Property for Sale
General Sales Information
Conflict of Interest Disclaimer
Please note that as counsel for the unit of local government bringing the foreclosure action about which you are inquiring, Zacchaeus Legal Services cannot advise you regarding this matter. For all questions regarding the legal effect of the tax foreclosure action, including but not limited to the condition of the title of the parcel being sold and the procedure for the sale, please refer to the Notice of Sale published and posted in regard to the parcel in which you are interested and seek your own counsel.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Properties are sold without any warranties. Specifically disclaimed are any and all warranties as to title and habitability. These properties are sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
Property Sold Subject to the Following Matters
Each sale is made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement assessments, including penalties and accrued interest on the same, against the property that are not included in the judgments authorizing the sale. Each sale is also subject to upset bid as set forth in N.C.G.S. Section 1-339.25.
Where to find information regarding property for sale
When we have properties for sale, persons wishing to bid on property located in one of the units of local government that we serve may check the bulletin board of the county courthouse or you may review the legal section of the classified advertisements:
On Wednesday of each week in the following newspapers:
For Beaufort County - The Washington Daily News
For Warren County - The Warren Record
For Lee County - The Sanford Herald​
For the City of Lumberton - The Robesonian
For Northampton County - The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald
For Scotland County - Laurinburg Exchange
For Town of Maxton parcels located in Robeson County - The Robesonian
For Town of Maxton parcels located in Scotland County - Laurinburg Exchange
For Town of Pembroke - The Robesonian
For Tyrrell County (and the Town of Columbia) - The Coastland Times
For Washington County (and the Town of Plymouth) – The Roanoke Beacon
For Dare County - The Coastland Times
For Hertford County - The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald
For Moore County - The Pilot
For Richmond County (and the Towns of Dobbins Heights and Hoffman) - The Daily Journal
On Thursday of each week in the following newspapers:
For Cabarrus County - The Independent Tribune
For Chatham County - The Chatham Record and The Chatham News
For Craven County - The Sun Journal
For Forsyth County - The Winston-Salem Journal
For Gates County - Gates County Index
For Jones County - The Sun Journal
For Lenoir County - The Kinston Free Press
For Onslow County - The Jacksonville Daily News
For the Town of Rose Hill - The Duplin Times
For the Town of Wallace - The Duplin Times
For Iredell County - Statesville Record and Landmark
For Yadkin County (and the Towns of Yadkinville and Jonesville) - The Yadkin Ripple
For the Town of Farmville - The Daily Reflector
For Catawba County – The Hickory Daily Record
For Guilford County – The Greensboro News & Record
For Pamlico County - The Sun Journal and The County Compass
On Friday of each week in the following newspaper:
For Wilson County - The Wilson Daily Times
On Saturday of each week in the following newspaper:
For Chowan County - The Chowan Herald
For Perquimans County - The Perquimans Weekly
We do not have a sale each week. Consequently, there are times when there is nothing posted at the courthouse nor published in newspapers as to the properties upon which we are foreclosing.
Where to find information regarding the amount of the opening bid
When we do have a sale scheduled, you may go to the link below (see "I AGREE") on the day before the sale to view the opening bid which will be shown with its respective notice of sale.
Warning - 20% Cash or Certified Deposit Required!
Please note that a cash deposit of 20%of the highest bid is required immediately upon conclusion of the sale at the courthouse. In addition, the successful bidder will be required to pay the balance of the purchase price, as well as the recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the County Register of Deeds, before the sale is confirmed.
Listings on this Web-Site
In addition to posting and publishing the notices of sale at the courthouse and in the newspaper as referenced above, we may also post notices on this web-site. You may access them if you agree to the terms of sale set forth on this page in red by clicking here: