of OLIVER J. HOSKINS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 4223, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED as Lot No. 30 as shown on the Map of Chatham Heights recorded in the Forsyth County Registry in Plat Book 10, Page 160(2) to which reference is hereby made for a more accurate and complete description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6826-81-5342.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $12,500.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/27/2025 @ 4:30PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. SOUTHSIDE PROPERTIES, LLC and any ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of SOUTHSIDE PROPERTIES, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 14 CvD 4558, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situate in the City of Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
   Being known and designated as Lot No. 57, as shown on the revised plat of Easton, as recorded in Plat Book 14 at Page 23(4), in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6844-00-6991.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Taxpayer Redeemed

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. CLOUDLIGHT, LLC and any ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of CLOUDLIGHT, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 7320, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:     
   BEGINNING at an iron stake located in the west right of way line of Sink Street, said iron stake being located South  7 degrees 52' West 50.0 feet from the southwest intersection of the right of way lines of Sink Street and Devonshire Street, said beginning point also being located at the southeast corner of the property now or formerly owned by R.E. Swain; running thence from said beginning point with the west right of way line of Sink Street. South 7 degrees 52' West 50 feet to an iron stake; running thence North 82 degrees 08' West 150.55 feet to an iron stake located in the east line of a 15 foot alley; running thence with said alley, North 7 degrees 52' East 50.0 feet to an iron stake; running thence South 82 degrees 08'  East 150.55 feet to the point and place of Beginning. Also being the same property as conveyed to Thurman Albert Marsh and Paul  Edgar Marsh by deed recorded in Deed Book 1302, page 1074 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, N.C. Also being designated as Lot 102, Block 751, Winston Township as shown on the Forsyth County Tax Map.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6844-05-7222.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $60,000.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 4/04/2025 @ 4:30PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. BELINDA K. TEAGUE A/K/A BELINDA K. TURNER and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of BELINDA K. TEAGUE A/K/A BELINDA K. TURNER and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 4428, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in  State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point on the East side of the highway leading from Winston-Salem to Germanton, being called the Germanton Road, said point of beginning being 205.7 feet North of the Southwest corner of Lot No. 1 as shown on the map herein referred to; running thence along the East side of the Germanton Road, N 10Ëš 00; E 150 feet to a point, the Southwest corner of Lot No. 2; thence along the South line of Lot No. 2 S 83Ëš 20' E 400 feet to a point; thence S 10Ëš W 136.6 feet to a point; thence N 83Ëš 10' W 400 feet to the place of BEGINNING. The above property is off the North side of Lot No. 1 as shown on the map of L.G. Garner property, plat of said property recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 23, Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6827-79-3562.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $15,250.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 4/03/2025 @ 4:30PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. CALVIN  B. RICHARDSON and spouse, BETTY J. RICHARDSON A/K/A BETTY J. GAITHER, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of CALVIN B. RICHARDSON and spouse, BETTY J. RICHARDSON A/K/A BETTY J. GAITHER, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 6521, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron stake located at the Northwest corner of the intersection of Cleveland Avenue and 24th Street; running thence with the North line of 24th Street North 88 degrees West 100 feet to a cross on wall, Southeast corner of Lot No. 23 on the hereinafter mentioned map; running thence with the East line of Lot No. 23 North 2 degrees East 110 feet to an iron stake; thence South 88 degrees East 100 feet to an iron stake in the West line of Cleveland Avenue; thence with said line South 2 degrees West 110 feet to the beginning; Being the Southern portion of Lots Nos. 25 and 27 on the map of Fairview as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 91, Public Registry of Forsyth County, North Carolina.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6836-65-5256.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $27,000.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/31/2025 @ 4:30PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. LASSITER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION and any ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of LASSITER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION,  or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 4691, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at an iron stake in the eastern side of North Liberty Street, as corner of North Liberty Street between the property of P.H. Hanes Knitting Company and the property of William R. Locke and wife Biolet (or Violet) H. Locke, running thence along and with the eastern side of North Liberty Street in a curve to the left, the chord of which is north 17 deg. 15' west, 104 feet to an iron stake in the southeastern intersection of North Liberty Street and the 18th Street; thence along and with the southern side of 18th Street north 85 deg. 26' east 171 feet to an iron stake located on the western side of a 10 foot alley south 4 deg. 43' east 101.30 feet to an iron stake; thence south 85 deg. 24' west 148.45 feet to an iron stake, the place of beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6836-53-4378.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $9,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. LUKE JONES and LUKE JONES' SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of LUKE JONES and LUKE JONES' SPOUSE, if any, BLAKE BOHANNON and BLAKE BOHANNON'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of BLAKE BOHANNON and BLAKE BOHANNON'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 5826, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED as Lot Nos. 12 and 13, in Block C, as shown on the map of Bowen Park, as recorded in Plat Book 12 at Page 92 (and in Map Book 12, Page 43), in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6846-04-1029.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Sales Scheduled for November 8, 2024:



Highest Bid: $116,350.13; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. SHERA ENTERPRISES, LLC and any assigns or successors of SHERA ENTERPRISES, LLC or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 3928, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being known and designated as Lot No. 57 as shown on the map of Salem West, Section 2, recorded in Plat Book 28, Page 196 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, reference to which map is hereby made for a more particular description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 5897-45-8162.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Highest Bid: $17,430.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. KEITH TUTTLE and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of KEITH TUTTLE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 6146, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 102, Block 399 in the tax records for Winston Township as the same are now constituted, property of Nettie M. Carter, deed concerning which is recorded in Deed Book 1014, Page 220, Forsyth County Registry, and running thence North 87 degrees 48 minutes 14 seconds West 49.94 feet to a lot pin in the eastern right-of-way line of Cleveland Avenue; thence with the said right-of-way line of the said street, along a clockwise arc, radius 5,759.58 feet, 32.64 feet to a pin; thence continuing with the said right-of-way line of the said street, North 02 degrees 06 minutes 52 seconds East 44.36 feet to a lot pin; thence with the right-of-way line of the street as it leads into Fourth Street, North 45 degrees 52 minutes 48 seconds East 31.81 feet to a pin in the southern right-of-way line of Fourth Street; thence with the said right-of-way line of the said street, South 87 degrees 48 minutes 17 seconds East 27.29 feet to a lot pin in the line of the aforesaid Lot 102; thence with the western boundary line of the said Lot 102, South 01 degrees 47 minutes 41 seconds West 100.00 feet to the beginning, containing 4,704 square feet.
   Together with and subject to the terms and conditions recorded in Deed Book 1146, Page 210 and amended Deed Book 1153/950, Forsyth County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6835-67-3239.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $20,258.44; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. EMANUEL E. BONAPARTE and spouse, FORREST H. BONAPARTE, and all possible heirs and assignees of EMANUEL E. BONAPARTE and spouse, FORREST H. BONAPARTE, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 4054, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Winston Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron stake the northeast intersection of Fayetteville Street and Howard Avenue (now Dixie Broadway) and runs thence in a northerly direction along the east side of Howard Avenue 109.3 feet to an iron stake; thence southwardly along the west line of lot no. 5 across lot no. 3, 130 feet more or less to Fayetteville Street; thence westwardly along the north side of Fayetteville Street 70 feet more or less to the point of beginning. The same being all of lot 4 and the western triangle of lot no. 3. The same being that portion of lot no. 3 west of the east line of lot no. 4 projected southwardly to Fayetteville Street. For a more particular description, reference is hereby made to the plat of Dixie Heights, Plat book 3 page 17, office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County.  
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 6834-58-4968.000    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $12,750.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. JAMES WESLEY LANIER and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 5998, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 8th day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Middle Fork Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    A parcel now or formerly lying in Middle Fork Township of Forsyth County, North Carolina; Beginning at an iron stake in the corner of Monte Vista Avenue and School Road, running thence Southwest with Monte Vista Avenue 60 feet to a stake J.F. Crews' corner, thence West with J.F. Crews' line 150 feet to a stake; running thence North 60 feet to the School Road; thence East with School Road 150 feet to an iron stake to the place of beginning. Being a lot 60 x 150 feet recorded in Book 288 at Page 94. This parcel is also known as Lot 27 of Block 3016 of the Forsyth CountyTax Map; Reference is made to such public records for a more particular description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6847-38-1859.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Sales Scheduled for September 6, 2024:​


Highest Bid: $21,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF FORSYTH vs. SHAUNA IRVIN  and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of SHAUNA IRVIN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 5245, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of September, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Forsyth County, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the  following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED as Lot 25 as shown on the Map of the Property of Alan Royal, Rickey Lee Lowery, and R. Don Cain, recorded in Plat Book 30 at Page 166, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6869-15-5876.00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Forsyth County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.





Franklin County:


Sorry, there are no sales scheduled at this time.

​​​Gates County:


Sorry, there are no sales scheduled at this time.




Guilford County:

Sales Scheduled for April 24, 2025:



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF EDWARD LEE HADNOTT, JR. and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, which may include one or more of the party Defendants in this matter, LINDA HADNOTT and LINDA HADNOTT'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF LINDA HADNOTT and LINDA HADNOTT'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, LENA HARLAN and LENA HARLAN'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF LENA HARLAN and LENA HARLAN'S SPOUSE, if any, TINA BENTLEY and TINA BENTLEY'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF TINA BENTLEY and TINA BENTLEY'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22CVD006360-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the southern margin of West Kearns Avenue (formerly known as Davis Street), now or formerly Charlie Lambeth's northeast corner; thence North 49 deg. 52 min. 20 sec. East 60 ft. to an iron pipe in the southern margin of West Kearns Avenue; thence South 38 deg. 31 min. 21 sec. East 200 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 35 deg. 20 min. 54 sec. West 60 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 39 deg. 8 min. 44 sec. West 215 feet to an iron pipe in the southern margin of West Kearns Ave., the point and place of BEGINNING. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 173795    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. KRISHNA LAKSHMI PROPERTIES, LLC, and all possible ASSIGNS OR SUCCESSORS OF KRISHNA LAKSHMI PROPERTIES, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24CVD004909-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Morehead Gilmer Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot Number 1 of the Property of W. F. Fancourt Co., Inc., as per plat thereof record in Plat Book 70, Page 72 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina. 
   Save and except the interests conveyed to American Towers, Inc. by Easement Agreement recorded in Book 7172, Page 752, Guilford County Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 21100    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. JESUS MENDOZA ESPINOZA and JESUS MENDOZA ESPINOZA'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF JESUS MENDOZA ESPINOZA and JESUS MENDOZA ESPINOZA'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23CVD008657-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 11 and 12 of Charnel Acres Subdivision, plat of which is duly recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 26, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 124665    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. JAMES C. JORDAN and JAMES C. JORDAN'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF JAMES C. JORDAN and JAMES C. JORDAN'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24CVD003107-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Madison Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron stake located in the northern property line of the Myrtle Wright Estate Property, said stake being located in the northwest corner of Lot No. 1 this day conveyed to Laura Wright and running thence along the western margin of Lot No. 1 South 0 degrees 24 minutes East 337.69 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 89 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds West 537.43 feet to a stone in the eastern margin of Lot No. 3 this day conveyed to Martha W. Cobb; thence along the eastern margin of Lot No. 3 North 27 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds West 426.53 feet to an iron stake located in the northern margin of the Myrtle Wright Estate property line, the northeast corner of Lot No. 3; thence along the northern property line of the Myrtle Wright Estate South 86 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds East 569.53 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 86 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds East 164.47 feet to the point of beginning, containing 5.17 acres and being Lot No. 2 of the Myrtle Wright Estate as per survey thereof by Carolina Surveying and Mapping Co., Inc. dated February 29, 1965, and revised April, 1965.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 113846    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. UNDERWOOD SURVEYORS, P.A., and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR SUCCESSORS OF UNDERWOOD SURVEYORS, P.A., or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24CVD003642-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Gilmer Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of Lot Number 13 in Block Number 18 of Greensboro Highlands, according to plat thereof recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina in Plat Book 7, Page 145.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 46906    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. ROBIN A. BRIM and ROBIN A. BRIM'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of ROBIN A. BRIM and ROBIN A. BRIM'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22CVD008483-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at an iron pin 239 feet from the Northwest intersection of Woodruff Avenue, and Waverly Street, said iron pin being the Northeast corner of Lot A of an exception map for Michael A. Brim; thence with the Northern line of said Lot North 86 degrees 30 minutes West 100.10 (sic 200.10) feet to an iron pin; thence North 06 degrees 08 minutes East 80.0 feet to an iron pin; thence South 86 degrees 30 minutes East 200.10 feet to an iron pin in the Western right of way of Waverly Street; thence with said right of way South 06 degrees 08 minutes West 80.0 feet to the Point and Place of Beginning. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 182827    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of OSCAR HAYNIE and spouse, if any, which may include MARGIE D. HAYNIE and spouse, if any, and AMERICA D. HAYNIE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19CVD6377-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Monroe Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of lot numbered thirty eight (38) of the Zilman Simpson subdivision, according to a plat of same made by W.B. Trogdon in September 1925 and recorded in Plat Book No. 8 at page 75 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Guilford County. This deed is made subject to any land the County or State might have taken or used for road or highway purposes. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 0047081    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. KATHY CATRON EVERHART and KATHY CATRON EVERHART'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of KATHY CATRON EVERHART and KATHY CATRON EVERHART'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, RAYMOND EARL CATRON and RAYMOND EARL CATRON'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of RAYMOND EARL CATRON and RAYMOND EARL CATRON'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, JONATHAN CHRISTOPHER RICH and JONATHAN CHRISTOPHER RICH'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of JONATHAN CHRISTOPHER RICH and JONATHAN CHRISTOPHER RICH'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22CVD007056-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at a stake in the East line of Bradshaw Street, 95 1/2 Feet South of the intersection of Bradshaw Street and Scarboro Street, (now Albert Street); thence East 150 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot No. 4, Block A, Bradshaw plot; thence along the back line of Lot No. 4, 50 feet to an iron stake; thence West 150 feet to an iron stake in the East side of Bradshaw Street; thence North along Bradshaw Street 50 feet to the BEGINNING. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 187639

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. CLARNIE T. ALSTON A/K/A CLARNIE G. ALSTON and CLARNIE T. ALSTON A/K/A CLARNIE G. ALSTON'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF CLARNIE T. ALSTON A/K/A CLARNIE G. ALSTON and CLARNIE T. ALSTON A/K/A CLARNIE G. ALSTON'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24CVD003420-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Gilmer Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 17, Block B, Section 3, Kings Forest Subdivision, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 36 at Page 85, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 44299    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. DANIEL LEE QUICK and spouse, CHARLENE A. QUICK a/k/a CHARLINE A. QUICK and spouse, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of DANIEL LEE QUICK and spouse, CHARLENE A. QUICK a/k/a CHARLINE A. QUICK and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20CVD003138-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 27 Pinegrove Subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 20, Page 10, Guilford County Public Registry, North Carolina.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 33666    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. ERNEST L. BRAILSFORD and ERNEST L. BRAILSFORD'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF ERNEST L. BRAILSFORD and ERNEST L. BRAILSFORD'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24CVD002215-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot No. 8, Block A, as shown on Plat of Ed and D. O. Burns re-subdivision, said Plat being duly recorded in Plat Book No. 2, Page 48 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Guilford County, North Carolina. 
   Save and except that portion of Lot 8 conveyed to the City of High Point by Deed dated November 28, 1972 and recorded in Deed Book 2651, Page 28. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 175506    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. KELVIN WAYNE MCLEAN A/K/A KEVIN WAYNE MCLEAN and KELVIN WAYNE MCLEAN A/K/A KEVIN WAYNE MCLEAN'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF KELVIN WAYNE MCLEAN A/K/A KEVIN WAYNE MCLEAN and KELVIN WAYNE MCLEAN A/K/A KEVIN WAYNE MCLEAN'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24CVD004951-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Gilmer Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a stone at the corner of Lucerne Street and Plymouth Street; thence North along the west side of Plymouth Street 65 feet to a stake; thence West 165 feet, more or less, to a stake; thence South 20 feet, more or less, to a stake, in the margin of Lucerne Street; thence South 85 degrees [sic 57 degrees] and 56 minutes East 68.8 feet to an iron stake on the north side of Lucerne Street; thence North 57 degrees [sic 85 degrees] 35 minutes East along Lucerne Street 94.61 feet to the beginning. See Plat Book 959, Page 323.
   Subject to and together with that Easement recorded in Deed Book 7817, Page 1423, Guilford County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 5396    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. TONYA FAULKS and TONYA FAULKS' SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF TONYA FAULKS and TONYA FAULKS' SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24CVD002750-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Gilmer Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 5 of the Truman Gant Woods Subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 102, Page 93 of the Guilford County Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 32223    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF ROBERT M. HARRELL, JR. and spouse, if any, which may include ROBERT MELVIN HARRELL, III and spouse, if any, DUSTIN A. PEARSON and spouse, if any, CAYLEE MICHELLE HARRELL A/K/A KAYLEE M. HARRELL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, KATHY H. JOHNSON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF KATHY H. JOHNSON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, SANDRA H. CARTER and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF SANDRA H. CARTER and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, KIMBERLY K. BULLIN and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF KIMBERLY K. BULLIN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, TERESA H. BARNES and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF TERESA H. BARNES and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19CVD007410-400, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Oak Ridge Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 2 as shown on plat of "Mrs. E.E. HARRELL", recorded in Plat Book 85, Page 100, Guilford County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 0166307    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.

Sales Scheduled for February 6, 2025:




Highest Bid: $65,450.05; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of  FRANCES T. DEWITT and spouse, if any, which may include THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of PAUL F. DEWITT and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity 
claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 4985, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a nail in the driveway in the West side of North Carolina Highway No. 68, the same being 229.11 feet in a Southerly direction from Kearns corner; and running thence along the West side of the Highway South 24Ëš 26' West 105 feet to an iron pin, Hutchens' corner; thence along Hutchens' line North 61Ëš 05' West 124 feet to an iron pin; thence continuing along Hutchens' line North 46Ëš 05' West 54.50 feet to an iron pin; thence along Catherine C. Briggs line North 24Ëš 26' East 77.45 feet to an iron pin; thence along Briggs line South 65Ëš 28' East 175 feet to the point and place of beginning.
   Together with and subject to all right and interest in and to the joint driveway located partly on this property and partly on the property adjoining on the North.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 179336    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $4,510.10; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. JARA INVESTMENTS, LLC, if any, and any ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of JARA INVESTMENTS, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 2503, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in  State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot No. 16 of the Hillcrest Subdivision, a plat of which is recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 28, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 25799    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $39,527.73; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. TRENTON E. EDWARDS and spouse, KIM M. EDWARDS and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of TRENTON E. EDWARDS and spouse, KIM M. EDWARDS or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 6358, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of Lots 18 and 19, Block A, H.C. Wilson Subdivision, known as Edgeville Terrace, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 287, Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 19123    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $20,436.47; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. KATHERINE FENTRESS PERMAR and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of KATHERINE FENTRESS PERMAR and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 6610, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at a new iron pin located North 89 degrees 39 minutes West 373.94 feet from the Northwestern intersection of Way Street and Holland Drive and from said beginning point thence along the northern margin of an unopened 30-foot right-of-way North 89 degrees 39 minutes West 173.95 feet to a new iron pin; thence North 02 degrees 00 minutes East 263.57 feet along the western margin of Lot 22 to a new iron pin; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds East 167.87 feet to a new iron pin; thence South 00 degrees 22 minutes West 263.47 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, being all of Lot 22 and part of Lot 21, Block E, Summit Heights Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 6, page 74, Guilford County Registry, and pursuant to a survey by Wayne L. Stutts, R.L.S., dated October 25, 1984.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 47999    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds. 

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $29,573.16; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. GATE CITY CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, LLC, and any ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of GATE CITY CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, LLC or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 3498, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the face of curb line of the North side of Richardson Street; thence North 35 degrees 6 minutes West 129 feet to a point in the North side of Steele Street thence along the North side of Steele Street North 3 degrees 30 minutes East 120 feet to a point, said point being the beginning corner for the hereinafter described property; running thence South 86 degrees 0 minutes East 155.41 feet to a point; thence North 4 degrees 22 minutes East 60 feet to a point; thence North 86 degrees 0 minutes West 156.32 feet to a point in the East side of Steele Street; thence along Steele Street South 3 degrees 30 minutes West 60 feet to the point and place of beginning. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 190555    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $14,500.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of HENRY ALEXANDER SANDERS A/K/A HENRY ALEXANDER SANDERS, SR. and spouse, if any, which may include VOYIDA B. SANDERS and spouse, if any, HENRY 
ALEXANDER SANDERS, JR. and spouse, if any, FERNANDO SANDERS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 3834, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Jefferson Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot No. 11, Block D of Sedalia Country Park Subdivision, as shown on a Plat thereof duly recorded in Plat Book 32, Page 47, office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 120351    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.                 
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Taxpayer Redeemed

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF GERALDINE R. LAWSON A/K/A GERALDINE DUDLEY and spouse, if any, which may include THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF DANNY LEE LAWSON and spouse, if any, and DEBRA ANN KING and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 2813, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in High Point Township, Guilford County, North Carolina, described as follows:
   BEING All of Lot 80 of the R. J. Hunt Subdivision No. 2, a plat of which is duly recorded in Plat Book 14, at Page 16, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Guilford County, N.C. 
   Less and Except so much as conveyed to City of High Point in Right of Way deed recorded in Deed Book 2750, Page 705, Guilford County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 0178143    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $9,717.48; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. ROBERT L. BRADLEY and ROBERT L. BRADLEY'S SPOUSE, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of ROBERT L. BRADLEY and ROBERT L. BRADLEY'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 6905, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot No. 42 of the Ragan and Harmon Lands, a plat of which is duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina in Plat Book 4 at Page 219. 
   Less and except so much conveyed to Department of Transportation in Deed Book 3668, Page 1083, Guilford County Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 174804    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.                                        
   This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $25,000.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. HOLLY H. GREEN, AS EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCES SMITH HOWELL, HOLLY H. GREEN and HOLLY H. GREEN'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of HOLLY H. GREEN and HOLLY H. GREEN'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 4311, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING all of Lots Numbered 7 and 8 of the Grimes and Clark Subdivision, a plat of which is duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County in Plat Book 5, Page 338.
   Less and except so much as taken by the Department of Transportation as described in the Consent Judgment recorded in Deed Book 6080, page 1863, Guilford County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 185886    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $15,000.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. TKE & ASSOCIATES, LLC F/K/A TKE PROPERTIES, LLC and any ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of TKE & ASSOCIATES, LLC F/K/A TKE PROPERTIES, LLC or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 4915, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING Lots Nos. 4 and 5 in Block E as per map or plat of Brentwood, belonging to J.S. Worth, Jr., of High Point, North Carolina, which said map or plat is duly recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Guilford County, North Carolina, in Plat Book 4, Page 49. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 174956    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $31,500.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. BILLY JOE PRESNELL, SR. and BILLY JOE PRESNELL, SR.'S SPOUSE , if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of BILLY JOE PRESNELL, SR. and BILLY JOE PRESNELL, SR.'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 6385, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Gilmer Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a stake at the Northwestern intersection of Willow Road and Bothwell Street and running thence along the western margin of Willow Road North 02 degrees 04 minutes West 58.76 feet to a stake; thence South 84 degrees 58 minutes West 155.21 feet to a stake; thence South 05 degrees 02 minutes East 81.73 feet to a stake in the Northern margin of Bothwell Street, thence along the Northern margin of Bothwell Street North 76 degrees 20 minutes East 153.89 feet to the point and place of the beginning. The same being Lot 1 of the property of Maggie Wagstaff of a re-subdivision of Lots 15 and 16, Block B of Victory Forest Subdivision (Plat Book 14, Page 87) as per survey plat prepared by H. R. Faucette, Registered Engineer, dated December 2, 1961, and recorded in Plat Book 30, Page 65, Guilford County Public Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 14178    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $37,294.99; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. JERRY KEITH HUNT, INCOMPETENT and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of JERRY KEITH HUNT, INCOMPETENT and spouse, if any, GUILFORD COUNTY DSS, DIRECTOR AS GUARDIAN OF THE PERSON FOR JERRY KEITH HUNT, INCOMPETENT, STEVEN W. ARRINGTON, AS GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATE OF JERRY KEITH HUNT, INCOMPETENT, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 5597, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at an iron stake on the East side of Hodgin Street 100 feet South of the Southwest corner of Ben and Pearl May Cecil's lot, and running in an Eastern direction 150 feet to an iron stake; thence in a Southern direction 50 feet to an iron stake on the North side of Stone Street; thence in a Western direction along the North side of Stone Street 150 feet to an iron stake, at a point where Stone Street intersects Hodgin Street; thence in a Northern direction along the East side of Hodgin Street 50 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 7,500 square feet, more or less.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 0194488    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $24,103.30; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. PHYLISS A. DAVIS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of PHYLISS A. DAVIS and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of LENWOOD G. DAVIS and spouse, if any, which may include JANIE M. DAVIS A/K/A JANIE M. BISHOP and spouse, if any, TATIA M. DAVIS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 7696, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 4 of Own-A-Home Company property No. 1, a plat of which is duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina, in Plat Book 5, at Page 363.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 0175080    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $24,675.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. ANTHONY PEARSON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of ANTHONY PEARSON and spouse, if any, SYLVIA DAVIS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of SYLVIA DAVIS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 8109, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot No. 7, Block 2, of Snow Park Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 98 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Guilford County, North Carolina.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 0175325    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $4,946.87; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of ELLA LOU TAYLOR WANN A/K/A ELLA LOU TAYLOR and spouse, if any, which may include THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of HAROLD S. WANN and spouse, if any, MARILYN H. WANN and spouse, if any, BRUCE R. TAYLOR, TRUSTEE OF THE ROGER G. TAYLOR TRUST DATED JANUARY 10, 2013 or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 10632, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron stake, the northwest corner of that property conveyed to Wayne J. Hall and wife, Sylvia Ann Hall, by Cyril G. Oakes and wife Dorothy U. Oakes, by deed recorded in Book 3481 at Page 1667, formerly the corner of the J.P. Gartin lot, Deed Book 220, Page 537; and running thence North 52Ëš 09 minutes East 60 feet to an iron stake, Oakes northeast corner; running thence North 32Ëš 155 feet to a stake in J.E. Foust line; thence South 62 ½Ëš West with the line of said J.E. Foust 60 feet to a stake in said line, thence South 32Ëš East 170 feet to the point of beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 173703    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $5,012.03; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of ELLA LOU TAYLOR WANN A/K/A ELLA LOU TAYLOR and spouse, if any, which may include THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of HAROLD S. WANN and spouse, if any, MARILYN H. WANN and spouse, if any, BRUCE R. TAYLOR, TRUSTEE OF THE ROGER G. TAYLOR TRUST DATED JANUARY 10, 2013 or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 10632, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron stake on the Northwest side of Greer Street, formerly Sartin's Southeast corner, and running thence along the Greer Street, North 52Ëš East 10 feet to a point; thence North 32Ëš West 208-1/2 feet to a point; thence North 51Ëš East 62 feet to a point; thence North 32-1/2Ëš West 130 feet to a point in the old Foust line; thence South 62-1/2Ëš West 72 feet to a point in the old Greer line; thence along the Greer line, South 32Ëš East 145 feet to a point; thence South 52Ëš West 60 feet to a point; thence South 32Ëš East 8-1/2 feet to a point in the old Sartin line; thence along the old Sartin line, North 62Ëš East 60 feet to a point; thence South 32Ëš East 200 feet along the old Sartin line to the point and place of beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 173728    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Sales Scheduled for August 5, 2024:



To Be Resold on a Later Date

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. ROBIN A. BRIM and ROBIN A. BRIM'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of ROBIN A. BRIM and ROBIN A. BRIM'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 8483, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at an iron pin 239 feet from the Northwest intersection of Woodruff Avenue, and Waverly Street, said iron pin being the Northeast corner of Lot A of an exception map for Michael A. Brim; thence with the Northern line of said Lot North 86 degrees 30 minutes West 100.10 (sic 200.10) feet to an iron pin; thence North 06 degrees 08 minutes East 80.0 feet to an iron pin; thence South 86 degrees 30 minutes East 200.10 feet to an iron pin in the Western right of way of Waverly Street; thence with said right of way South 06 degrees 08 minutes West 80.0 feet to the Point and Place of Beginning. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 182827    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



To Be Resold on a Later Date

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of OSCAR HAYNIE and spouse, if any, which may include MARGIE D. HAYNIE and spouse, if any, and AMERICA D. HAYNIE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 6377, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Monroe Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of lot numbered thirty eight (38) of the Zilman Simpson subdivision, according to a plat of same made by W.B. Trogdon in September 1925 and recorded in Plat Book No. 8 at page 75 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Guilford County. This deed is made subject to any land the County or State might have taken or used for road or highway purposes. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 0047081    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $8,250.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. THOMAS EDWARD BROWN, II and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of THOMAS EDWARD BROWN, II and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 5378, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Gilmer and Morehead Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    TRACT ONE: Lying and being in Morehead Township - BEING all of Lot 18, Block 11, of the Subdivision known and designated as Piedmont Heights, a plat of which is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, N.C., in Plat Book 2, Page 97. See Book 1319 at Pages 492, 496, and 620.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 0011560    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $15,114.06; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. THOMAS EDWARD BROWN, II and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of THOMAS EDWARD BROWN, II and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 5378, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Gilmer and Morehead Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    TRACT TWO: Lying and being in Morehead Township - BEING all of Lot 16, Block 11, of the Subdivision known and designated as Piedmont Heights, a plat of which is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, N.C., in Plat Book 2, Page 97. See Book 1319 at Pages 492, 496, and 620.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 0011559    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



To Be Resold on a Later Date

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. KATHY CATRON EVERHART and KATHY CATRON EVERHART'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of KATHY CATRON EVERHART and KATHY CATRON EVERHART'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, RAYMOND EARL CATRON and RAYMOND EARL CATRON'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of RAYMOND EARL CATRON and RAYMOND EARL CATRON'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, JONATHAN CHRISTOPHER RICH and JONATHAN CHRISTOPHER RICH'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of JONATHAN CHRISTOPHER RICH and JONATHAN CHRISTOPHER RICH'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 7056, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at a stake in the East line of Bradshaw Street, 95 1/2 Feet South of the intersection of Bradshaw Street and Scarboro Street, (now Albert Street); thence East 150 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot No. 4, Block A, Bradshaw plot; thence along the back line of Lot No. 4, 50 feet to an iron stake; thence West 150 feet to an iron stake in the East side of Bradshaw Street; thence North along Bradshaw Street 50 feet to the BEGINNING. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 187639

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Highest Bid: $26,566.48; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. PLS CONTRACTING, INC., and all possible assignees and successors of PLS CONTRACTING, INC., or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 7485, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING all of Lots Nos. 73, 74 and 75 of the J. Allen Austin Property, known as J.H. TUTTLE and J.S. WORTH LANDS, a plat of which is duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Guilford County, North Carolina in Plat Book 5, Page 403. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 174887    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Highest Bid: $57,750.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. DUANE L. SMITH A/K/A DUANE LARRY SMITH and DUANE L. SMITH A/K/A DUANE LARRY SMITH'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of DUANE L. SMITH A/K/A DUANE LARRY SMITH and DUANE L. SMITH A/K/A DUANE LARRY SMITH'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 9275, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Sumner Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Sumner Township, Guilford County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   Being all of Lots 96 through 106 of Sumner Park Subdivision, a plat of which is recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina, in Plat Book 13, at Page 21.
   Less and except so much as conveyed in Right-of-Way agreement recorded in Deed Book 3848, Page 179, Guilford County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 142656    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $26,377.26; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. MICHAEL S. REDDISH and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of MICHAEL S. REDDISH and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, JOHN E. REDDISH and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of JOHN E. REDDISH and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 3870, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5TH day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of Lot 3 in Block 8 as shown on Plat 15 in the Subdivision of "The Property of Cone Mills Corporation, Greensboro, North Carolina" according to the plat thereof which is recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina, in Plat Book 27, at Page 1.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 27052    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.





Highest Bid: $33,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. FELICIA W. MARTIN and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of FELICIA W. MARTIN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, BRIDGET L. WINSTON and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of BRIDGET L. WINSTON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder,  et al, 20 CvD 9147, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Morehead Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Greensboro, Morehead Township, Guilford County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
BEING All of Lots 82 and 84 of the Lowdermilk-Blalock Subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 8, Guilford County Registry.    

Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 21090    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.
  This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for April 16, 2024:​​​​​​




To Be Resold on a Later Date

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Guilford County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF GUILFORD vs. DANIEL LEE QUICK and spouse, CHARLENE A. QUICK a/k/a CHARLINE A. QUICK and spouse, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of DANIEL LEE QUICK and spouse, CHARLENE A. QUICK a/k/a CHARLINE A. QUICK and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 3138, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 16th day of April, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Guilford County, North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in High Point Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 27 Pinegrove Subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 20, Page 10, Guilford County Public Registry, North Carolina.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 33666    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Iredell County:

Sales Scheduled for February 10, 2025:



Highest Bid: $64,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF IREDELL vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of LINDA TRACY and spouse, if any, which may include ROBERT W. TRACY and spouse, if any, and JUNIOR DARRELL COLE, II and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 1799, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Iredell County, North Carolina, Statesville, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Statesville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING all of Lot No. 171 of Map No. Four of the FOREST ACRES as the same is platted, planned and recorded in Plat Book 22, Page 116, Iredell County Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 4763-63-8085    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Iredell County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for October 28, 2024:



Highest Bid: $126,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF IREDELL vs. CRYSTAL ELIZABETH OVERCASH and CRYSTAL ELIZABETH OVERCASH'S spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of CRYSTAL ELIZABETH OVERCASH and CRYSTAL ELIZABETH OVERCASH'S spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 2909, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 28th day of October, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Iredell County, North Carolina, Statesville, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lor or parcel of land situated in Iredell County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
   BEGINNING at a found #4 rebar, a common corner of Grantor and Jean H. Winkler Deed Book 1000, at page 1443 (now or formerly) and located on the Western margin of the right-of-way of N.C. Highway 1 15; thence running with the Western margin of N.C. Highway 1 15 South 30 degrees 32 minutes 46 seconds West 41.82 feet to a concrete control monument located on the Western margin of the right-of-way of N.C. Highway 1 15; thence running with the following two new lines of the Grantor; (1) North 52 degrees 51 minutes 24 seconds West 248.36 feet to a concrete control monument; (2) North 45 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds West 289.56 feet to a point located in the center line of a rail road; thence with the center line of the rail road North 40 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds East 88.52 feet to a point in the center line of rail road; thence running with the dividing line of the Grantor and Dorothy M. Sherrill Deed Book 261, at page 249 (now or formerly) South 58 degrees 07 minutes 02 seconds East 342.94 feet to a found #4 rebar, a common corner of the Grantor, Winkler, and Sherrill; thence running with the dividing line of the Grantor and Winkler South 30 degrees 33 minutes 12 seconds West 130.78 feet to a found #4 rebar, continuing with the dividing line of the Grantor and Winkler South 58 degrees 08 minutes 13 seconds East 169.99 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, being all of Lot 2, containing 1.15 acres, more or less, all as shown in that certain survey prepared by Joel H. Patterson, III, Registered Land Surveyor, and dated March 18, 1997.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   This conveyance is made subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.

Parcel Identification Number: 4656-11-4251    
   The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
   This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Iredell County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.
   This sale is subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.



Highest Bid: $132,300.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Iredell County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF IREDELL vs. CRYSTAL ELIZABETH OVERCASH and CRYSTAL ELIZABETH  OVERCASH'S spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of CRYSTAL ELIZABETH OVERCASH and CRYSTAL ELIZABETH OVERCASH'S spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 2909, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 28th day of October, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Iredell County, North Carolina, Statesville, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lor or parcel situated in Iredell County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   Beginning at a found #4 rebar located North 30 degrees 35 minutes 05 seconds East 1256.47 feet from N.C.G.S. Monument KUZZO, and located on the Western Margin of the right-of-way of N.C. Highway 1 15, and forming a common corner of the Grantor and Conrad J. Crooks III, Deed Book 554, at Page 417 (now or formerly); thence running with the dividing line of the Grantor and Crooks North 58 degrees 04 minutes 16 seconds West 556.32 feet to a point located in the center line of a railroad; thence running with the center line of the railroad North 40 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds East  163.77 feet to a point; thence forming the following two new lines of the Grantor: (1) South 45 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds East 289.56 feet to a concrete control monument; (2) South 52 degrees 51 minutes 24 seconds East 248.36 feet to a concrete control monument located on the Western Margin of right-of-way of N.C. Highway 115; thence running with the Western Margin of the Right-of-way of N.C. Highway 1 15 South 30 degrees 32 minutes 46 seconds West 77.45 feet to the point and place of beginning being all of lot 1, containing 1.40 acres more or less all as shown in the certain survey prepared by Joel H. Patterson, III, Registered Land Surveyor, and dated March 18, 1997.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   This conveyance is made subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.  

Parcel Identification Number: 4656-11-3160    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
   This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Iredell County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.
   This sale is subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410. 



Jones County:

Sales Scheduled for January 6, 2025:



Highest Bid: $4,368.44; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Jones County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF JONES vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of MARGARET SHACK THOMPSON and spouse, if any, which may include KENNIETH F. THOMPSON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 541, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Jones County, North Carolina, Trenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Pollocksville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Pollocksville Township, Jones County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   Beginning at a point on Highway 17 on the Northeast corner of George Shack land, running thence in a Westwardly direction 35 yards along George Shack line to a stake; thence Southwardly 35 yards to a stake; thence Eastwardly 35 yards to Highway No. 17; thence Northwardly 35 yards along said highway to the beginning containing one-half acre more or less.
   Being the identical land described in deed dated July 13, 1946, from George Shack and wife, Malissa Shack, to Margaret Shack Thompson, recorded in Book 108, page 107, Jones County Public Registry; also being the identical land described in deed dated November 4, 1946, from George Shack and wife, Malissa Shack, to Margaret Shack Thompson and husband, Nathaniel Thompson, recorded in Book 108, page 153, Jones County Registry.
   Less and except so much of the above described parcel conveyed to Department of Transportation in Deed Book 359, Page 60, Jones County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 5438-92-2921-00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Jones County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $4,178.10; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Jones County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF JONES vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of CARRIE ROBERTS and spouse, if any, which may include CARRIE R. PRICE and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of BERT ROBERTS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 507, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Jones County, North Carolina, Trenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Jones County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of and others, and bounded as follows, viz:
   Beginning at Evelyn Wilkerson, line of Track 1-A on the old Quaker Bridge Road, and runs with said Highway 105 feet to a stake; thence west 105 to a stake thence E 105 feet to the line of track 1-A Evelyn Wilkerson line; thence with her line to the Old Quaker Bridge Road the point of beginning, being a part of track 1-B Beulah Mebry, property, and a part of the H. N. Johnson, property, described in Deed recorded in Book 117, Page 14, Jones County Record.  And is a part of the property surveyed by J. L. Foy, November, 1960 known as the Bulah Mabry and Evelyn Wilkerson property.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 4427-76-7684-00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Jones County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Highest Bid: $5,963.82; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Jones County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF JONES vs. JOHN W. KAHLERT and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of JOHN W. KAHLERT and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 08 CvD 16, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Jones County, North Carolina, Trenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in White Oak Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Property located in Town of Maysville, White Oak Township, Jones County, North Carolina.
   Part of Lot 1, Block 59, excepting that part of Lot 1 recorded in Jones County Register of Deeds office in Deed Book 122, Page 195.
   Beginning at Northwest corner of lot owned by R.S. Pridgen Estate, and running West on 5th Street 126 feet to intersection of Jenkins Avenue and 5th Street.  Thence South running along Jenkins Avenue 50 feet.  Thence East 126 feet to Southwest corner of R.S. Pridgen Estate lot, thence North to point of beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.    
   Parcel Identification Number: 5422-95-9120-00    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Jones County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Laurinburg, City of:

Sales Scheduled for February 11, 2025:



Highest Bid: $2,602.26; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. JOHNESIA BOSTIC and JOHNESIA BOSTIC'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of JOHNESIA BOSTIC and JOHNESIA BOSTIC'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 729, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Laurel Hill Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING Lot No. 18 in Sunshine Park Subdivision located northeast of the City of Laurinburg on the McGirt's Bridge Road as shown and located upon a plat of the subdivision made by T.B. Carraway, Registered Surveyor, dated March 17, 1951, which is duly recorded in Plat Book No. 4, at Page 43, Scotland County Registry, reference to said plat being hereby made for a description of greater certainty.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010038 01018    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $3,381.01; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. SHIRLEY B. DOUGLAS and SHIRLEY B. DOUGLAS' SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES  of SHIRLEY B. DOUGLAS and SHIRLEY B. DOUGLAS' SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24 CvD 192, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 143 as shown, located and described on a map entitled, Map of West Washington Park Community Development Section B, dated March 16, 1987, and prepared by J. F. Wampler Engineering, Inc., which said map is recorded in Book of Maps 8, at Page 415, Scotland County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 010058 01056 & 010058 01057    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $3,098.88; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. PEGGY BOYLES and PEGGY BOYLES' SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of PEGGY BOYLES and PEGGY BOYLES' SPOUSE, if any, MANSON J. BRUCE and MANSON J. BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of  MANSON J. BRUCE and MANSON J. BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, BERLINDA BRUCE and BERLINDA BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of BERLINDA BRUCE and BERLINDA BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, FRANCINE BRUCE TRAVIS and FRANCINE BRUCE TRAVIS' SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of FRANCINE BRUCE TRAVIS and FRANCINE BRUCE TRAVIS' SPOUSE, if any, ESTHER BRUCE LOVE A/K/A ESTHER BRUCE and ESTHER BRUCE LOVE A/K/A ESTHER BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS, or DEVISEES of ESTHER BRUCE LOVE A/K/A ESTHER BRUCE and ESTHER BRUCE LOVE A/K/A ESTHER BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 835, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot No. 132, Block J, Washington Park Subdivision as shown on Pages 474 and 475 in Deed Book H in the Office of the Register of Deeds in Scotland County.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010058 01132    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.​



Highest Bid: $8,613.99; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of DOROTHY TURNAGE and spouse, if any, which may include THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of DORETHA G. ADAMS and spouse, if any, which may include DIANA A. BRODDY A/K/A DIANE A. BRODDY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 11 CvD 581, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot of land situate, lying and being in Parkside, Section 1, City of Laurinburg, Scotland County, North Carolina designated as Lot Nos. 16 and 17, Block I, Parkside, Section 1, as shown on a map of Parkside, Section 1, made from survey by Ralph S. Johnson and Frederick Pate, Registered Surveyors, dated January 26, 1960, filed for registration on March 26, 1960, and recorded in Scotland County Registry in Plat Book 6, Page 8, to which reference is hereby made.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 10071 06016    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $21,047.54; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. MINNIE MARILYN BROWN and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of MINNIE MARILYN BROWN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 301, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Those certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the City of Laurinburg, Stewartsville Township, Scotland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:  
   FIRST TRACT:  BEGINNING at the southwestern corner of the lot on which the said John R. Gibson resides and running with its line South 68½ degrees East 75 feet to its southeast corner; thence South 21½ degrees West 57 feet to a corner in the northern line of a lot of the Carolina Central Railway; thence with its line North 68½ degrees West 75 feet to a corner; thence North 21½ East 57 feet to the BEGINNING.  
   SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake on the south side of Dickson Street and running with said street South 68½ degrees East seventy-five (75) feet to a stake, Reddin Murphy's corner; thence with said Murphy line South 21½ degrees West about one hundred and seventy-three (173) feet to a stake in the line of the C.C. R.R. lot; thence with its line North 68½ degrees West seventy-five (75) feet to a stake; thence North 21½ degrees East one hundred seventy-three (173) feet to the BEGINNING, together with its appurtenances.
   SUBJECT TO restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010050 03025    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for December 10, 2024:



Highest Bid: $8,953.66; Pending Confirmation

   Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. EBONY ROBINSON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS, or DEVISEES of EBONY ROBINSON and spouse, if any, ERIC ROBINSON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of ERIC ROBINSON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 11 CvD 247, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land numbered One Hundred Sixty Eight (#168) on a certain map of Washington Park made by C. M. Furman, Jr. for Interstate Land Company and duly recorded in Book G Pages 474 and 475 Office of the Register of Deeds of Scotland County, aforesaid, the said lands herein conveyed being in Stewartsville Township, said State and County, on the South side of Douglas Street and facing Forty (40) feet on said street and extending 120 feet bank from said street and being the Eighth (8th) lot counting from Zion Street on said map, which map is made a part hereof.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010058 01168    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.





Highest Bid: $3,349.92; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. KENNETH R. ANDERSON and spouse, ANNIE B. ANDERSON, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of KENNETH R. ANDERSON and spouse, ANNIE B. ANDERSON or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 73, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot No. 10 of that certain residential subdivision known as Roper Acres, as shown, located and described upon that certain plat thereof made by W.E. Matthews, Registered Surveyor, dated May 24, 1943, and recorded in Plat Book No. 3 at Page 29, Scotland County Registry, to which plat reference is hereby made for greater certainty of description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010075 02010    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $3,501.41; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. MATTIE W. WADE and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of MATTIE W. WADE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 297, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Six (6) adjoining lots, being all of lot numbers 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; and 8 lying on the north side of Henry Lane, Block VII, Section I of Parkside Subdivision as shown on a map of PARKSIDE, Section I, Jasper T. Gibson Lands, 1st Tract, made from survey by Ralph S. Johnson and Frederick Pate, Registered Surveyors, dated January 26, 1960, recorded in Scotland County Registry in Plat Book 6, Page 8, to which reference is hereby made.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010071 04003    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.





​​​Lee County:


Sorry, there are no sales scheduled at this time.




Lenoir County:


Sorry, there are no sales scheduled at this time.





Lumberton, City of:

Sales Scheduled for March 20, 2025:



Taxpayer Redeemed

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LUMBERTON vs. CARL D. BUTLER A/K/A CARL D. BUTLER, SR. and spouse, CARELENE O. BUTLER A/K/A CARLENE O. BUTLER, and all possible heirs HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF CARL D. BUTLER A/K/A CARL D. BUTLER, SR. and spouse, CARELENE O. BUTLER A/K/A CARLENE O. BUTLER, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20CVD002281-770, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Lumberton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lots Nos. Seventy-Three (73) and Seventy-Four (74), as shown and designated on a Map of Victory Heights, prepared by P. A. Roberts, Civil Engineer, dated January and September, 1944, and which is duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County, North Carolina, in Book of Official Maps No. 5, at page 148.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 322003007    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.   

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $8,745.84; Upset Bid Period Ends 03/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LUMBERTON vs. ABNER JUSTIN CHAVIS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF ABNER JUSTIN CHAVIS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, SHANE NICKOLAS CHAVIS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS AND ASSIGNEES OF SHANE NICKOLAS CHAVIS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, SHAWN CHAVIS A/K/A SHAWN CHAVIS LOCKLEAR and spouse, if any, all possible HEIRS AND ASSIGNEES OF SHAWN CHAVIS A/K/A SHAWN CHAVIS LOCKLEAR, and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 15CVD001138-770, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Lumberton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Lumberton, Lumberton Township, Robeson County, North Carolina, on the South side of and adjacent to Watauga Street and West of but not adjacent to Chippewa Street corner and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southern edge of Watauga Street where it intersects the eastern edge of the right-of-way of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad (25 feet wide right-of-way) and runs thence with the South edge of Watauga Street South 85 degrees 45 minutes East 132 feet to a new corner in the tract of which this is a part; thence running approximately South 4 degrees 15 minutes West 62 feet, more or less, to the southern line of the tract of which lot is a part (formerly a tract owned by James Henry Bullard, Sr., now owned by others); the aforesaid line running parallel with the right-of-way of Chippewa Street; thence running parallel with Watauga Street North 85 degrees 45 minutes West 115 feet to the edge of the right-of-way of said railroad; thence running with the right-of-way of said railroad in a northwesterly direction, a distance of 66 feet, more or less, to the beginning corner, and having a house located thereon and being a portion of that tract conveyed to H. T. Bullard by T. J. Bullard by deed recorded in Book 409, at Page 42, in the Robeson County Public Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 32380402601    
   The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $5,898.56; Upset Bid Period Ends 03/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LUMBERTON vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF MARIE E. ROBERTS and spouse, if any, which may include ERIC  DEMOND BLAIR and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19CVD001084-770, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Lumberton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    In the City of Lumberton, and being a part of the Ward subdivision, recorded in Book of Official Maps 2, page 128, Robeson County Registry, and being that certain tract described as follows: Beginning at a point in the line of Kinlaw Street 150 feet southeast of the southeast corner of Bullard Avenue and Kinlaw Street and in the South line of Kinlaw Street and the northeast corner of Lot 20; thence in a southerly direction with the eastern line of Lots 20 and 21, 50 feet to a point, the southeast corner of Lot 21; thence in a westerly direction and with the southern line of Lot 21, 50 feet to a point in said line; thence in a northerly direction and parallel with Bullard Avenue 50 feet to a point in the south line of Kinlaw Street and in the northern line of Lot 20; thence in an easterly direction and with the northern line of Lot 20, 50 feet to the beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 324303018    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.  

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for December 19, 2024:​




Highest Bid: $7,030.55; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LUMBERTON vs. CONNIE BELLE MERRICK and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of CONNIE BELLE MERRICK and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 205, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 19th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Lumberton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All the right, title and interest which the grantors have in and to the following described lot or parcel of land as the only heirs (brothers and sisters) of Maggie Powell Reid, deceased, to-wit:
   About 1-1/2 miles south of the town of Lumberton and on the east side of U.S. Highway No. 41, adjoining lands of Maggie Powell et al, lands of Christine Merrick, and others, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake in the southeastern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 41, said stake being 30 feet from the center line of said highway and the fourth corner of Lot No. 1, and runs thence South 39 degrees East 339.5 feet to an iron stake in the line of Lot No. 5, corner of Lot No. 1; thence South 51 degrees West 60 feet to an iron stake in the line of Lot No. 5, corner of Lot No. 3; thence North 39 degrees West 339.5 feet to a stake in the southeastern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 41, corner of Lot No. 3; thence North 51 degrees East, along said right-of-way line, 60 feet to the beginning, containing FORTY-SEVEN HUNDREDTHS (0.47) of an ACRE, more or less.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 325302033    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Highest Bid: $5,801.44; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LUMBERTON vs. WILLIAM HOWARD MCDONALD A/K/A HOWARD MCDONALD and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of WILLIAM HOWARD MCDONALD A/K/A HOWARD MCDONALD and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 691, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 19th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Lumberton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Lumberton, Lumberton Township, Robeson County, North Carolina, on the North side of the Lovette Road, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron stake in the North edge of Lovette Road, the Southeast corner of Lot No. 24 of the Archie Ward Subdivision as shown on a Map of the same of record in Book of Official Maps No. 2, at Page 128, Robeson County Registry, and runs thence with the North edge of the Lovette Road North 55 degrees West 175 feet to an iron stake in the North edge of the Lovette Road, the Southwestern corner of Lot No. 30 of the Archie Ward Subdivision hereinabove referred to; thence North 35 degrees East 128 feet to an iron stake in the West line of said Lot No. 30; thence South 55 degrees East 85 feet to an iron stake; thence North 35 degrees East 165.6 feet to an iron stake in the South edge of the Cotton Mill Branch Canal; thence along the South edge of Canal Street 64 degrees 52 minutes East 91.35 feet to an iron stake; thence South 35 degrees West 309.25 feet to the beginning, and being all of Lot Nos. One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Five (5), and the lot designated as the "Minnie Howell Lot", as shown and designated on that certain Map of property owned by Fred Howell, et als, prepared by W.B. Jennings, Surveyor, dated May 24, 1954, and duly recorded in Book of Official Maps No. 10, at Page 58, Robeson County Registry.
   Subject to a 10 foot joint driveway or alleyway with Fred Howell and wife, Mary A. Howell, as filed in Deed Book 11-S, Page 206, Robeson County Registry.
   Subject to Water and Storm drainage, and sewer easement recorded in Deed Book 580, Page 633, Robeson County Registry.
   Subject to Joint Driveway agreement recorded in Deed Book 115, Page 206, Robeson County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 324302018    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Maxton, Town of:


Sales Scheduled for March 20, 2025:



Highest Bid: $4,720.27; Upset Bid Period Ends 03/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled TOWN OF MAXTON vs. RONALD RAY BEASLEY and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF RONALD RAY BEASLEY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19CVD001635-770, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Maxton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    First Tract: Beginning in the southern edge of the Scotland Air Line right of way at a stake in the eastern line of the J.D. Austin estate lands, this point being 160 feet in a Westerly direction along the line of said right of way from the intersection of the right of way with the west edge of Vann Street and runs in an easterly direction as said right of way 68 4/7 feet to a stake; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Vann Street 225 feet to a stake; thence in a westerly direction parallel to the Seaboard Air Line right of way 68 4/7 feet to a stake; thence along the Austin line in a northerly direction parallel to Vann Street 225 feet to the point of beginning.
   Second Tract: Beginning at a stake in the southern line of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad right of way, it being the northeast corner of the First Tract above described and the northwest corner of the Mrs. Annie Carter Sutherland lot and being 91 3/7 feet along the southern edge of the right of way from the intersection of said right of way with Vann Street and runs as the southern edge of said right of way in an easterly direction 7 feet to a stake; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Vann Street 72 feet 9 ½ inches to a stake; thence in a southwesterly direction 22 feet to a point in the dividing line between the L.W. Carter lot and the Mrs. Annie Carter Sutherland lot which point is 92 feet along said dividing line from the beginning; thence as said dividing line 92 feet to the point of beginning. 
   The above First and Second Tracts being the identical parcels described in Book 18-S, at Page 211, Robeson County Registry, incorporated herein by reference.
   LESS AND EXCEPT the following parcel: Beginning at a concrete monument, the southeastern corner of a lot owned by Annie Carter Sutherland, and running thence as her line North 24 degrees 30 minutes East 110 feet; thence North 65 degrees 31 minutes West 75.5 feet; thence South 24 degrees 30 minutes West 110 feet to a concrete monument; thence South 65 degrees 31 minutes East 75.5 feet to the beginning, and being the identical parcel described in Book 18-S, at Page 212, Robeson County Registry, incorporated herein by reference.
   SUBJECT TO easements, rights-of-way and restrictions of record, Robeson County, North Carolina.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 330302024    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Sales Scheduled for December 19, 2024:



Highest Bid: $4,889.76; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled TOWN OF MAXTON vs. CHARLES HENRY MALLOY and CHARLES HENRY MALLOY'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of CHARLES HENRY MALLOY and CHARLES HENRY MALLOY'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 1822, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 19th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Maxton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot No. Nine (9) shown on the Map entitled Mamie Florence McLeod Malloy Estate Division, prepared by James Coxe Hasty, RLS, dated May 12, 1990, and recorded in Plat Book 31, page 76, Robeson County Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 33030101613    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for September 19, 2024:



Highest Bid: $13,930.97; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled TOWN OF MAXTON vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of MARGARET M. DOUGLAS and spouse, if any, which may include LUTHER DOUGLAS, III and spouse, if any, MARGARET E. THOMAS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 1596, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 19th day of September, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Maxton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Maxton Township, Robeson County, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
   BEGINNING at a stake in the edge of Railroad Street, the Southeast corner of Walter Leak's lot, and runs with the edge of the said Street 78 feet to Hooper's line; thence North 26 1/2 East 157 feet to a stake in a corner of Graham Street; thence with the edge of Graham Street N. 56 1/2 West 93 feet to Walter Leak's corner; thence with the said Leak's line South 22 West to the beginning.
   EXCEPTING, HOWEVER, from the above described lot or tract of that certain part of said land which was conveyed by deed dated 23 January, 1947 from Calvin Peterkin and wife, Cora Peterkin, to Frank Purcell and wife, Arietha Purcell, which said deed is duly recorded in Book 10-J, at Page 26, said lot or parcel of land being described as follows:
   In the Town of Maxton:
   Beginning at a stake in the Old Hooper line and running North 31 degrees, 00 minutes East 55.9 feet to where the Old Hooper line intersects the south line of Graham Street; thence along the south line of Graham Street North 58 degrees 45 minutes West 78 0 feet to an iron stake; thence  South 25 degrees, 00 minutes West 61.3 feet to an iron stake; thence South 62 degrees, 00 minutes East 88.4 feet to the beginning, containing 4,875.5 square feet, more or less.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 330603015    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.                             

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.​​




Moore County:​


Sales Scheduled for April 28, 2025:​




    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Moore County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF MOORE vs. THE MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION IN NORTH CAROLINA, INC., and any ASSIGNS OR SUCCESSORS OF THE MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION IN NORTH CAROLINA, INC., or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20CVD001392-620, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 28th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Moore County, North Carolina, Carthage, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Sandhills Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Sandhills Township, Moore County, NC and more particularly described as follows: 
   BEING Lot 1 located on E. South Street in Aberdeen, NC. BEGINNING at a MAG nail set located on the eastern side of Glasgow Street and the northern side of East South Street, said MAG nail set also being located N 28 deg. 00 min. 12 sec. E, 148.62 feet from the southwest corner of (DB 12 PG 480); thence along and with the east side of Glasgow Street N 28 deg. 00 min. 12 sec. E, 155 feet to a new iron rod; thence leaving the east side of Glasgow Street and running along and with the southern line of Mildred Hough (DB 12 PG 479) and Joseph Williamson (DB 505 PG 579), S 62 deg. 12 min. 32 sec. E, 137.01 feet to a new iron rod located in the southern line of Joseph Williamson (DB 505 PG 579) said new iron rod being located N 62 deg. 12 min. 32 sec. W, 49.91 feet from the southeast corner of Joseph Williamson (DB 505 PG 579) said new iron rod also being the northwest corner of A.W. Builders, Inc. (DB 3278 PG 439); thence along and with the western line of A. W. Builders, Inc. (DB 3278 PG 439), S 28 deg. 18 min. 38 sec. W, 155 feet to a new iron rod located on the northern side of East South Street said new iron rod being the southwest corner of A. W. Builders, Inc. (DB 3278, PG 439); thence along and with the northern side of East South Street N 62 deg. 12 min. 32 sec. W, 136.18 feet to a MAG nail set the point of BEGINNING; containing 0.486 acres.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.
   Parcel Identification Number: 00053751    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Moore County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.  
   This sale is subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Moore County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF MOORE vs. STEVEN J. PATTISON and spouse, ELIZABETH H. PATTISON, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF STEVEN J. PATTISON and spouse, ELIZABETH H. PATTISON, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21CVD000747-620, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 28th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Moore County, North Carolina, Carthage, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in McNeill Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in McNeill Township, Moore County, North Carolina, described as follows:
   Lot 413B, Section 4, of FOREST CREEK GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT, as shown on a plat thereof recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County, North Carolina, in Plat Cabinet 7, Slide 69.
   This conveyance is made subject to Easement to the Town of Southern Pines recorded in Book 1538, page 309, Moore County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.
   Parcel Identification Number: 98000467    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Moore County Register of Deeds.


    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.

    This sale is subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Moore County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF MOORE vs. JAMES STEELE SAUNDERS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF JAMES STEELE SAUNDERS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21CVD000579-620, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 28th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Moore County, North Carolina, Carthage, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Mineral Springs Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Mineral Springs Township, Moore County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   BEING Lot Nos. 42, 43 and 44 on NC Highway No. 73, and Lot Nos. 125, 126, and 127 on Poole Street, these Lots being a part of the Thomas F. Grimes Subdivision recorded in Map Book 2A, page 81, in Moore County, North Carolina. Being 75 feet on NC Highway No. 73, to Poole Street, and a depth of 300 feet from NC Highway No. 73 to Poole Street.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.
   Parcel Identification Number: 00026451

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Moore County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.
   This sale is subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. Section 2410.




Sales Scheduled for February 17, 2025:




Highest Bid: $16,537.50; Upset Bid Period Ends 3/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Moore County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF MOORE vs. AUSTIN B. HORNE and AUSTIN B. HORNE'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF AUSTIN B. HORNE and AUSTIN B. HORNE'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 331, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 17th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Moore County, North Carolina, Carthage, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in McNeill Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot No. 25, as shown on map entitled Survey of Plain View Estates dated October 14, 1988, prepared by Thomas J. Matthews, Surveyor, recorded in Plat Book 4, Slide 115, Moore County Registry.  
   This conveyance is made subject to restrictive covenants recorded in Book 682, page 63 and as amended in Book 694, page 316, Moore County Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 44532    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Moore County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Northampton County:


Sales Scheduled for February 5, 2025:



Highest Bid: $4,396.51; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON vs. PENNY LANE DAVIS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of PENNY LANE DAVIS and spouse, if any, DONALD WAYNE BLANTON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of DONALD WAYNE BLANTON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 447, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Northampton County, North Carolina, Jackson, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Kirby Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    The ½ undivided interest of David Wayne Blanton in those certain lots or parcels of land lying and being in Kirby Township, Northampton County, North Carolina, and described as follows: Being described as Lot No. 25 containing 0.4793 acre on a survey entitled: Plat Showing Pine Ridge Subdivision Section III, Lots 23, 24, 25. Owned by A.C. Martin, Kirby Tp., Northampton Co., NC, Scale 1 inch = 100 feet - February 27, 1996, Billy Felton, Surveyor, recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 111, Northampton County Registry. 
   Included with this conveyance to the Grantee, his successors in interest, heirs and assigns is the non-exclusive right of ingress, egress, and regress over a 60 ft right-of-way which leads from the lands above described to SR # 1354 as indicated on the aforesaid survey by Billy Felton dated February 27, 1996. Reference to said survey is made for further describing said right-of-way.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 03-03893    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Northampton County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $2,017.19; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON vs. JESSE PARKER and spouse, VIRGINIA F. PARKER, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of JESSE PARKER and spouse, VIRGINIA F. PARKER, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 445, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of February,  2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Northampton County, North Carolina, Jackson, North Carolina at 12:00  o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Rich Square Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Rich Square, Rich Square Township, Northampton County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   That certain lot lying on the Southern side of but not adjoining Roberts Road and bounded on the North by lot of Roy Drew, on the East and South by the Thomas Walden Estate lands, and on the West by lands of May Majette and being particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a pipe on the Western edge of a 20 foot right of way, Southeastern corner in a lot now owned by George E. Conwell, Jr. and running thence along the edge of said right of way South 05 degrees 53 minutes West 114.8 feet; thence a new line North 82 degrees 04 minutes East sic [West] 224.9 feet to a pipe in the line of May Majette; thence the Majette line North 03 degrees 54 minutes East 114.8 feet to an iron bar in the line of George E. Conwell, Jr.; thence with the Conwell line South 82 degrees 04 minutes East 224.9 feet to the point of beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.    
   Parcel Identification Number: 13-01270    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Northampton County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $2,037.52; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON vs. JESSE PARKER and spouse, VIRGINIA F. PARKER, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of JESSE PARKER and spouse, VIRGINIA F. PARKER, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 445, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of February,  2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Northampton County, North Carolina, Jackson, North Carolina at 12:00  o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Rich Square Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    That certain tract or parcel of land located in the Town of Rich Square, Rich Square Township, Northampton County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
   All that certain lot or tract of land in the Town of Rich Square, Rich Square Township, Northampton County, North Carolina, containing 0.62 acres, more or less, and being the identical property described in that certain deed dated June 24, 1985, by and between Robert G. Walden et ux and George E. Conwell, Jr. and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Northampton County in Book 633, Page 91. Reference is hereby made to that certain map bearing the legend Plat Showing Property of George E. Conwell, Jr. dated June 18, 1985, prepared by Billy Felton, Surveyor, which map is attached hereto and made a part of hereof and recorded in Deed Book 752, Page 503 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Northampton County.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 13-01271    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Northampton County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $7,365.68; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON vs. TROY D. EARLES and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISES of TROY D. EARLES and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 454, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Northampton County, North Carolina, Jackson, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Roanoke Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of that 0.536 acre lot as shown on plat surveyed for Hazel D. Hobbs recorded in Plat Book 41, Page 25, Northampton County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 07-02626    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Northampton County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Taxpayer Redeemed

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON vs. JAMES PATRICK WHITE and spouse, KENDRA PARKER WHITE, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of JAMES PATRICK WHITE and spouse, KENDRA PARKER WHITE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 153, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Northampton County, North Carolina, Jackson, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in  Wiccacanee Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot 1B as shown on Map of Division, Edwards versus Edwards, Sheet 2, recorded in Plat Book 35, page 120A, Northampton County Registry.
   Said lot is subject to an easement of Right of Way along the 30 foot easement of Right of Way along the center line of the existing path as shown on the aforesaid map.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 09-02926    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Northampton County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $6,448.82; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON vs. LINWOOD LAMBERTSON, SR and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of LINWOOD LAMBERTSON, SR and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 378, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Northampton County, North Carolina, Jackson, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Rich Square Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    That certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Rich Square Township, Northampton County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:
   It being Lot No. 4 as shown and delineated on that certain map and survey made by M.M. Revelle, Surveyor, dated December 7, 1961, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Northampton County in Map Book 6 at Page 24.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 06-01651    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Northampton County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $12,032.30; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON vs. ASIA QUIMBY and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of ASIA QUIMBY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 347, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Northampton County, North Carolina, Jackson, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    That certain lot or parcel of land located in Seaboard Township, Northampton County, North Carolina and being the Western most portion of Lot No. 7 as described in deed book 539, page 277 and shown on map recorded in Map Book 6, page 6 in the Northampton Registry and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a p.k. nail set in the centerline of Calvert Street said p.k. nail being located South 40 degrees 39 minutes 35 seconds East 650.32 feet from an existing p.k. nail in the centerline of rail road tracks and running from said beginning point thus established and along a Northern boundary of a 25 foot easement for ingress and egress, North 67 degrees 07 minutes East 207.12 feet to a set iron pipe marking the northwestern most property corner for the Joe Justice lot; thence running on a common line with the Joe Justice lot South 22 degrees 53 minutes East 125.37 feet to a set iron pipe; thence running North (S.I.C. South) 67 degrees 07 minutes East (S.I.C. West) 156.00 feet to a point located in the centerline of Calvert Street; thence running along the centerline of Calvert Street and in a Northwesterly direction approximately 133 feet to the point and place of beginning. THERE IS EXCEPTED from the above described tract so much of that property as lies within the right of way of Calvert Street and said tract is subject to a 25 foot easement for ingress and egress which is located along the Northern boundary line of the above described property.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 08-01996    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
   This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Northampton County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



Sales Scheduled for February 7, 2024:


To Be Resold on a Later Date

      Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON vs. JESSE PARKER and spouse, VIRGINIA F. PARKER, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of JESSE PARKER and spouse, VIRGINIA F. PARKER, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 445, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February,  2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Northampton County, North Carolina, Jackson, North Carolina at 12:00  o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Rich Square Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:
      All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Rich Square, Rich Square Township, Northampton County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
      That certain lot lying on the Southern side of but not adjoining Roberts Road and bounded on the North by lot of Roy Drew, on the East and South by the Thomas Walden Estate lands, and on the West by lands of May Majette and being particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a pipe on the Western edge of a 20 foot right of way, Southeastern corner in a lot now owned by George E. Conwell, Jr. and running thence along the edge of said right of way South 05 degrees 53 minutes West 114.8 feet; thence a new line North 82 degrees 04 minutes East sic [West] 224.9 feet to a pipe in the line of May Majette; thence the Majette line North 03 degrees 54 minutes East 114.8 feet to an iron bar in the line of George E. Conwell, Jr.; thence with the Conwell line South 82 degrees 04 minutes East 224.9 feet to the point of beginning.
      Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.     
      Parcel Identification Number: 13-01270    
      The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
      This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Northampton County Register of Deeds.
     This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


To Be Resold on a Later Date

      Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON vs. JESSE PARKER and spouse, VIRGINIA F. PARKER, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of JESSE PARKER and spouse, VIRGINIA F. PARKER, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 445, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of February,  2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Northampton County, North Carolina, Jackson, North Carolina at 12:00  o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Rich Square Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:
      That certain tract or parcel of land located in the Town of Rich Square, Rich Square Township, Northampton County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
      All that certain lot or tract of land in the Town of Rich Square, Rich Square Township, Northampton County, North Carolina, containing 0.62 acres, more or less, and being the identical property described in that certain deed dated June 24, 1985, by and between Robert G. Walden et ux and George E. Conwell, Jr. and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Northampton County in Book 633, Page 91. Reference is hereby made to that certain map bearing the legend Plat Showing Property of George E. Conwell, Jr. dated June 18, 1985, prepared by Billy Felton, Surveyor, which map is attached hereto and made a part of hereof and recorded in Deed Book 752, Page 503 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Northampton County.
      Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
      Parcel Identification Number: 13-01271    
      The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
      This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Northampton County Register of Deeds.
     This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Onslow County:


Sales Scheduled for January 14, 2025:




Highest Bid: $9,500.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Onslow County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF ONSLOW vs. JASON WEST CONSTRUCTION, LLC, A/K/A JASON WEST CONSTUCTION, LLC, and any ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of JASON WEST CONSTRUCTION, LLC, A/K/A JASON WEST CONSTUCTION, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 2484, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 14th day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Onslow County, North Carolina, Jacksonville, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in White Oak Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 89 as shown on a plat entitled, Country Club Estates Section I, dated July 23, 1984, prepared by Barden Lanier and Associates, and recorded in Map Book 22, Page 160, Onslow County Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 043715    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Onslow County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.





Sales Scheduled for September 23, 2024:​




Highest Bid: $40,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Onslow County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF ONSLOW vs. GROUP EIGHT, LTD., and any assignees or successors of GROUP EIGHT, LTD or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 16 CvD 3131, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 23rd day of September, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Onslow County, North Carolina, Jacksonville, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in  Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point, said point being the North West corner of Lot 410 on the Southern right of way of Parnell Road in Foxtrace Subdivision, Section IV, Phase I as recorded in Map Book 31, Page 179 in the Onslow County Register of Deeds. From said point 303.32 feet, S. 34  56' 27" W. to a point along the Western property line of Lot 410; thence 285.67 feet S. 21  30' 20" E. along the rear lot lines of Lots 410, 419 and 420 to a point on the rear lot line of Lot 420. Thence 587.03 S. 68  29' 40" W. along the rear lot lines of Lots 422-428 of Foxtrace Subdivision, Section IV, Phase I to a point along the rear lot line of Lot 428. Thence 347.34 feet N. 21  30' 19" W. to a point. Thence 589.55 feet, N. 68  29' 41" E. to a point. Thence 267.13 feet N. 34  56' 27" E. to a point along Southern right of way of Parnell Road. Thence along said right of way 50.00 feet S. 55  03' 33" E. back to the point of beginning. Said property being 5.01 acres.
   The intent of the grantors herein is to recombine those parcels that are contiguous above and to also conveyor herewith is an easement with right of ingress, regress and non-exclusive use across and along the lands of grantors which shall be no more than 60 feet in width and located along the western most boundary of these parcels.
   Together with and subject to Deed of Easement and Access Way recorded in Deed Book 3583, Page 322, Onslow County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   This conveyance is made subject to a 120 day right of redemption by the United States of America pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 7425 and 28 U.S.C. section 2410.
   Parcel Identification Number: 004493    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
   This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Onslow County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Pamlico County:


Sales Scheduled for February 13, 2025:




Highest Bid: $7,185.52; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Pamlico County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF PAMLICO vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF NANCY T. WYMAN A/K/A NANCY SULLENS WYMAN and spouse, if any, which may include THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF WADE WAYNE WYMAN and spouse, if any, MICHAEL W. WYMAN and spouse, if any, JOSEPH W. WYMAN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 141, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 13th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Pamlico County, North Carolina, Bayboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Number (2) Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Said lot, containing 61/100 of an acre, is shown on the map prepared by Collier Survey Company dated June 6, 1986, entitled Joe R. Brannan, which is attached to the deed to Joe R. and Fannie O. Brannan recorded in Book 239 at page 545, Pamlico County Registry, said map being at page 547.
   AS AN APPURTENANCE to the above-described lot there is conveyed herewith a perpetual nonexclusive easement for ingress, egress and regress to and from it and the Main Road (Secondary Road 1324) over and along the 60-foot wide road which is shown on the map which is recorded in Map Book 12 at page 45, Pamlico County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: K052-12    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Pamlico County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $4,200.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Pamlico County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF PAMLICO vs. FREDERICK D. WILSON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of FREDERICK D. WILSON and spouse, if any, BRIAN E. MOORE and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of BRIAN E. MOORE and spouse, if any, SHANE WILSON A/K/A BERNIKA S. WILSON A/K/A B. SHANE WILSON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of SHANE WILSON A/K/A BERNIKA S. WILSON A/K/A B. SHANE WILSON and spouse, if any, MARI E. TRIPP A/K/A MERRI E. TRIPP and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of MARI E. TRIPP A/K/A MERRI E. TRIPP and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 155, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 13th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Pamlico County, North Carolina, Bayboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Number Three (3) Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    That certain lot or parcel of land in Number Three (3) Township, Pamlico County, North Carolina, particularly described as follows:
   That certain lot designated as PARCEL A +/- 19,898 sq. ft. +/- 0.46 AC. as shown on that map by Floyd L. Suitt, Jr. & Associates, RLS, dated October 19, 1992 and recorded in Deed Book 294 at page 318, Pamlico County Registry.
   Subject to the Right of Way Agreement recorded in Deed Book 340, Page 291, Pamlico County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: I042-99    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Pamlico County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $21,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Pamlico County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF PAMLICO vs. R AND A DEVELOPMENTS, LLC, and any ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of R AND A DEVELOPMENTS, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 142, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 13th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Pamlico County, North Carolina, Bayboro, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Number Three (3) Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    On the north side of NC Highway 304 and beginning at an existing stake, said stake being the following two courses and distances from the intersection of the centerlines of NC Highway 304 and SR 1211; North 69° 57' 53" East 1235.99 feet, North 72° 20' 41" East 74.80 feet, thence from said Point of Beginning North 04° 00' 40" East 495.00 feet, thence North 72° 20' 41" East 126.20 feet, thence South 04° 00' 40" West 495.00 feet to the northern edge of NC Highway 304, thence South 72° 20' 41" West with said road edge 126.20 feet to the Point of Beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: I041-17    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Pamlico County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.





Pembroke, Town of:


Sorry, there are no sales scheduled at this time.​





Perquimans County:


Sales Scheduled for April 30, 2025:





    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS vs. FLOYD JAMES HOWIE, III and spouse, TERESA M. HOWIE, and all possible heirs and assignees of FLOYD JAMES HOWIE, III and spouse, TERESA M. HOWIE, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23CVD000104-710, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Perquimans County, North Carolina, Hertford, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Bethel Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot 58, Section Y - Randolph Village, of Albemarle Plantation, as shown on plat entitled Albemarle Plantation, Randolph Village, Section Y, Bethel Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, which said plat is recorded in Plat Cabinet 2, Slide 80, Map Nos. 5, 6 and 7, Perquimans County Public Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 2-D082-Y058-AP    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for the 1% Land Transfer Tax, recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Perquimans County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS vs. ALLEN L. BOUTELLE and spouse, ANNA M. BOUTELLE, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF ALLEN L. BOUTELLE and spouse, ANNA M. BOUTELLE, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23CVD000037-710, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Perquimans County, North Carolina, Hertford, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Bethel Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot No. 37, Section Q & R - Waverly, Phase I, Albemarle Plantation, as shown on plat entitled Final Plan, Section Q & R, Waverly, Albemarle Plantation as recorded in Plat Cabinet 2, Slide 35, Map No. 1, Perquimans Co. Public Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 2-D082-QR37-AP    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for the 1% Land Transfer Tax, recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Perquimans County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS vs. JESSICA L. PRICE and JESSICA L. PRICE'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF JESSICA L. PRICE and JESSICA L. PRICE'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23CVD000226-710, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Perquimans County, North Carolina, Hertford, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Bethal Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot 15, Section C, Oakland, Phase I of Albemarle Plantation, as shown on plat entitled Final Plat, Oakland, Phase 1, Section C, Lots 1-24, Albemarle Plantation, Bethel Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, which said plat is recorded in Plat Cabinet 2, Slide 60, Map No. 1, Perquimans County Public Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 2-D082-C015-AP    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for the 1% Land Transfer Tax, recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Perquimans County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Sales Scheduled for January 29, 2025:




Highest Bid: $2,677.76; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS vs. SAMUEL A. BUTTARI and SAMUEL A. BUTTARI'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of SAMUEL A. BUTTARI and SAMUEL A. BUTTARI'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23CvD000117-710, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Perquimans County, North Carolina, Hertford, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Bethel Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Lot No. 42, Section A, as shown on Plat of Holiday Island, recorded in the Perquimans County Public Registry in Plat Book 4, page 221. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 2-D082-A042-HI    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for the 1% Land Transfer Tax, recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Perquimans County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $3,728.96; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS vs. DAWN M. KIMPEL and DAWN M. KIMPEL'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of DAWN M. KIMPLE and DAWN M. KIMPEL'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 231, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Perquimans County, North Carolina, Hertford, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Bethel Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot 4, Greenwood, Section H, Phase I, of Albemarle Plantation, as shown on plat entitled ALBEMARLE PLANTATION, GREENWOOD, SECTION H, Lots 1-29, BETHEL TOWNSHIP, PERQUIMANS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, which said plat is recorded in Plat Cabinet 2, Slide 75, Map No. 1, 2 & 3, Perquimans County Public Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 2-D082-H004-AP

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for the 1% Land Transfer Tax, recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Perquimans County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Sales Scheduled for October 30, 2024:



Highest Bid: $2,926.76; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS vs. FLOYD JAMES HOWIE, III  and spouse, TERESA M. HOWIE, and all possible heirs and assignees of FLOYD JAMES HOWIE, III  and spouse, TERESA M. HOWIE, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 104, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of October, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Perquimans County, North Carolina, Hertford, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Bethel Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot 58, Section Y - Randolph Village, of Albemarle Plantation, as shown on plat entitled Albemarle Plantation, Randolph Village, Section Y, Bethel Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, which said plat is recorded in Plat Cabinet 2, Slide 80, Map Nos. 5, 6 and 7, Perquimans County Public Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 2-D082-Y058-AP    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for the 1% Land Transfer Tax, recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Perquimans County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.





Plymouth, Town of:


Sales Scheduled for February 27, 2025:



Highest Bid: $5,605.87; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF PLYMOUTH vs. WILLIAM ANTHONY DOWNING and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF WILLIAM ANTHONY DOWNING and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 55, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Plymouth Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being that portion of Lot #17 of The Hyman-Baker Subdivision conveyed to Les Hedgebeth by deed recorded July 24, 2001 in Book 393, Page 609. See plat recorded in Map Book 6, Page 75.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6767.14-32-5544    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.

Sales Scheduled for November 21, 2024:




Highest Bid: $15,629.06; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF PLYMOUTH vs. MARCIE OWENS and spouse, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNS and  DEVISEES of MARCIE OWENS and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, and DEVISEES of HENRY ALEXANDER OWENS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 94, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot No. 4 of Block B of the Marcia Latham property, map of which is of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County, North Carolina, in Map Book 1 and 3, Page 21 (now Plat Cabinet A, Slide A-12), and being the same lot of land conveyed to party of the first part and party of the second part by deed from Z.V. Norman and wife, dated March 5, 1945, and recorded in Book 142, Page 247, Washington County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6767.12-76-9804    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $3,922.07; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF PLYMOUTH vs. MARGARET H. BERRY and spouse, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of MARGARET H. BERRY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 212, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Town of Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   Beginning at the southwest corner of the land now or formerly of Fannie and Pat Johnson, being the place where C.D. Heath now or formerly lived; thence running northwardly with the line of said Johnson to the right of way of the Norfolk Southern Railway Company; thence westwardly along the line of the right-of-way of said railroad to the land now or formerly of Alphonso Lynox; thence southwardly along the line of Lynox to Main or Second Street extended; thence eastwardly along said street to the point of beginning.
   LESS AND EXCEPT so much of the above parcel conveyed to Town of Plymouth in Deed Book 443, Page 382, Washington County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6767.11-57-1120    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $5,387.14; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF PLYMOUTH vs. ROBERT LEWIS BUTCHER, JR. and ROBERT LEWIS BUTCHER JR.'S SPOUSE, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of ROBERT LEWIS BUTCHER, JR. and ROBERT LEWIS BUTCHER, JR.'S SPOUSE, if any, NICHOLAS BUTCHER and NICHOLAS BUTCHER'S SPOUSE, if any, and any HEIRS, or ASSIGNEES of NICHOLAS BUTCHER and NICHOLAS BUTCHER'S SPOUSE, if any, PATRICIA BUTCHER A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE-CROWE A/K/A PATRICIA F. KITCHEN A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE and PATRICIA BUTCHER A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE-CROWE A/K/A PATRICIA F. KITCHEN A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE'S SPOUSE, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNEES of PATRICIA BUTCHER A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE-CROWE A/K/A PATRICIA F. KITCHEN A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE and PATRICIA BUTCHER A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE-CROWE A/K/A PATRICIA F. KITCHEN A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 130, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Plymouth Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning on the East side of Roanoke Avenue in the center of a ditch, said point of beginning being the northwest corner of the lands of Allan Papineau and the southwest corner of the lot herein described and running thence along the center of said ditch North 77 degrees 15 minutes East 295 feet to the White property; thence North 30 degrees West 57 feet to an iron stake, the southeast corner of Lot 72 of Stillacres, map of which is hereinafter referred to, and running thence South 80 degrees West 203 feet to the east side of Roanoke Avenue; thence with the east side of Roanoke Avenue South 9 degrees 45 minutes East 80 feet to the point of beginning, and being Lot No. 71 of the Subdivision of Stillacres, map of which is of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County, North Carolina, in Map Book 4, Page 45. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 6777.05-09-7986    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.






Richmond County:


Sales Scheduled for February 21, 2025:​ 





Highest Bid: $38,587.50; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. CASEY M. DAWKINS and CASEY M. DAWKINS' SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF CASEY M. DAWKINS and CASEY M. DAWKINS' SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 608, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00  o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in WolfPit Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    That certain lot or parcel of land located near East Rockingham and being Lot No. 65 of the H. C. Watson Lands and surveyed and platted by C. M. Furman, Jr., which said plat is recorded in Book 3, Page 492, reference to which is hereby made for a more complete description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7462-08-7785-33    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $35,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. DENNIS L. SHANKLE and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF DENNIS L. SHANKLE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 15 CvD 236, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Wolf Pit Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING Lot No. Thirty four (34) of the subdivision of property of Hannah Pickett Worsted Mills, J.P. Stevens & Co., Inc., owner, according to survey and plat of same made by Graham & Liles, Registered Surveyors, on 21 June 1950, which plat is recorded in Book of Plats No. 6 on Page 78 of the Richmond County Registry, reference to which is made for a more definite description thereof.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7462-08-8971-67    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $5,008.81; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND & TOWN OF DOBBINS HEIGHTS vs. DELOURES J. OWENS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF DELOURES J. OWENS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 12, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Marks Creek Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    SECOND TRACT: Being lots 65 and 66 of the Longwood Park Subdivision according to a Map in Plat Book 1, Page 87, Richmond County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7491-05-2841-67    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $4,169.90; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. ANTWAN  DEMAR BLUE and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF ANTWAN DEMAR BLUE and spouse, if any, MCMILLARD ANTHONY DOUGLAS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF MCMILLARD ANTHONY DOUGLAS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 14 CvD 1080, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Beaver Dam Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron stake 30 feet South of the center line of State Road #1475 said beginning point being N. 73  00' West 710.00 feet from the original Northeastern corner of the tract of which this is part and runs thence South 17  00' West 218.0 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 73  00' West 182.00 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 17  00' East 218 feet to an iron stake 30 feet S of the center of State Road #1475; thence along the southern right of way margin of said road South 73  00' East 182.0 feet to the beginning. Containing one acre.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 8426-00-6640-82    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $5,500.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. LABERTHA WALL and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF LABERTHA WALL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 882, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Rockingham Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot No 10 in Block B of a subdivision of the lands of W. P. McRae according to a plat and survey of the same made by James Stewart, Surveyor and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond County in Book of Plats No. 5 at Page 57.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7453-02-9803-21    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $23,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. PEARLEEN DAVID and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF PEARLEEN DAVID and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 331, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Marks Creek Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at an iron stake situate in the northern right-of-way line of the Osborne-Ghio Road (State Road #1803); said beginning stake being in the original western line of the tract of which this parcel being described is a part; said beginning stake being situate N 14-30 E. 32.2 feet from the center line of the Osborne-Ghio Road (State Road #1803), the original southwest corner of the tract of which this is a part; said beginning stake also being a point in the eastern line of the Will York's land designated as Tract #3 of the William Guinn place; thence leading said right-of-way of Osborne-Ghio Road (State Road #1803) and runs with the original eastern line of said Will York's Tract #3 and with the original western line of the tract of which this is a part, N. 14-30 E. 369.9 feet to an iron stake situate in said Will York's line and in the western line of the tract of which this is a part; thence runs a new line N. 65-09 E. 94.6 feet to an iron stake situate in the center line of a small farm dirt road; thence leaving said dirt road and runs a new line S. 15-46 W. 231.0 feet to an iron stake; thence a new line N. 84-11 W. 31.8 feet to an iron stake; thence a new line S. 19-41 W. 202.8 feet to an iron stake situate in the northern right-of-way line of said Osborne-Ghio Road (State Road #1803); thence runs a new line with said northern right-of-way N 52-16 W. 19.9 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.46 acre more or less.
   Togehter with and subject to easement recorded in Deed Book 1194, Page 497, Richmond County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7388-00-4982-57    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.        
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $2,811.24; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. ALMA MCBRIDE and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF ALMA MCBRIDE and spouse, if any, KENNETH M. HILL and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF KENNETH M. HILL and spouse, if any, DORIS S. HILL and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS, OR DEVISEES OF DORIS S. HILL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 209, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Mineral Springs Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot 16 of Plain-View Subdivision, Section 4, recorded in Plat Slide 618-A, Richmond County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7477-01-1816-90    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.        
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $30,450.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. GAIL B. WINBURN and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF GAIL B. WINBURN and spouse, if any, CAROL M. FLEMING A/K/A CAROLYN M. FLEMING and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF CAROL M. FLEMING A/K/A CAROLYN M. FLEMING and spouse, if any, MANLY BRIGMAN, III and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF MANLY BRIGMAN, III and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 657, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Marks Creek Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    The tract just described is designated as Tract No. 2 in Block D in the H. W. Snead Subdivision of the Entwistle 38 acre tract of land, according to a survey and plat made by James Stewart, Surveyor, in 1945, and which said plat appears of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond County in Book of Plats No. 4 at page 130.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7472-04-8270-79    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.        

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $6,000.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. KINGDOM FIRST PROPERTIES, LLC., and  any assignees or successors of KINGDOM FIRST PROPERTIES LLC. or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 1141, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lots 6 and 7 in Block “C” as shown on the map or plat of The Subdivision of Betsy Long Sammons' Property surveyed by James Stewart, Surveyors, said plot or map appearing of record in Plat Book 5, Page 106, Richmond County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7473-14-4442-89    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $28,350.00; Upset Bid Period Ends 03/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. LABERTHA WALL and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF LABERTHA WALL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 15 CvD 214, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Rockingham Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING Lot No. 5 in Block "B" of a subdivision of the lands of W. P. McRae according to a plat and survey of the same made by James Stewart, Surveyor and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond County in Book of Plats No. 5 at Page 57.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7453-02-8892-36    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.    

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Highest Bid: $2,801.69; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled TOWN OF DOBBINS HEIGHTS vs. TERESA JENKINS BENNETT A/K/A THERESA JENKINS BENNETT and TERESA JENKINS BENNETT A/K/A THERESA JENKINS BENNETT'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF TERESA JENKINS BENNETT A/K/A THERESA JENKINS BENNETT and TERESA JENKINS BENNETT A/K/A THERESA JENKINS BENNETT'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24 CvD 165, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property Marks Creek Township, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Lot No. 20 in Block D of Sunset Park according to survey and plat of the same as made by A. L. McNeill, County Surveyor, in March 1945, of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond County in Plat Book 4 at page 111, reference to which is had for a detailed description of the same. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 749218326435    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.    

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for January 31, 2025:​ 



Highest Bid: $10,684.58; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of WANDA JONES ELLERBE and spouse, if any, which may include LESTER ELLERBE A/K/A JAMES LESTER ELLERBE and spouse, if any, TIFFANY BRANDICE WILLIAMS and spouse, if any, SHERRIE MICHELLE WILLIAMS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 15 CvD 1196, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 31st day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Rockingham Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Rockingham Township, Richmond County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   BEGINNING at a stake in the Eastern edge of Midway Road at the Southern intersection of Wall Street, the same being the Northwestern corner of Lot #1, in Block "B" in the subdivision hereinafter referred to; and runs thence in a southeasterly direction with the Eastern edge of Midway Road, 76.8 feet to a corner of Lot #2; thence No. 60 E. with the line of Lot #2, and beyond, about 209 feet to the Eastern boundary of Lot #6; thence with the eastern boundary of Lot #6 in a northwesterly direction 75 feet to Wall Street; thence with Wall Street S. 60 W. 209 feet to the beginning, and being Lot #1 and the Northwestern portion of Lot #6 in Block "B" of Lincoln Heights Addition according to survey and plat of the same as made by James Stewart, Surveyor, on December 5, 1946, of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond County, in Plat Book #7, Page 57.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7453-02-8875-90    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $20,512.70; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. INTERSTATE INTRINSIC VALUE FUND A, LLC, and any ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of INTERSTATE INTRINSIC VALUE FUND A, LLC or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 1096, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 31st day of January, 2025 offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Rockingham Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 3 of Doral Woods, Phase I, according to a plat of survey made by James L. Haines & Associates, Registered Surveyor, in September, 1988, and recorded on Plat Slide 571-I, Richmond County Registry, reference to which is hereby made for a detailed description of same. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 748202677807    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $4,285.46; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. SNGC, LLC, and any ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of SNGC, LLC, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 1044, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 31st day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Marks Creek Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at the northwest corner of Moses David, Jr.'s 0.46 acre tract described in the deed recorded in Book 579, Page 643 of the Richmond County Registry and runs thence as the original line N. 14 deg. 30 min. E. 635.9 feet to a new stake; thence S. 77 deg. 40 min. E 74 feet to a new stake; thence S. 14 deg. 34 min. W. 578.72 feet o the northeast corner of Moses David, Jr.'s 0.46 acre tract; thence S. 65 deg. 9 min. W. 94.6 feet to the beginning.  This tract contains one (1) acre.
   Together with the easement rights set forth in that default Judgment allowing as easement recorded in Deed Book 1194, Page 497, recorded in the Richmond County Registry, if any that attach to and run with the above-described property.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7388-00-4996-46    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.​



Highest Bid: $28,361.82; Upset Bid Period Ends 4/03/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. CASEY M. DAWKINS and CASEY M. DAWKINS' SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of CASEY M. DAWKINS and CASEY M. DAWKINS' SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 603, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 31st day of January, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a stake on the Southern edge of Robinson Street in the Town of Rockingham, the Northwest corner of Lot No. 7 of the subdivision hereinafter referred to, and runs along the western line of said Lot No. 7 South 6 degrees 00 minutes East 179 feet to a stake, the Southwestern corner of said Lot No. 7; thence South 87 degrees 28 minutes West 40 feet to a stake, the Southeastern corner of the former J.W. Horan lot; thence along the Eastern line of said Horan lot, North 6 degrees 00 minutes West 179 feet to a stake on the Southern edge of Robinson Street; thence along the Southern edge of said street, North 87 degrees 29 minutes East 40 feet to the beginning, and being Lot No. 6 of the Pat Jackson property, according to a survey and plat of same made by R. M. Evans, C.E. on 3 April 1923, which plat is recorded in Book of Plats No. 1 on page 215 of the Richmond County Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 746312850343    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.  
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Sales Scheduled for September 27, 2024:​ 



To Be Resold on a Later Date

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. KINGDOM FIRST PROPERTIES, LLC., and  any assignees or successors of KINGDOM FIRST PROPERTIES LLC. or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 1141, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 27 th day of September, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in  Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lots 6 and 7 in Block “C” as shown on the map or plat of The Subdivision of Betsy Long Sammons' Property surveyed by James Stewart, Surveyors, said plot or map appearing of record in Plat Book 5, Page 106, Richmond County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7473-14-4442-89    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


​​Sales Scheduled for June 7, 2024:



Highest Bid: $11,247.41; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of DAVID HAROLD EDENS and spouse, if any, which may include LILLIAN RENEE' BLAKELY A/K/A LILLIAN RENEE' HALL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 15 CvD 331, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of June, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Marks Creek Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning  on the East property line of Hamlet Avenue in the Town of Hamlet, North Carolina, a point at the center of the wall between the brick building occupied by McGregor's Market and the building formerly occupied by the Package Wine Store, and runs thence with Hamlet Avenue S. 48-45 E. 25 feet to the center of the brick wall of the store formerly occupied by the Package Wine Store and the store building occupied by the Hamlet Gin and Supply Company and Steen's Jewelry Store; thence perpendicular with the line of Hamlet Avenue and with the center of the brick wall between the two buildings above described a distance of its depth, which is 71.2 feet; and runs thence on and in said direction N. 41-15 E. to an iron stake in the western edge of a 20-foot alley, said stake being 100 feet from Hamlet Avenue; thence with said alley N. 48-45 W. 25 feet to an iron stake in line with the center of the walls between the store occupied by McGregor's Market and the Package Wine Store; thence from said point along the center between the aforesaid buildings S. 41-45 W. 100 feet to the beginning. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7491-13-1358-10

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for April 12, 2024:



To Be Resold at Later Date

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF RICHMOND vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of WANDA JONES ELLERBE and spouse, if any, which may include LESTER ELLERBE A/K/A JAMES LESTER ELLERBE and spouse, if any, TIFFANY BRANDICE WILLIAMS and spouse, if any, SHERRIE MICHELLE WILLIAMS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 15 CvD 1196, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 12th day of April, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Richmond County, North Carolina, Rockingham, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Rockingham Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Rockingham Township, Richmond County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   BEGINNING at a stake in the Eastern edge of Midway Road at the Southern intersection of Wall Street, the same being the Northwestern corner of Lot #1, in Block "B" in the subdivision hereinafter referred to; and runs thence in a southeasterly direction with the Eastern edge of Midway Road, 76.8 feet to a corner of Lot #2; thence No. 60 E. with the line of Lot #2, and beyond, about 209 feet to the Eastern boundary of Lot #6; thence with the eastern boundary of Lot #6 in a northwesterly direction 75 feet to Wall Street; thence with Wall Street S. 60 W. 209 feet to the beginning, and being Lot #1 and the Northwestern portion of Lot #6 in Block "B" of Lincoln Heights Addition according to survey and plat of the same as made by James Stewart, Surveyor, on December 5, 1946, of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond County, in Plat Book #7, Page 57.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7453-02-8875-90    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Richmond County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.

Robeson County:


Sales Scheduled for March 20, 2025:




Taxpayer Redeemed

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF ROBESON vs. AMERICAN INDIAN MOTHERS (AIM) A/K/A AMERICAN INDIAN MOTHERS INC., and any assigns or successors of AMERICAN INDIAN MOTHERS (AIM) A/K/A AMERICAN INDIAN MOTHERS INC., or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23CVD002566-770, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Red Springs Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Red Springs Township, Robeson County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:    
   Lying and being in the Town of Red Springs, Red Springs Township, Robeson County, North Carolina, opposite the intersection of Mercer Street with Graham Street, on the southwest side of Graham Street, and on the northwest side of Hancock Street.
   This tract is bounded on the northeast by Graham Street, on the southeast by Hancock Street, David A. Horne, Lester Horne, Walter A. Quick, Algenia McPhaul, Gary Welsh, Frances H. Singh, Jean Lewis Flowers, and Milliken and Company, on the southwest by Milliken and Company, on the northwest by Husa Cha Powers, Flora Gilchrest Estate, and Milliken and Company, and being more particularly described as follows:
   Beginning at a point in a concrete curb and gutter section where the northwest right-of-way (15 feet from center) of Hancock Street (formerly Second Street) intersects the southwestern right-of-way (25 feet from center) of Graham Street, and runs thence as the northwest right-of-way line of Hancock Street and as a line parallel to and located 2 feet northwest of the back of curb line along the northwestern side of said street, South 64 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds West 316.54 feet to a point in the concrete curb and gutter section where said right-of-way line intersects the northeastern right-of-way (17.5 feet from center) of Front Street; thence as a line parallel to and located 4 feet northeast of the back of curb line along the northeastern side of Front Street, North 25 degrees 44 minutes 33 seconds West 214.33 feet to a point in said line this point is located South 65 degrees 14 minutes 15 seconds West 1.26 feet from an existing iron pipe -- at the present termination of Front Street: thence along the northwestern line of David A. Horne's lot as described in Deed Book 650, page 436, Robeson County Registry, and along the southeastern line of a 0.10 acre roadway and utility easement retained by the Town of Red Springs, South 65 degrees 14 minutes 15 seconds West 139.60 feet to a point in the northeast line of the Town of Red Springs water tank lot as recorded in Deed Book 19-K, page 79, Robeson County Registry; thence along the lines of said lot and along the southwestern termination line of the aforementioned 0.10 acre easement, North 25 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds West 32.26 feet to an iron rod; thence South 64 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds West 50.00 feet to an iron rod; thence South 25 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds East 31.88 feet to a point — this point is located South 65 degrees 14 minutes 15 seconds West 1.18 feet from an existing iron pipe -- in the southwestern line of said water tank lot; thence along the northwestern line of David A. Horne's lot conveyed by deed recorded in Deed Book 17-B, page 162, Robeson County Registry, South 65 degrees 14 minutes 15 seconds West 97.28 feet to an iron rod in the northeast right-of-way (15 feet from center) of Middle Street; thence as parallel to and located 2 feet northeast of the projected back of curb line along the northeast side of Middle Street, North 25 degrees 26 minutes 14 seconds West 6.61 feet to an iron rod at the present northwest termination of Middle Street; thence to and along the northwestern line of a lot conveyed to Lester Horne by deed recorded in Deed Book 568, page 241, Robeson County Registry, South 63 degrees 37 minutes 26 seconds West (33.52 feet to an existing iron pipe) a total distance of 168.54 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence continuing as the Lester Horne Estate's southwest line, South 26 degrees 22 minutes 34 seconds East 70.01 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence along the northwestern line of Walter A. Quick's lot as conveyed by deed recorded in Deed Book 9-K, page 621, Robeson County Registry, to and along the present northwestern termination line of Beck Street (formerly Back Street), South 63 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds West (141.88 feet to an existing iron pipe) a total distance of 170.39 feet to a point in the south-west right-of-way (15 feet from center) of Beck Street; thence as a line parallel to and located 2 feet southwest of the projected back of curb line along the southwest side of Beck Street, South 26 degrees 03 minutes 46 seconds East 3.33 feet to a point; thence as the lines of Algenia McPhaul's lot as conveyed by deed recorded in Deed Book 797, page 569, Robeson County Registry, South 64 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds West (1.42 feet to an existing iron pipe) a total distance of 146.30 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence along the southwestern lines of Algenia McPhaul, Gary Welsh, and Frances H. Singh, South 26 degrees 20 minutes 17 seconds East 246.60 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence along the southwest line of Jean Lewis Flowers, South 26 degrees 22 minutes 59 seconds East 89.09 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence South 89 degrees 02 minutes 15 seconds West 41.06 feet to an iron rod; thence as a line parallel to and located 3 feet southeast of a chain-link fence, South 55 degrees 57 minutes 57 seconds West 154.89 feet to an iron rod; thence continuing as lines parallel to and located 3 feet southwest of said chain-link fence, North 33 degrees 03 minutes 15 seconds West 133.44 feet to an iron rod; thence North 24 degrees 27 minutes 25 seconds West 286.46 feet to an iron rod; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 35 seconds West 69.72 feet to an iron rod; thence North 58 degrees 44 minutes 12 seconds West 67.71 feet to an iron rod; thence North 28 degrees 12 minutes 50 seconds West 331.84 feet to a point in the original northwestern line of Milliken and Company's original tract; thence as said line, parallel to and located 12.2 feet southeast of the center of the right-of-way of the abandoned Atlantic Coast Line Railroad (Bennettsville Branch-Parkton to S.C. State Line), North 64 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds East 184.84 feet to an iron rod in an existing iron pipe; thence continuing as said original line, North 64 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds East 1161.14 feet to an existing iron axle; thence continuing as said line, North 64 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds East 60.06 feet to a point in the southwestern right-of-way (25 feet from center) of Graham Street (Secondary Road No. 1327); thence as said right-of-way line, South 25 degrees 06 minutes 51 seconds East 631.29 feet to the beginning, containing 17.22 acres, as surveyed by George T. Paris and Associates, P.A., from January 29, 1997, through February 17, 1997, using NAD 83 grid meridian, and being all of the lands conveyed by Milliken and Company to the Town of Red Springs as will appear of record in the public registry of Robeson County.
   Less and except lots 1, 22, 23, 43, 44, 45, and 46 as shown on plat entitled Property of Hemp Housing Company, recorded in Map Book 5, Page 25, Robeson County Registry.

    Less and except all of Back Street, Middle Street, Front Street, and First Street that fronts on any of the said lots.
   This conveyance is made subject to an easement reserved by the Town of Red Springs for the purpose of egress, ingress, and regress between Front Street and the Town of Red Springs elevated water storage tank lot, a 0.10-acre easement, more particularly described as follows:
   Beginning at an original corner--this corner is located South 65 degrees 14 minutes 15 seconds West 1.26 feet from an existing iron pipe--at the termination of Front Street and runs thence along the original line and as the southeastern line of this easement, South 65 degrees 14 minutes 15 seconds West 139.60 feet to a point at an existing iron pipe; thence along the northeastern line of the lot conveyed to the Town of Red Springs by deed recorded in Deed Book 19-K, page 79, Robeson County Registry, North 25 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds West 32.26 feet to an iron rod; thence as a new line and as the northwestern line of this easement, North 65 degrees 14 minutes 15 seconds East 139.29 feet to an iron gear; thence South 25 degrees 44 minutes 33 seconds East 32.26 feet to the beginning, containing 0.10 acres, and is hereby reserved for the purpose of egress, ingress, and regress between Front Street and the Town of Red Springs elevated water storage tank lot.    
   This conveyance is made subject to the following:
   Easement to the Town of Red Springs recorded in Book 15-R, page 31, Robeson County Registry.
   Easement to Carolina Power and Light Company recorded in Book 10-H, page 1, Robeson County Registry.
   Easement to American Telephone and Telegraph Company recorded in Book 9-D, page 152, Robeson County Registry.    
   Utility and roadway easements reserved by Milliken & Company by the Deed to the Town of Red Springs recorded in Book 861, page 802, Robeson County Registry.
   Easements for public/private utilities as shown on the map of George T. Paris, RLS, dated February 28, 1997.
   Easement for ingress and egress to the Town of Red Springs elevated water storage tank containing 0.10 acres, more or less.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 36180102402


    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Highest Bid: $5,898.56; Upset Bid Period Ends 03/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LUMBERTON vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF MARIE E. ROBERTS and spouse, if any, which may include ERIC  DEMOND BLAIR and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19CVD001084-770, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Lumberton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    In the City of Lumberton, and being a part of the Ward subdivision, recorded in Book of Official Maps 2, page 128, Robeson County Registry, and being that certain tract described as follows: Beginning at a point in the line of Kinlaw Street 150 feet southeast of the southeast corner of Bullard Avenue and Kinlaw Street and in the South line of Kinlaw Street and the northeast corner of Lot 20; thence in a southerly direction with the eastern line of Lots 20 and 21, 50 feet to a point, the southeast corner of Lot 21; thence in a westerly direction and with the southern line of Lot 21, 50 feet to a point in said line; thence in a northerly direction and parallel with Bullard Avenue 50 feet to a point in the south line of Kinlaw Street and in the northern line of Lot 20; thence in an easterly direction and with the northern line of Lot 20, 50 feet to the beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 324303018    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds. 

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $8,745.84; Upset Bid Period Ends 03/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LUMBERTON vs. ABNER JUSTIN CHAVIS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF ABNER JUSTIN CHAVIS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, SHANE NICKOLAS CHAVIS and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS AND ASSIGNEES OF SHANE NICKOLAS CHAVIS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, SHAWN CHAVIS A/K/A SHAWN CHAVIS LOCKLEAR and spouse, if any, all possible HEIRS AND ASSIGNEES OF SHAWN CHAVIS A/K/A SHAWN CHAVIS LOCKLEAR, and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 15CVD001138-770, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Lumberton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Lumberton, Lumberton Township, Robeson County, North Carolina, on the South side of and adjacent to Watauga Street and West of but not adjacent to Chippewa Street corner and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southern edge of Watauga Street where it intersects the eastern edge of the right-of-way of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad (25 feet wide right-of-way) and runs thence with the South edge of Watauga Street South 85 degrees 45 minutes East 132 feet to a new corner in the tract of which this is a part; thence running approximately South 4 degrees 15 minutes West 62 feet, more or less, to the southern line of the tract of which lot is a part (formerly a tract owned by James Henry Bullard, Sr., now owned by others); the aforesaid line running parallel with the right-of-way of Chippewa Street; thence running parallel with Watauga Street North 85 degrees 45 minutes West 115 feet to the edge of the right-of-way of said railroad; thence running with the right-of-way of said railroad in a northwesterly direction, a distance of 66 feet, more or less, to the beginning corner, and having a house located thereon and being a portion of that tract conveyed to H. T. Bullard by T. J. Bullard by deed recorded in Book 409, at Page 42, in the Robeson County Public Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 32380402601    
   The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Taxpayer Redeemed

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LUMBERTON vs. CARL D. BUTLER A/K/A CARL D. BUTLER, SR. and spouse, CARELENE O. BUTLER A/K/A CARLENE O. BUTLER, and all possible heirs HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF CARL D. BUTLER A/K/A CARL D. BUTLER, SR. and spouse, CARELENE O. BUTLER A/K/A CARLENE O. BUTLER, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20CVD002281-770, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Lumberton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lots Nos. Seventy-Three (73) and Seventy-Four (74), as shown and designated on a Map of Victory Heights, prepared by P. A. Roberts, Civil Engineer, dated January and September, 1944, and which is duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County, North Carolina, in Book of Official Maps No. 5, at page 148.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 322003007    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $4,720.27; Upset Bid Period Ends 03/31/2025 @ 5:00PM

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled TOWN OF MAXTON vs. RONALD RAY BEASLEY and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF RONALD RAY BEASLEY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19CVD001635-770, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Maxton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    First Tract: Beginning in the southern edge of the Scotland Air Line right of way at a stake in the eastern line of the J.D. Austin estate lands, this point being 160 feet in a Westerly direction along the line of said right of way from the intersection of the right of way with the west edge of Vann Street and runs in an easterly direction as said right of way 68 4/7 feet to a stake; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Vann Street 225 feet to a stake; thence in a westerly direction parallel to the Seaboard Air Line right of way 68 4/7 feet to a stake; thence along the Austin line in a northerly direction parallel to Vann Street 225 feet to the point of beginning.
   Second Tract: Beginning at a stake in the southern line of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad right of way, it being the northeast corner of the First Tract above described and the northwest corner of the Mrs. Annie Carter Sutherland lot and being 91 3/7 feet along the southern edge of the right of way from the intersection of said right of way with Vann Street and runs as the southern edge of said right of way in an easterly direction 7 feet to a stake; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Vann Street 72 feet 9 ½ inches to a stake; thence in a southwesterly direction 22 feet to a point in the dividing line between the L.W. Carter lot and the Mrs. Annie Carter Sutherland lot which point is 92 feet along said dividing line from the beginning; thence as said dividing line 92 feet to the point of beginning. 
   The above First and Second Tracts being the identical parcels described in Book 18-S, at Page 211, Robeson County Registry, incorporated herein by reference.
   LESS AND EXCEPT the following parcel: Beginning at a concrete monument, the southeastern corner of a lot owned by Annie Carter Sutherland, and running thence as her line North 24 degrees 30 minutes East 110 feet; thence North 65 degrees 31 minutes West 75.5 feet; thence South 24 degrees 30 minutes West 110 feet to a concrete monument; thence South 65 degrees 31 minutes East 75.5 feet to the beginning, and being the identical parcel described in Book 18-S, at Page 212, Robeson County Registry, incorporated herein by reference.
   SUBJECT TO easements, rights-of-way and restrictions of record, Robeson County, North Carolina.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 330302024    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.

Sales Scheduled for December 19, 2024:





Highest Bid: $52,600.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF ROBESON vs. JOSEPH BRAYBOY, JR.  and JOSEPH BRAYBOY, JR.'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of JOSEPH BRAYBOY, JR. and JOSEPH BRAYBOY, JR.'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 3373, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 19th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Alfordsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Lying and being in Alfordsville Township, Robeson County, North Carolina about 7 miles southeast of the Town of Maxton, south of and adjoining paved Secondary Road No. 1 169. Beginning at an iron pipe in southwestern line original tract, said pipe being north 32 degrees 26 minutes west 239.14 feet from beginning corner original tract and runs as said line and Gilbert Dixon line north 32 degrees 26 minutes west 121.60 to a iron pipe. Joseph Brayboy corner: thence Brayboy line north 22 degrees 06 minutes west 358.04 feet to the beginning containing 0.72 acres, more or less. Being a part of the lands conveyed to James Dial and wife, Katherine Dial by deed recorded in Book 449 at page 43. Robeson County Registry. Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 01060200502     

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.​




Highest Bid: $7,780.55; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LUMBERTON vs. CONNIE BELLE MERRICK and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of CONNIE BELLE MERRICK and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 205, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 19th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Lumberton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All the right, title and interest which the grantors have in and to the following described lot or parcel of land as the only heirs (brothers and sisters) of Maggie Powell Reid, deceased, to-wit:
   About 1-1/2 miles south of the town of Lumberton and on the east side of U.S. Highway No. 41, adjoining lands of Maggie Powell et al, lands of Christine Merrick, and others, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake in the southeastern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 41, said stake being 30 feet from the center line of said highway and the fourth corner of Lot No. 1, and runs thence South 39 degrees East 339.5 feet to an iron stake in the line of Lot No. 5, corner of Lot No. 1; thence South 51 degrees West 60 feet to an iron stake in the line of Lot No. 5, corner of Lot No. 3; thence North 39 degrees West 339.5 feet to a stake in the southeastern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 41, corner of Lot No. 3; thence North 51 degrees East, along said right-of-way line, 60 feet to the beginning, containing FORTY-SEVEN HUNDREDTHS (0.47) of an ACRE, more or less.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 325302033    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $11,051.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LUMBERTON vs. WILLIAM HOWARD MCDONALD A/K/A HOWARD MCDONALD and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of WILLIAM HOWARD MCDONALD A/K/A HOWARD MCDONALD and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18 CvD 691, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 19th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Lumberton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Lumberton, Lumberton Township, Robeson County, North Carolina, on the North side of the Lovette Road, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron stake in the North edge of Lovette Road, the Southeast corner of Lot No. 24 of the Archie Ward Subdivision as shown on a Map of the same of record in Book of Official Maps No. 2, at Page 128, Robeson County Registry, and runs thence with the North edge of the Lovette Road North 55 degrees West 175 feet to an iron stake in the North edge of the Lovette Road, the Southwestern corner of Lot No. 30 of the Archie Ward Subdivision hereinabove referred to; thence North 35 degrees East 128 feet to an iron stake in the West line of said Lot No. 30; thence South 55 degrees East 85 feet to an iron stake; thence North 35 degrees East 165.6 feet to an iron stake in the South edge of the Cotton Mill Branch Canal; thence along the South edge of Canal Street 64 degrees 52 minutes East 91.35 feet to an iron stake; thence South 35 degrees West 309.25 feet to the beginning, and being all of Lot Nos. One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Five (5), and the lot designated as the "Minnie Howell Lot", as shown and designated on that certain Map of property owned by Fred Howell, et als, prepared by W.B. Jennings, Surveyor, dated May 24, 1954, and duly recorded in Book of Official Maps No. 10, at Page 58, Robeson County Registry.
   Subject to a 10 foot joint driveway or alleyway with Fred Howell and wife, Mary A. Howell, as filed in Deed Book 11-S, Page 206, Robeson County Registry.
   Subject to Water and Storm drainage, and sewer easement recorded in Deed Book 580, Page 633, Robeson County Registry.
   Subject to Joint Driveway agreement recorded in Deed Book 115, Page 206, Robeson County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 324302018    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $4,889.76; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Robeson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled TOWN OF MAXTON vs. CHARLES HENRY MALLOY and CHARLES HENRY MALLOY'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of CHARLES HENRY MALLOY and CHARLES HENRY MALLOY'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 1822, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 19th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Robeson County, North Carolina, Lumberton, North Carolina at 1:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Maxton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot No. Nine (9) shown on the Map entitled Mamie Florence McLeod Malloy Estate Division, prepared by James Coxe Hasty, RLS, dated May 12, 1990, and recorded in Plat Book 31, page 76, Robeson County Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 33030101613    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Robeson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.








Rose Hill, Town of:


Sorry, there are no sales scheduled at this time.




​Roper, Town of:



Sales Scheduled for August 16, 2024:


​                                                        NOTICE OF TAX FORECLOSURE SALE
                                                   Highest Bid: $3,496.72; Pending Confirmation

Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF ROPER vs. MARGARET HUNT, STEPHANIE H. BARTON A/K/A STEPHANIE R. PAGE and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of STEPHANIE H. BARTON A/K/A STEPHANIE R. PAGE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 39, the undersigned Commissioner will on the16th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Lees Mil Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:
Tract 1: Lying and being on the North side of Main Street or Buncombe Avenue in the Town of Roper and beginning at now or formerly B.B. Spencer's line and corner, thence and along said Street in the Southwestwardly direction 46 feet 6 inches; thence at right angle to said Street or Avenue 110 feet; thence at right angle to the last line and parallel with said Street 46 feet 6 inches to now or formerly B.B. Spencer's line; thence and along Spencer's line 110 feet to the Point of beginning.
Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
Parcel Identification Number: 7708.15-63-5164
The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability. This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause. A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required. In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.
This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


                                                      NOTICE OF TAX FORECLOSURE SALE
                                              Highest Bid: $35,282.92; Pending Confirmation

Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF ROPER vs. MARGARET HUNT, STEPHANIE H. BARTON A/K/A STEPHANIE R. PAGE and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of STEPHANIE H. BARTON A/K/A STEPHANIE R. PAGE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 39, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 16th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Lees Mil Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:
Tract 2: Lying and being on the North side of Main Street or Buncombe Avenue in the Town of Roper beginning at the line or the southeast corner of that lot now or formerly owned by John L. Roper Lumber Company on which its office was located; thence Eastwardly along said street 62 feet to the corner of property now or formerly owned by L.D. Barco; thence Northwardly along the line of said Barco lot 108 feet 9 inches to formerly John L. Roper Lumber Company line and continuing Westwardly along the line of property owned by said Company 43 feet 5 inches; thence Southwardly along the line of said Company 60 feet; thence Westwardly 18 feet 6 inches and Southwardly 48 feet 9 inches to the beginning.
Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
Parcel Identification Number: 7708.15-63-5131
The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability. This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause. A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required. In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.
This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Scotland County:


Sales Scheduled for February 11, 2025:



Highest Bid: $3,381.01; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. SHIRLEY B. DOUGLAS and SHIRLEY B. DOUGLAS' SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES  of SHIRLEY B. DOUGLAS and SHIRLEY B. DOUGLAS' SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 24 CvD 192, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot 143 as shown, located and described on a map entitled, Map of West Washington Park Community Development Section B, dated March 16, 1987, and prepared by J. F. Wampler Engineering, Inc., which said map is recorded in Book of Maps 8, at Page 415, Scotland County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 010058 01056 & 010058 01057    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $3,098.88; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. PEGGY BOYLES and PEGGY BOYLES' SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of PEGGY BOYLES and PEGGY BOYLES' SPOUSE, if any, MANSON J. BRUCE and MANSON J. BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of  MANSON J. BRUCE and MANSON J. BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, BERLINDA BRUCE and BERLINDA BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of BERLINDA BRUCE and BERLINDA BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, FRANCINE BRUCE TRAVIS and FRANCINE BRUCE TRAVIS' SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of FRANCINE BRUCE TRAVIS and FRANCINE BRUCE TRAVIS' SPOUSE, if any, ESTHER BRUCE LOVE A/K/A ESTHER BRUCE and ESTHER BRUCE LOVE A/K/A ESTHER BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS, or DEVISEES of ESTHER BRUCE LOVE A/K/A ESTHER BRUCE and ESTHER BRUCE LOVE A/K/A ESTHER BRUCE'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 835, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Lot No. 132, Block J, Washington Park Subdivision as shown on Pages 474 and 475 in Deed Book H in the Office of the Register of Deeds in Scotland County.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010058 01132    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $5,388.63; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. MELVIN S. LOCKLEAR  and MELVIN S. LOCKLEAR'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of MELVIN S. LOCKLEAR and MELVIN S. LOCKLEAR'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 449, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in Stewartsville Township, SCOTLAND County, North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows: Two Lots Nos. Ten (10) and Eleven (11) in subdivision known as Hamp Covington Lots, each of said lots fronting 50 feet on the south side of U.S. Highway No. 74 (East Church Street) making a total frontage of 100 feet on said U.S. Highway No. 74, and running back between parallel side lines a depth of 200 feet as shown on a plat of said Hamp Covington Lots as surveyed and platted by Matthews & Hollis, Engineers, dated September 9, 1941, and filed in the Scotland County Registry in Plat Book No. 3, at Page 16.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010204 02004    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $3,216.44; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. BRENDA I. MCCALL and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of BRENDA I. MCCALL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 16 CvD 179, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Williamson Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Lying on the south side of McRae Street, and BEGINNING at an iron stake in the southern line of McRae Street, said iron stake being located South 51 degrees 18 minutes East 113 feet from the point of intersection of the southern line of McRae Street and the lands of Acme Wood Corporation; said point of Beginning also being located North 51 degrees 18 minutes West 565 feet from an iron stake which marks the intersection of the southern line of McRae Street and the western line of Rachel Drive; and running thence South 38 degrees 42 minutes West 180 feet to an iron stake; thence North 51 degrees 18 minutes West 113.15 feet to an iron stake in the line of the lands of Acme Wood Corporation; thence as and with the Acme Wood Corporation line, North 38 degrees 45 minutes East 180 feet to an iron stake in the southern line of McRae Street; thence as and with the southern line of McRae Street, South 51 degrees 18 minutes East 113 feet to the BEGINNING.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 040173 05017    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.   
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $8,613.99;Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of DOROTHY TURNAGE and spouse, if any, which may include THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of DORETHA G. ADAMS and spouse, if any, which may include DIANA A. BRODDY A/K/A DIANE A. BRODDY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 11 CvD 581, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot of land situate, lying and being in Parkside, Section 1, City of Laurinburg, Scotland County, North Carolina designated as Lot Nos. 16 and 17, Block I, Parkside, Section 1, as shown on a map of Parkside, Section 1, made from survey by Ralph S. Johnson and Frederick Pate, Registered Surveyors, dated January 26, 1960, filed for registration on March 26, 1960, and recorded in Scotland County Registry in Plat Book 6, Page 8, to which reference is hereby made.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010071 06016    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $2,652.59; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. ENGLISH FENCE AND WINDOW, INC., and all possible assigns or successors of ENGLISH FENCE AND WINDOW, INC., or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 48, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    TRACT TWO: Being Lot No. Thirty-Two in the subdivision known as Hamp Covington Lots, said lot fronting 50.4 feet each on the east side of Saymon Street, as shown on a plat of said Hamp Covington Lots, as surveyed and platted by W.E. Matthews, Registered Engineer, dated May 29, 1943, and recorded in the Scotland County Registry, in Plat Book No. 3, at Page 27, to which reference is hereby made for a more complete description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010204 02013

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $2,625.77; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. ENGLISH FENCE AND WINDOW, INC., and all possible assigns or successors of ENGLISH FENCE AND WINDOW, INC., or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 48, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    TRACT ONE: Being Lot Nos. Thirty (30) and Thirty-One (31) in the subdivision known as Hamp Covington Lots, said lots fronting 34.9 feet each on the east side of Saymon Street, making a total of 69.8 feet on said street, as shown on a plat of said Hamp Covington Lots, as surveyed and platted by W.E. Matthews, Registered Engineer, dated May 29, 1943, and recorded in Plat Book No. 3, at Page 27, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Scotland County, reference to the same being hereby made for a description of greater certainty.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010204 02012    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $21,047.54; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. MINNIE MARILYN BROWN and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of MINNIE MARILYN BROWN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 301, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Those certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the City of Laurinburg, Stewartsville Township, Scotland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:  
   FIRST TRACT:  BEGINNING at the southwestern corner of the lot on which the said John R. Gibson resides and running with its line South 68½ degrees East 75 feet to its southeast corner; thence South 21½ degrees West 57 feet to a corner in the northern line of a lot of the Carolina Central Railway; thence with its line North 68½ degrees West 75 feet to a corner; thence North 21½ East 57 feet to the BEGINNING.  
   SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake on the south side of Dickson Street and running with said street South 68½ degrees East seventy-five (75) feet to a stake, Reddin Murphy's corner; thence with said Murphy line South 21½ degrees West about one hundred and seventy-three (173) feet to a stake in the line of the C.C. R.R. lot; thence with its line North 68½ degrees West seventy-five (75) feet to a stake; thence North 21½ degrees East one hundred seventy-three (173) feet to the BEGINNING, together with its appurtenances.
   SUBJECT TO restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010050 03025    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $2,602.26; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. JOHNESIA BOSTIC and JOHNESIA BOSTIC'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of JOHNESIA BOSTIC and JOHNESIA BOSTIC'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 729, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Laurel Hill Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEING Lot No. 18 in Sunshine Park Subdivision located northeast of the City of Laurinburg on the McGirt's Bridge Road as shown and located upon a plat of the subdivision made by T.B. Carraway, Registered Surveyor, dated March 17, 1951, which is duly recorded in Plat Book No. 4, at Page 43, Scotland County Registry, reference to said plat being hereby made for a description of greater certainty.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010038 01018    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $3,218.67; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. STARLETTE MCLEAN and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of STARLETTE MCLEAN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, DOROTHY E. MCLEAN JONES  and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of DOROTHY E. MCLEAN JONES and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 11 CvD 1058, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 11th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in Stewartsville Township, Scotland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:  Being Lot No. Thirty-Four (34) in Block B of that subdivision known as College Park as submitted by Lindsey B. Hopkins, Civil Engineer, on December 14, 1943, for The Jams Company, Incorporated as aforesaid, as shown, located and described on map thereof, duly recorded in Book of Maps No. 3, at Page 36, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Scotland County, North Carolina, reference to same being hereby made for a complete description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010044 12034    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.​​​

Sales Scheduled for December 10, 2024:



Highest Bid: $8,953.66; Pending Confirmation

   Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. EBONY ROBINSON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS, or DEVISEES of EBONY ROBINSON and spouse, if any, ERIC ROBINSON and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of ERIC ROBINSON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 11 CvD 247, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land numbered One Hundred Sixty Eight (#168) on a certain map of Washington Park made by C. M. Furman, Jr. for Interstate Land Company and duly recorded in Book G Pages 474 and 475 Office of the Register of Deeds of Scotland County, aforesaid, the said lands herein conveyed being in Stewartsville Township, said State and County, on the South side of Douglas Street and facing Forty (40) feet on said street and extending 120 feet bank from said street and being the Eighth (8th) lot counting from Zion Street on said map, which map is made a part hereof.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010058 01168    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $3,349.92; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. KENNETH R. ANDERSON and spouse, ANNIE B. ANDERSON, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of KENNETH R. ANDERSON and spouse, ANNIE B. ANDERSON or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 20 CvD 73, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot No. 10 of that certain residential subdivision known as Roper Acres, as shown, located and described upon that certain plat thereof made by W.E. Matthews, Registered Surveyor, dated May 24, 1943, and recorded in Plat Book No. 3 at Page 29, Scotland County Registry, to which plat reference is hereby made for greater certainty of description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010075 02010    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $3,501.41; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND & CITY OF LAURINBURG vs. MATTIE W. WADE and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of MATTIE W. WADE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 297, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Six (6) adjoining lots, being all of lot numbers 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; and 8 lying on the north side of Henry Lane, Block VII, Section I of Parkside Subdivision as shown on a map of PARKSIDE, Section I, Jasper T. Gibson Lands, 1st Tract, made from survey by Ralph S. Johnson and Frederick Pate, Registered Surveyors, dated January 26, 1960, recorded in Scotland County Registry in Plat Book 6, Page 8, to which reference is hereby made.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010071 04003    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.​​​



Highest Bid: $6,335.99; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. RENEE MICHELLE MITCHELL and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of RENEE MICHELLE MITCHELL and spouse, if any, DAVID UPCHURCH and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of DAVID UPCHURCH and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 878, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Spring Hill Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot Number Seventeen (17) of Carriage Farms, Section One (1) as shown, located and described upon a survey and map prepared by Samuel N. Cribb, Registered Surveyor, dated March 1, 1988, which is recorded in Book of Maps 8, at Page 471, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Scotland County, North Carolina, reference to the same being hereby made for a description of greater certainty. Together with and subject to Road Maintenance Agreement recorded in Deed Book 15-O, Page 109, Scotland County Registry. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.    
   Parcel Identification Number: 030417 04017    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $3,073.27; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. PENNY S. BOWDEN and PENNY S. BOWDEN'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of PENNY S. BOWDEN and PENNY S. BOWDEN'S SPOUSE, if any, JASON W. CAMPBELL and JASON W. CAMPBELL'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of JASON W. CAMPBELL and JASON W. CAMPBELL'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 670, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Laurel Hill Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at a point in the center line of the old Rockingham Road, a corner common to Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) as shown on a map of A.W. Bunch Lands as surveyed by G.H. Talbert, Registered Surveyor, on March 16, 1960, which map is recorded in Scotland County Registry, in Map Book 6, at Page 19, and runs thence from said beginning corner as the center line of the old Rockingham Road South 83 degrees West 100 feet to a point, a corner of Lot Twelve (12) as shown on said map; thence North 5 degrees West 200 feet to an iron stake; thence North 53 degrees East to the northeast corner of said Lot Eleven (11); thence as the dividing line between Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) South 5 degrees East 255 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and being all of Lot Eleven (11) as shown on said map and the adjacent 25 feet as shown on an unnamed and unopened road lying on the west side of said lot. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 040173 08025    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $8,007.24; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. ALL DENOMINATION HOUSE OF PRAYER, and all possible ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of ALL DENOMINATION HOUSE OF PRAYER, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 289, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Spring Hill Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    BEGINNING at an iron stake located in the eastern right-of-way line of State Road No. 1408, said iron stake being the BEGINNING corner of that tract of land conveyed to Edward McNeill by Shack Harris and wife, Clara D. Harris, by Deed dated October 23, 1969, which Deed is recorded in Book 6-C, at Page 254, Scotland County Registry, reference to the same being hereby made to more accurately locate the beginning corner; and running thence as and with the eastern right-of-way line of State Road No. 1408, South 5 degrees East 266 feet to a point in the northwestern right-of-way line of a 20-foot road; thence as and with the northwestern right-of-way line of a 20-foot road, North 39 degrees 10 minutes East 210 feet to a concrete monument, a corner of that lot conveyed to James Edward Everett by deed recorded in Book 6-Z, at Page 689, Scotland County Registry; thence as and with the Everett line North 50 degrees 50 minutes West 191 feet to a concrete monument; thence South 39 degrees 10 minutes West 25 feet to the BEGINNING.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 030410 01093    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Highest Bid: $8,173.90; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. JOY OF FAITH HOLINESS CHURCH and all possible ASSIGNS or SUCCESSORS of JOY OF FAITH HOLINESS CHURCH or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 23 CvD 794, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 10th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Situated in the Town of Wagram, lying on the southeast side of Main Street and on the southwest side of Bundy Street, and beginning at a stake at the Intersection of the southeastern line of Main Street with the southwestern line of Bundy Street, and runs thence with Main Street South 39 degrees West 30 feet to an iron stake in the southeastern line of the street, a corner of a lot conveyed to Edwin C. Womble on January 22, 1947; thence with his line, parallel to Bundy Street, South 51 degrees East 100 feet to an iron stake, his corner; thence parallel to Main Street, North 39 degrees East 30 feet to a stake in the southwestern line of Bundy Street; thence with Bundy Street North 51 degrees West 100 feet to the beginning. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 030402 04008    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for September 24, 2024:




To Be Resold on a Later Date

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. STARLETTE MCLEAN and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of STARLETTE MCLEAN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, DOROTHY E. MCLEAN JONES  and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of DOROTHY E. MCLEAN JONES and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 11 CvD 1058, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of September, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Stewartsville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in Stewartsville Township, Scotland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:  Being Lot No. Thirty-Four (34) in Block B of that subdivision known as College Park as submitted by Lindsey B. Hopkins, Civil Engineer, on December 14, 1943, for The Jams Company, Incorporated as aforesaid, as shown, located and described on map thereof, duly recorded in Book of Maps No. 3, at Page 36, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Scotland County, North Carolina, reference to same being hereby made for a complete description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 010044 12034    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $13,388.33; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. ANTHONY GLENN LOWERY and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of ANTHONY GLENN LOWERY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, PENNY ASHLEY  LOWERY and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of PENNY ASHLEY LOWERY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 16 CvD 190, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of September, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Spring Hill Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Lying on the southwest side of the Laurinburg and Southern Railroad and on the southeast side of Main Street, in the Town of Wagram, BEGINNING at a stake in the southeast edge of Main Street and in the southwest edge of the right-of-way of the Laurinburg and Southern Railroad, and runs along the edge of Main Street South 39 degrees West 61 ½ feet to a stake; thence South 51 degrees East 150 feet to a stake; thence North 39 degrees East 50 feet to a stake in the edge of the right-of-way of the Laurinburg and Southern Railroad; thence along the said right-of-way to the BEGINNING.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 030402 03009    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $4,230.47; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Scotland County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF SCOTLAND vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of BENNETT S. PRIDGEN and spouse, if any, which may include KIMBERLY SMITH and spouse, if any, PAMELA HOLLEN and spouse, if any, TERRI PRIDGEN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 14 CvD 914, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 24th day of September, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Scotland County, North Carolina, Laurinburg, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Spring Hill Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in Spring Hill Township, Scotland County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
   Being all of Lot Number Three (3) in "Smithfield" as shown, located and described upon the subdivision plat thereof made by Samuel N. Cribb, Registered Surveyor, dated April 13, 1987, and recorded in Book of Maps No. 8, at Page 410, Scotland County Registry, reference to the same being hereby made for a description of greater certainty.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 030409 02003 

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Scotland County Register of Deeds. 

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Tyrrell County:


Sorry, there are no sales scheduled at this time.

Wallace, Town of:

Sorry, there are no sales scheduled at this time.


Warren County:


Sales Scheduled for March 27, 2025:




Opening Bid: $2,314.43

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Warren County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WARREN vs. RONNIE BAKER and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF RONNIE BAKER  and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 18CVD000056-920, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 27th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Warren County, North Carolina, Warrenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Shocco Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    THAT CERTAIN parcel of land identified as Tract #6 on a plat entitled "Map Showing Property Belonging to Heirs of Frank L. and Martha W. Baker," Shocco Township, Warren County, North Carolina, prepared by J.W. Traylor, R.L.S., dated January 10, 1985 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Plat Book 20 at page 45. The boundaries, metes, calls, courses and distances appearing thereon are, by reference, included herein as though fully set forth. 
   There is also conveyed herewith a perpetual right of ingress and egress along old road to S.R. #1613, said old road running along the northwestern portion of said property and parallel to S.R. #1613. Said right of way is outlined on the above referenced plat along an old road. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: D10 51E    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Warren County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Sales Scheduled for December 12, 2024:



Highest Bid: $14,420.44; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Warren County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WARREN vs. ALMA BUTTS SATTERWHITE and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of ALMA BUTTS SATTERWHITE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 114, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 12th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Warren County, North Carolina, Warrenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Warrenton Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron pin, same being a common corner for the lot herein described with the property of Willie Algood and Floyd B. McKissick Enterprises, and running thence along the line of Floyd B. McKissick Enterprises S. 30 deg. 36 min. E. 137.0 feet to an iron pin; thence continuing along said line of Floyd B. McKissick Enterprises S. 21 deg. 51 min. E. 134.0 feet to an iron pin, corner for the lot herein described and Lot No. 2 as shown on Plat of Property of Bettie R. Bland et al., made by Luther E. Stegall, R.L.S., July 14, 1979; thence along the line of said Lot No. 2 S. 68 deg. 29 min. W. 247.22 feet to an iron pin, corner for lot herein described with said Lot No. 2 in property line of N.C. Department of Transportation; thence along the line of North Carolina Department of Transportation N. 9 deg. 44 min. E. 84.0 feet to an existing concrete monument; thence along the line of Willie Algood N. 21 deg. 02 min. E. 268.0 feet to the point of beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: E6 54    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Warren County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $8,795.23; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Warren County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WARREN vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of FANNIE D. SHEARS and spouse, if any, which may include SARAH D. CHAMPION and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 08 CvD 341, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 12th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Warren County, North Carolina, Warrenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Sandy Creek Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    The following described tract or parcel of land situated in Sandy Creek Township, Warren County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   Begin at a point in the center of Largo Road, said beginning being located South 21 1/2 degrees East 190 feet from Edward Shearin's corner, running thence along new lines for Alice Carroll North 68 1/2 degrees East 210 feet to a stake, South 21 1/2 degrees East 210 feet to a stake, South 68 1/2 degrees West 210 feet to the center of Largo Road, thence along the center of said road North 21 1/2 degrees West 210 feet to the beginning, containing one (1) acre. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: B8 69    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Warren County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $6,097.29; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Warren County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WARREN vs. EDDIE SOLOMON, JR. and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of EDDIE SOLOMON, JR. and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 12 CvD 314, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 12th day of December, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Warren County, North Carolina, Warrenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    That certain tract or parcel of land designated as Tract 4 which is more particularly described by metes and bounds on that certain map dated December 22, 1982 prepared by Robert G. Williams, Registered Land Surveyor, entitled "Property Survey for Thomas Solomon Estate, Sandy Creek Township, Warren County, North Carolina", said map being recorded in Deed Book 386, Page 61 and also recorded in Plat Book 18, Page 43 of the Warren County Registry and incorporated by reference herein.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: B10 46D    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Warren County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Sales Scheduled for September 5th, 2024:​



Highest Bid: $25,200.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Warren County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WARREN vs. HOWARD RILEY and HOWARD RILEY'S SPOUSE, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of HOWARD RILEY and HOWARD RILEY'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 81, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 5th day of September, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Warren County, North Carolina, Warrenton, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Shocco Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Lot #34 of Bluegrass Mountain, Warren County, NC containing 3.11 acres as shown on a survey by Alan's Surveying of Henderson, NC and recorded in Cabinet 1, Slide 127-A, Plat 2 of the Warren County Register of Deeds, North Carolina.
   Less and except so much that lies within the right-of-way of Banjo Lane and Blue Grass Drive.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: D9 146    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Warren County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.

Washington County:

Sales Scheduled for February 27, 2025:



Highest Bid: $5,605.87; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF PLYMOUTH vs. WILLIAM ANTHONY DOWNING and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF WILLIAM ANTHONY DOWNING and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 55, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Plymouth Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being that portion of Lot #17 of The Hyman-Baker Subdivision conveyed to Les Hedgebeth by deed recorded July 24, 2001 in Book 393, Page 609. See plat recorded in Map Book 6, Page 75.
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6767.14-32-5544    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Taxpayer Redeemed

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON vs. CARLIE R. SWAIN A/K/A COLLIE R. SWAIN and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF CARLIE R. SWAIN A/K/A COLLIE R. SWAIN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 21 CvD 3, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 20th day of February, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Lee’s Mill Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being all of Tract Number 3 as shown on a "Map of a Tract of Land in Lee's Mill township, Washington County, North Carolina, Owned by William A. Barber - Scale: 1 in. = 50 feet - Surveyed: February 1969, D.J. Brinkley, Registered Surveyor: and said map is of record in Map Book 7, page 52, Washington County Registry.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7719.00-23-8343    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for November 21, 2024:




Highest Bid: $4,193.22; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, and DEVISEES of MABEL HILL BOUTON and spouse, if any, which may include MYRON L. RODGERS and spouse, if any, WANDA D. RODGERS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 15 CvD 200, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Scuppernong Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Begin at a concrete marker in the Western edge of the right of way of North Carolina Secondary Road No. 1148 near its intersection with North Carolina Secondary Road No. 1142, said marker being in the Theresa D. Lee Eastern line; thence and along the Western edge of the right of way of North Carolina Secondary Road No. 1148 South 6 degrees East 116 feet to said Lee's Southeastern corner, the point of BEGINNING; thence and continuing along the edge of said right of way South 6 degrees East 168 feet to Mary Davenport's Northeastern corner; thence and along said Davenport line North 89 degrees 15 minutes West 145 feet to a stake in the Eastern edge of the Johnson-Spruill ditch; thence and along the Eastern edge of said ditch North 12 degrees 30 minutes East 168 feet to a stake, Theresa D. Lee's Southwestern corner; thence and along said Lee's Southern line South 89 degrees 15 minutes East 85 feet to the point of BEGINNING.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7768.00-05-6529    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $5,695.54; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of WELDON BAYSMORE GASKILL and spouse, if any, which may include DEBBIE TROTMAN and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of DONALD GASKILL and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 16 CvD 293, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Scuppernong Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Scuppernong Township, Washington County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   BEGINNING in the center of the ditch in the west line of Claude Phelps about one yard from an iron stob; which is on the west side of said ditch; and thence running southwardly along the center of said ditch 25 yards to a point opposite an iron stob, also on the west of said ditch; thence westwardly parallel with said public road 57 yards from said iron pin to another iron pin; thence northwardly parallel with said ditch 25 yards to an iron pin in the edge of said public road; thence eastwardly along the road 57 yards to the first mentioned iron pin and the POINT OF BEGINNING, and being the same parcel of land on which the said Virginia Mae Furlough, and her husband, Loomis Furlough, now or formerly lived.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7758.00-61-8536    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $4,678.45; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON vs. THOMAS F. MOORE and spouse, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNS or DEVISEES of THOMAS F. MOORE and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of PEARLIE M. ALDRIDGE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 15 CvD 257, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Lee's Mill Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Lee's Mill Township, Washington County, North  Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
   Beginning at an iron marker set in cement standing on the Cross Road, it being the corner of a lot belonging now or formerly to Cordelia Pailin; thence Westwardly along the line of Cordelia Pailin 300 feet to an iron marker set in cement; thence Southwardly 50 feet to an iron marker set in cement; thence Eastwardly 300 feet to the Cross Road, an iron marker set in cement; thence Northwardly along said Cross Road to the point of beginning.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7709.00-26-0668    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $12,857.50; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of LUCY J. NORMAN and spouse, if any, which may include NATHANIEL A. NORMAN and spouse, if any, JIMMY S. NORMAN and spouse, if any, ERNEST C. NORMAN and spouse, if any, ROSA M. ROUSON and spouse, if any, GEORGE NORMAN and spouse, if any, WILLIAM L. NORMAN and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 16 CvD 60, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Skinnersville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Skinnerville Township, Washington County, North  Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
   Begin at a PK Nail in the intersection of the centerlines of NCSR 1136 and NCSR 1137; thence South 20 degrees 36 minutes East 436.5 feet to a found axle; thence South 27 degrees 53 minutes East 277.76 feet to a new iron pin in the centerline of a ditch, the point of beginning; thence South 27 degrees 53 minutes East 111.61 feet to a new iron pipe in a fence; thence and along Leary line and in the centerline of a fence North 70 degrees 28 minutes West 255.12 feet to a new iron rod in the eastern edge of the right of way of North 17 degrees 30 minutes East 75.07 feet to a new iron rod in the center of a ditch; thence South 70 degrees 9 minutes East 190.43 feet to the point of beginning. A map entitled "Survey for Lucy J. Norman and Nathaniel A. Norman" recorded in Book 243, Page 476, is referred to for purposes of further description. Intended to be conveyed herein is all of Lot One, House, Lot, Lucy J. Norman.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 7820.00-40-6283    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $15,629.06; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF PLYMOUTH vs. MARCIE OWENS and spouse, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNS and  DEVISEES of MARCIE OWENS and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, and DEVISEES of HENRY ALEXANDER OWENS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 94, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot No. 4 of Block B of the Marcia Latham property, map of which is of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County, North Carolina, in Map Book 1 and 3, Page 21 (now Plat Cabinet A, Slide A-12), and being the same lot of land conveyed to party of the first part and party of the second part by deed from Z.V. Norman and wife, dated March 5, 1945, and recorded in Book 142, Page 247, Washington County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6767.12-76-9804    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $3,922.07; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF PLYMOUTH vs. MARGARET H. BERRY and spouse, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of MARGARET H. BERRY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 212, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Town of Plymouth, Washington County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
   Beginning at the southwest corner of the land now or formerly of Fannie and Pat Johnson, being the place where C.D. Heath now or formerly lived; thence running northwardly with the line of said Johnson to the right of way of the Norfolk Southern Railway Company; thence westwardly along the line of the right-of-way of said railroad to the land now or formerly of Alphonso Lynox; thence southwardly along the line of Lynox to Main or Second Street extended; thence eastwardly along said street to the point of beginning.
   LESS AND EXCEPT so much of the above parcel conveyed to Town of Plymouth in Deed Book 443, Page 382, Washington County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 6767.11-57-1120    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $5,387.14; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF PLYMOUTH vs. ROBERT LEWIS BUTCHER, JR. and ROBERT LEWIS BUTCHER JR.'S SPOUSE, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of ROBERT LEWIS BUTCHER, JR. and ROBERT LEWIS BUTCHER, JR.'S SPOUSE, if any, NICHOLAS BUTCHER and NICHOLAS BUTCHER'S SPOUSE, if any, and any HEIRS, or ASSIGNEES of NICHOLAS BUTCHER and NICHOLAS BUTCHER'S SPOUSE, if any, PATRICIA BUTCHER A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE-CROWE A/K/A PATRICIA F. KITCHEN A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE and PATRICIA BUTCHER A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE-CROWE A/K/A PATRICIA F. KITCHEN A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE'S SPOUSE, if any, and any HEIRS, ASSIGNEES of PATRICIA BUTCHER A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE-CROWE A/K/A PATRICIA F. KITCHEN A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE and PATRICIA BUTCHER A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE-CROWE A/K/A PATRICIA F. KITCHEN A/K/A PATRICIA FERNE'S SPOUSE, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 22 CvD 130, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 21st day of November, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Plymouth Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning on the East side of Roanoke Avenue in the center of a ditch, said point of beginning being the northwest corner of the lands of Allan Papineau and the southwest corner of the lot herein described and running thence along the center of said ditch North 77 degrees 15 minutes East 295 feet to the White property; thence North 30 degrees West 57 feet to an iron stake, the southeast corner of Lot 72 of Stillacres, map of which is hereinafter referred to, and running thence South 80 degrees West 203 feet to the east side of Roanoke Avenue; thence with the east side of Roanoke Avenue South 9 degrees 45 minutes East 80 feet to the point of beginning, and being Lot No. 71 of the Subdivision of Stillacres, map of which is of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County, North Carolina, in Map Book 4, Page 45. 
   Subject to restrictive covenants, easements, and rights-of-way of record. 
   Parcel Identification Number: 6777.05-09-7986    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for August 16, 2024:​​​


​                                                        NOTICE OF TAX FORECLOSURE SALE
                                                  Highest Bid: $3,496.72; Pending Confirmation

Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF ROPER vs. MARGARET HUNT, STEPHANIE H. BARTON A/K/A STEPHANIE R. PAGE and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of STEPHANIE H. BARTON A/K/A STEPHANIE R. PAGE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 39, the undersigned Commissioner will on the16th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Lees Mil Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:
Tract 1: Lying and being on the North side of Main Street or Buncombe Avenue in the Town of Roper and beginning at now or formerly B.B. Spencer's line and corner, thence and along said Street in the Southwestwardly direction 46 feet 6 inches; thence at right angle to said Street or Avenue 110 feet; thence at right angle to the last line and parallel with said Street 46 feet 6 inches to now or formerly B.B. Spencer's line; thence and along Spencer's line 110 feet to the Point of beginning.
Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
Parcel Identification Number: 7708.15-63-5164
The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability. This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause. A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required. In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.
This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


                                                      NOTICE OF TAX FORECLOSURE SALE
                                               Highest Bid: $35,282.92; Pending Confirmation

Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Washington County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WASHINGTON & TOWN OF ROPER vs. MARGARET HUNT, STEPHANIE H. BARTON A/K/A STEPHANIE R. PAGE and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of STEPHANIE H. BARTON A/K/A STEPHANIE R. PAGE and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 39, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 16th day of August, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Washington County, North Carolina, Plymouth, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Lees Mil Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:
Tract 2: Lying and being on the North side of Main Street or Buncombe Avenue in the Town of Roper beginning at the line or the southeast corner of that lot now or formerly owned by John L. Roper Lumber Company on which its office was located; thence Eastwardly along said street 62 feet to the corner of property now or formerly owned by L.D. Barco; thence Northwardly along the line of said Barco lot 108 feet 9 inches to formerly John L. Roper Lumber Company line and continuing Westwardly along the line of property owned by said Company 43 feet 5 inches; thence Southwardly along the line of said Company 60 feet; thence Westwardly 18 feet 6 inches and Southwardly 48 feet 9 inches to the beginning.
Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
Parcel Identification Number: 7708.15-63-5131
The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability. This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause. A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required. In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Washington County Register of Deeds.
This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Wilson County:


Sales Scheduled for March 27, 2025:



Opening Bid: $13,414.06

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Wilson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WILSON vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF MARY E. VICK and spouse, if any, which may include THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF JAMES D. VICK and spouse, if any, TERESA L. VICK and spouse, if any, JAMES A. VICK and spouse, if any, FELICIA D. VICK and spouse, if any, TERRIE T. VICK and spouse, if any, YVONNE R. VICK and spouse, if any, RODNEY A. VICK and spouse, if any, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF BRENDA L. VICK and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 06 CvD 581, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 27th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Wilson County, North Carolina, Wilson, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Toisnot Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    The following described real estate in the City or Town of Sharpsburg, Toisnot Township, Wilson County, North Carolina:  Being Lot No. 9, Block A, as shown on plat entitled "Map of Lincoln Street Street Park", by Dasher and Davis, R.S., April 24, 1959, which plat is of record in Plat Book 8, Page 41, Wilson County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 3747-70-2617    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Wilson County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Opening Bid: $13,996.42

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Wilson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WILSON vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF ELSIE LENA BARNES HASKINS and spouse, if any, which may include HAL A. HASKINS and spouse, if any, ERNIE HASKINS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 1359, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 27th day of March, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Wilson County, North Carolina, Wilson, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Wilson Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:
   Those certain lots or parcels of land, located in or near the Eastern suburbs of the Town of Wilson, Wilson County, North Carolina, in the subdivision known as "Vicksburg Manor"; and being more particularly known, shown, and designated as Lot Five (5), Block "B" upon a Map of said Vicksburg Manor property made by L.P. Phelps, C.E., which Map is of record in Plat Book 4, at Page 48, Wilson County Registry, and to which Map reference is hereby made for a more definite description by metes and bounds.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.       
   Parcel Identification Number : 3721-65-2694    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Wilson County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


Sales Scheduled for October 18, 2024:​​



Highest Bid: $49,505.93; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Wilson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WILSON vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of OSCAR RAY PIERCE and spouse, if any, which may include OSCAR RAY PIERCE, JR. and spouse, if any, DARLENE VANNOY and spouse, if any, ROBERT PEIRCE and spouse, if any, DALE BRYANT and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 17 CvD 188, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 18th day of October, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Wilson County, North Carolina, Wilson, North Carolina at 10:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in Wilson Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being situate in Wilson Township, Wilson County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows:
   Being Lot Nos. 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 and 69 of a plat entitled "Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Johnston Property," said plat recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 7, Wilson County Registry, N.C.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 3711-71-9484    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Wilson County Register of Deeds.
   This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Highest Bid: $14,750.00; Pending Confirmation

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Wilson County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF WILSON vs. HELLEN ROBINSON and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of HELLEN ROBINSON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, WALTER ROBINSON and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of WALTER ROBINSON and spouse, if any, or any or other person or entity claiming thereunder, HOSEA ROBINSON and spouse, if any, and all possible heirs and assignees of HOSEA ROBINSON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS and DEVISEES of CATHRINE ROBINSON and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 06 CvD 1691, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 18th day of October, 2024, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Wilson County, North Carolina, Wilson, North Carolina at 10:00 o'clock, the following described real property, lying and being in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    All of those certain parcels or tracts of land lying and being situate in the City of Wilson, Wilson County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:  Lot Nos. 6 and 7 in that certain subdivision known as Carver Place, a map or plat of which is duly recorded in Map Book 6, Page 6, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Wilson County, to which map or plat reference is hereby made for a further description.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 3721-76-7727    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Wilson County Register of Deeds. 

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.​​​



Yadkin County:


Sales Scheduled for April 7, 2025:





Opening Bid: $8,715.84

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Yadkin County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF YADKIN & TOWN OF JONESVILLE  vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF DOROTHY ELOISE HOLLEMAN MACEMORE QUESENBERRY (SOMETIMES QUEENSBERRY) STINSON and spouse, if any, which may include CRAIG MASON QUESENBERRY and spouse, if any, and THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF HOWARD DENNIS MACEMORE and spouse, if any, et al, 17 CvD 341, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Yadkin County, North Carolina, Yadkinville, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Knobs Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Being Lot Numbers 13, 21 and 22 as shown on the Plat of the W.M. Swaim property; this land being in the Town of Jonesville, Yadkin County, N.C., fronting on Swaim Street 116 ft.; Lot Numbers 13 and 22 fronting on Swaim Street 58 ft. and extending back 230 feet, the same width to Valley Street; Lot No. 21 extending back 120 ft. the same width of 58 ft. to Lot No. 14.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 123100    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Yadkin County Register of Deeds. 

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.




Opening Bid: $21,559.93

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Yadkin County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF YADKIN & TOWN OF BOONVILLE vs. THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF ANDREA OWENS PARIS and spouse, if any, which may include CHAD EAST and spouse, if any, BRYAN PARIS and spouse, if any, and BRANDON PARIS and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 19 CvD 193, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Yadkin County, North Carolina, Yadkinville, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Boonville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a 1-inch iron pipe set on the Southwest corner of the intersection of Oakland Boulevard and Academy Street in the Town of Boonville at a point South 51 degs. 06 mins. 08 secs. West 644.98 feet from U.S. Geodetic Station "Boonville", and from said beginning runs with the West side of Oakland Boulevard South 01 degs. 28 mins, 25 secs. West 241.18 feet to a 1-inch iron pipe; thence North 88 degs.18 mins. 05 secs. West 200.80 feet to a 1-inch iron pipe; thence South 00 degs. 08 mins 37 secs. West 151.81 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod on the Northeast side of a branch; thence North 44 degs. 35 mins. 28 secs. West 101.87 feet to a 1-inch iron pipe, Richard D. Norman's corner; thence North 02 degs. 13 mins. 48 secs. West 331.99 feet to an angle iron on the South side of Academy Street; thence with the South side of said street South 86 degs. 36 mins. 02 secs. East 292.25 feet to the beginning, containing 1.795 acres, more or less, as surveyed by Mark K. Hollar, RLS, April, 1992 (Job No. 1464-92C).
   Less and except so much of the above described parcel conveyed to Town of Boonville in Deed Book 395, Page 196, Yadkin County Registry.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 127149    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Yadkin County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.



Opening Bid: $11,078.86

    Under and by virtue of an order of the District Court of Yadkin County, North Carolina, made and entered in the action entitled COUNTY OF YADKIN vs. HAROLD STANLEY and spouse, if any, and all possible HEIRS, ASSIGNS OR DEVISEES OF HAROLD STANLEY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF S. W. STANLEY and spouse, if any, which may include SANDRA O. STANLEY N/K/A SANDRA O. STANLEY CARTER and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF ARVIL STANLEY and spouse, if any, which may include CAROLYN STANLEY VOGLER and spouse, if any, SPENCER STANLEY and spouse, if any, RICKY STANLEY and spouse, if any, GEOFF STANLEY and spouse, if any, DARRELL STANLEY and spouse, if any, DAVID STANLEY and spouse, if any, SCOTT STANLEY and spouse, if any, or any other person or entity claiming thereunder, et al, 15 CvD 416, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 7th day of April, 2025, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Yadkin County, North Carolina, Yadkinville, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, lying and being in Boonville Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at an iron stake on the East side of U.S. Highway No. 601, Mrs. J.W. Collins corner, and running thence North 81 degrees East 2.62 chains to an iron stake; thence North 7 degrees West 5.00 chains, passing an iron stake, to a stake in the Old Sandclay Road leading from Yadkinville to Boonville; thence North 59 degrees West 3.25 chains to iron stake on East side of aforesaid Highway 601 and to center line of said highway; thence South 7 degrees East with center line of said Highway No. 601 6.95 chains to stake in center line of same; thence North 81 degrees East to the beginning, containing 1.65 acres, more or less. LESS AND EXCEPT so much of said above described property as is located North of the Southern right of way line of S.R. 1503.
   Subject to restrictive covenants and easements of record.
   Parcel Identification Number: 131352    

    The undersigned Commissioner makes no warranties in connection with this property and specifically disclaims any warranties as to title and habitability.  This property is being sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.

    This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments against the above described property not included in the judgment in the above-entitled cause.  A cash deposit of 20 percent of the successful bid will be required.  In addition, the successful bidder will be required, at the time the Deed is recorded to pay for recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the Yadkin County Register of Deeds.

    This sale is subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.


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